Astracan, the winde then at Southeast, they rode still with the shippe, and obseruing the eleuation of the pole at that place, found it to be 45.
And to the obseruing of all things contained in this Commission (so neere as God will permit me grace thereunto) I the said Arthur Pet doe couenant by these presents to performe them, and euery part and parcell thereof.
So the Duke obseruing few complements, but such as were spiced with anger and disdaine, returned into Normandie, associated to him the English exiles, and made preparation for his defence.
Guymund his Chapleine (obseruing that vnworthy men for the most part were aduanced to the best dignities of the Church) as he celebrated Diuine seruice before him, and was to read these words out of S.
But I hope, and the rather by your means, he will not contrary this second commandement, threatning him, not obseruing the same, losse of office and life.
Or captaine Hender, the absolutest man of war for precise obseruing martiall rules which his dayes afforded, besides his commendable sufficiencie of head and hand for inuention and execution.
The day of his audience, he commeth forth obseruing the order and condition aforesaid, accompanyed with the iustice.
If the president of any of these counsels doo die, then one of the auncientest of the counsellers dooth succeede him in the office, obseruing in all thinges the order, as I haue saide in the chapter past, of the royall counsell.
Who for all that offer was firme and constant, and loued her prison the better by obseruing the bond of mariage, then al the libertie of the world, without the hauing of her husband.
These fiue and twentie were sworne to see the liberties granted and confirmed by the king to be in euerie point obserued, but if he went against the same, then they should haue authoritie to compell him to the obseruing of euerie of them.
But bicause the first line ended in dog, the metrician could not (obseruing the regiments of meeter) end the second verse in boare, but called the boare an hog.
The iustice of our cause is this: that obseruing the thing which we vowed to our king before God, we stand to the same against those that haue falsified their faith, euen to the perill of death.
I will giue you an example of two of those which my Italian friend bestowed vpon me, which as neare as I could I trnslated into the same figure obseruing the phrase of the Orientall speach word for word.
When they were come somewhat neere vnto vs, trooping together, they gaue vs a common or a generall salutation: obseruing in the meane time a generall silence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obseruing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.