In Christ's service scorn is glory, ignominy is honour; and it is the mark of loyalty when men rejoice that they are counted worthy to suffer shame for the Name.
Among the Tunguses a thief is punished by a certain number of strokes; he is besidesobliged to restore the things stolen, and remains covered with ignominy all the rest of his life.
Even the innocent offspring of illicit intercourse were punished for their parents' sins with ignominy and loss of certain rights which belonged to other, more respectable, members of the Church and the State.
Not only so, the degree of detestation in which a community learns to look on specific crimes and offences is not in proportion to their actual heinousness, but to the stress of overt ignominy attached to them by legal penalties.
He seems to have resented his own ignominy and the contemptuous estimate put upon him by others somewhat extravagantly.
But there ought to be some way of convincing him that he need not feel any ignominy in his employment.
Or, if you should happen to prove to Barker that his ignominy is in accordance with the Development Theory, and is a necessary Survival, or something of that sort, don't you see what a card it would be for us with the better classes?
He betrayed no consciousness that they existed, and Lemuel maintained intact the dignity and pride which come from the sense ofignominy well hidden.
Yes," said Lemuel, sick at heart, and feeling how much more triumphantly he could have borne ignominy and rejection than this sweet sympathy.
I cannot prevail upon myself to copy, for the second time, the horrible title-page which holds up to public ignominy my husband's name.
But the ignominy of the king was not yet carried to its full height.
He whom the Lord helps is not confounded or put to shame by all the ignominy which the world heaps upon him.
He shall experience severe trials; and willingly has He borne all these sufferings, all the ignominy and shame, ver.
He seemed to have a just notion both of the heinousness of that crime which he had committed and of the shame and ignominy he had brought upon himself and his relations.
But against the unjust charges which have been made against me, against the aspersions on my personal integrity, against the ignominy with which my name has been besmirched, I will fight until the public gets a normal perspective.
To bury Charles in the capital, where the circumstances of his death were notorious, were to indelibly grave their own ignominy in the hearts of future generations.
And for his greater ignominy they stripped him of his clothes and hanged him naked on a cross in the midst of the market-place, as if he had been a thief or a robber.
Then shall you see either mine innocency cleared, your suspicions and conscience satisfied, the ignominy and slander of the world stopped, or my guilt openly declared.
The ignominy of being sent back, rejected as unattractive and unwelcome, was not to be thought of.
Bloomsbury is Life on Thirty Shillings a week without the drama of starvation or the tragedy of the Embankment, but with all the ignominy of making ends meet under the stern and relentless eye of a boarding-house keeper.
He seemed to feel bitterly theignominy of it as though he were realising, for the first time, that nobody wanted him.
He looked to it to furnish him with the means of elevating her from servitude to independence, from ignominy to honour.
A man like you should not put such symbols ofignominy upon a youth like that.
It must be humanity that puts these symbols of ignominy upon my hands," said Manuel; "that confines me in a dungeon lest I should breathe a word of liberty to ears that know it only as a fable.
It was the whipping-post, where white men, for small thefts, were branded with ignominyand shame.
I will explain why it is inexpedient for the republic, but first of all, consider whatignominy it fixes on the consuls.
But what ignominy it is to be called away from Mutina, and at the same time to be forbidden to approach the city as if he were some fatal conflagration!
If your future government proves answerable to your former worth, I shall be happy; but if you become worse for power, yours will be the danger, and mine the ignominy of your conduct.
It is necessary to know all these facts in order to estimate at its true value the ignominy of our social institutions and their bearing on woman's life.
In fact a leaven of corruption and ignominy ferments on the dunghill of venal and artificial excitation of the sexual appetite.
Their ignominy is not that they exclude each other, but that this is done only half-way.
But let us not forsake our own mercies, nor longer despise and reject the Christ of God, nor lightly esteem that salvation, to purchase which, he was content to suffer ignominy and sorrow.
Now what ignominy can a wise man be affected with (for it is of such a one that I am speaking) who can be guilty of nothing which deserves it; for there is no occasion to comfort one who is banished for his deserts.
For they think that those who can bear ignominy and infamy without pain, have acquired a complete impunity for all sorts of crimes: for with them, reproach is a stronger check than conscience.
But with regard to banishment, if we examine the nature of things, not the ignominy of the name, how little does it differ from constant travelling?
To follow such dissatisfying pursuits, is it possible to suffer the ignominy of being unjust?