As for the two ships loading of corne Newport promised to provide us from Powhattan, he brought us but fourteen bushels; and from the Monacans nothing, but the most of the men sicke and neare famished.
She would permitt none to stand or sitt neare her.
Cooke, and are to bee sold at his shop neare Furnivals-Inne Gate in Holburne, 1635.
Goe find some whispering shade neare Arne or Poe, And gently 'mong their violets throw Your wearyed limbs, and see if all those faire Enchantments can charme griefe or care?
Yoosen which went from Cochinchina for Camboja the last yeare is now arived in a harbor neare Languay in Crates.
But first he would examen our witnesses that had brought to light those 3 men, which were the bongew and neighbors of the villadge neare the 203 gunpouder howse, whoe fownd them out and made it knowne unto me and others.
Yet truly, at his retorne to Firando, I offred to have quit hym of his promis and to have sent hym to Edo to be neare the Emperour upon all occations.
Which directions, God willing, shall be followed soe neare as we can.
And the cullers which are best after black and redd are sadd blewes, culler du roy, or mingled cullers neare unto that of culler due roy.
The Chinas of late tyme, within these 2 or 3 yeares, have begun a trade into certen ilandes called by them Tacca Sanga, and is named in our sea cardes Isla Fermosa, neare to the cost of China.
And towardes night we had news that 3 of our howses at Cochie were burned, being sett on fire by a retchlesse fello that did seeth the kettell to neare the howse walle.
And neare thereunto are builded two publique houses for the acting and shewe of comedies, tragedies, and histories, for recreation.
The places of Lucomoria, nearevnto the sea, are saluage full of woods, and inhabited without any houses.
Their discouery was beyond the Bay, towarde the Samoeds, people dwelling neare the riuer of Ob, and found a sound or sea with an Island called Vaigats, first by them put into the Carde or Mappe.
The cause of this sudden auoyding them out of the towne (as afterwards they perceiued) was for that the Basha had receiued newes of a supplie with treasure that the Turke had sent, which was then neare at hand comming toward him.
Neare vnto the riuer Petzora (whereof mention is made in this iourney) is the citie and castle of Papin or Papinowgorod, whose inhabitants are named Papini, and haue a priuate language, differing from the Moscouites.
Along by the bankes of Obi, and the riuers neare there about, are here and there many castles and fortresses: all the lordes whereof are subiect to the prince of Moscouia, as they say.
Sayling from thence, they come in the space of sixe dayes to the Towne and castle of Pustosero, neare vnto the which Petzora entreth into the North Ocean at sixe monthes.
Her body then they did entomb, When life was fled away, 190 At Godstowe, neare to Oxford towne, As may be seene this day.
As swifte as the winde to ryde they were seene, Untill they cameneare unto Bednall-greene; And as the knight lighted most courteouslie, 95 They all fought against him for pretty Bessee.
Here have they ta'en a Fever of some low Sorte in my House of Refuge, and Mother, fearing it may be the Sicknesse, will not have me goe neare it, lest I should bring it home.
Twas neare Midnighte, however; and Daisy had fallen asleep on the Dresser.
It was with difficulty--with a feeling that he was falling from high heaven to earth--that he forced himself to listen to her next words.
This lady's death, but he does not yet know it, took place while she was travelling--travelling alone.
But then, if so, where is she--why has she not written to me?
The bright May sun was pouring into Tom Pargeter's large smoking-room, making more alive and vivid the fantastic and brilliantly-coloured posters lining the walls.
Though the Governour did know, that that what she had saide, was neare to the truth," he refused her request and spurned her with a vile insult.
Alyke suffers With her in all distresses, lyke in years, In vertue, no way differing of our nation; Who knowes but neare all yee too?
If I had had but a swoard I had doon't, but I sought the villadge through and cold find neare a cutter.
Who knwes but that hee neighboring us so neare And havinge doone this unto pious ends, May carry over us and our behavioures An austere eye of censure?
One thinge woonders mee That I should fynd you neare Marcellis heare, When I was aym'd for Florens; where your letters Inform'd mee you were planted.
I[70] would I weare som Dolphin or some whayle That they might sitt astryde upon my backe To beare them safe ashore; but I as yet Could neare indure still water.
Partners in sorrowe, and so neere allyde, And wee till nowe neare knewe it!
Now draw we neare to hir, and here what shall be sayde.
To see the nature of women; that be they never so neare God, yet they love to die in a mans armes.
Well, and ye shift no better, ye losel, lyther, and lasye, I will go neare for this to make ye leape at a dasye.
We are all here ready to be commanded, and glad we are that we are commanded, for that nothing better becommeth kings than literature, which maketh them come as neare to the gods in wisdome as they doe in dignitie.
Then where you will haue your rime or concord to fall, marke it with a compast stroke or semicircle passing ouer those lines, be they farre or neare in distance, as ye haue seene before described.
Of Concorde in long and short measures, and by neare or farre distaunces, and which of them is most commendable.
Of concord in long and short measures, & by neare or farre distances, and which of them is most commendable.
I will giue you an example of two of those which my Italian friend bestowed vpon me, which as neare as I could I trnslated into the same figure obseruing the phrase of the Orientall speach word for word.
She that makes dainty, She Ile sweare hath Cornes: am I come neare ye now?
Then go we neare her that her eare loose nothing, Of the false sweete baite that we lay for it: No truely Vrsula, she is too disdainfull, I know her spirits are as coy and wilde, As Haggerds of the rocke Vrsula.
The Spring is neare when greene geesse are a breeding Dum.
But suche as were riche, did reproue his pouertie and base estate, to those that were neare aboute Alexander, which made the kynge to sende for him.
And for so much as he was one of the king’s priuie Counsel, and the most part of the affayres of the Realme passed by his aduise and counsell, he continued at London, that hee might be more neare vnto the kinge’s person.
Jmprinted at London in Flete | streate neare unto Sainct Dunstones | Churche by Thomas Marshe | Anno Domini.
But they approching neare him with their lighte, demaunded what hee made there, so filthely araied.
The Lord speake unto me saying, Assemble the people there below, that they may heare my words, and learne to feare me: Then came you neare to the foote that burned even to heaven, and the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of fire.
And on the other side, there is nothing more hurtfull, fuller of damage, nor more dangerous then fire, which burneth and consumeth all that comes neare it.
Sidenote: 500] The Greekes attribute it to Phoroneus, and put it, that it was neare to Argos.
This lord he had a daughter deare, Whose beauty shone so bright, She was beloved both far and neare Of many a lord and knight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.