And the people kepte in subjection desire nothingemore then freedome.
But if you will have me to reveale those secrete causes, to say as the thinge was, they were nothinge else but the feare and jelousie that he had, that Kinge Henry the vij’th.
But it is the Popes manner alwayes to meddle, as in this matter, so in other thinges, where they have nothinge to doe, and to intrude themselves before they be called.
That the other twoe coppices which are well stored have nothinge in them but younge beaches, and some other woodd of XX or XXX yeares growth.
O thou vnkinde woman, doest thou thincke that nature hath giuen thee two breastes for nothinge els, but to beautifie and adorne thy bodie, and not to giue sucke to thy children?
Who aunsweared, that he wouid tarrie there with a good will, but he said that he coulde do nothinge els but keepe horse, whereunto he was accustomed all the dayes of his life.
But more vnhappye was the tyme whan I was a child whiche al to vexed the youth with modes of signifiinge, and other folyshe questions, & teching nothinge els then to speake folishelye.
And therfore he left all that he had in Iosephs hande/ and loked vponnothinge that was with him/ saue only on the bread which he ate.
Eyen so though we read the scripture & bable of it never so moch/ yet if we know not the vse of it/ and wherfore it was geven/ and what is theim to be sought/ it profiteth vsnothinge at all.
And Iacob answerd: thou shalt geue me nothinge at all/ yf thou wilt do this one thinge for me: And then will I turne agayne & fede thy shepe and kepe them.
And the keper of the preso loked vnto nothinge that was vnder his hande/ because the LORde was with him/ & because that whatsoeuer he dyd/ the LORde made it come luckely to passe.
Vnder what maner therfore shuld I now submitte this boke to be corrected and amended of them/ which can suffer nothinge to be well?
And to the intent that you do not think this to be some forged Tale, of light inuention, or that I heard the report of some not worthy of credit, I will say nothinge but that whych hymselfe did tell me, when in your absence he vsed my company.
Gerates house and M^{r} Wardes where he found nothinge at all they being partly privie before of his cominge.
We have written this to you for yor satisfaccõn that soe nothinge may be done without giving you a perfect account of our intencõns and ends.
And in this degree, lady, your-selfe many hertes of men have so bounden, that parfit blisse in womankynde to ben men wenen, and in nothinge els.
Yea that realmes or prouinces possessed by their mariage, is nothinge but vniust conquest.
All our howses Are nothinge nowe but windowes, broad bay windowes So spatious that carts laded may drive throughe And neather loush oth' topp or eathere syde.
That I knowe: Yet in som out-office see them chear'd, Want nothinge that the cloyster can affourd.
Itt wants nothingenowe But seale and superscription; I'l see't doone.
Take my skinne then, Synce nothinge else is left mee.
I will part with it only on this condition, that if there bee nothinge in it which concernes them, the rest may returne to mee unrifled and untutcht.
The Masters or Governors were to “have nothinge to dooe withe the monye of the yomanry.
Nothinge in thys lyfe (sayth Tully in his oration, for the Poet Archias) is so mutch to bee regarded.
But all these Feminine Waylinges nothinge mooued thys Gallant, and lesse Remooued hys former desire to haue hir, which hee atchieued in dispite of hir Teeth, so soone as hee arryued at his owne House.
Whereunto the mayde aunswered nothinge but Teares and Syghes, wringing hir Armes and Handes, and sometymes makinge Warre vppon hir fayre Hayre.
As Ouide the Poet sayth: Nothinge there is, but that the louing man doth dare, Surprised with frantike fit, eche deed he doth not spare.
Nothinge so: Pray leave thys angrye moode and followe me; Ile add a torment to hys mysserye.
It is therfor to be known that Ceremonies are nothinge els but holy rites.
Heere is nothingespoken of the secret faithe of the harte / but of the outward fruites of true faithe.
For nothinge els," as I sayde, "but that I woulde knowe them when they came to my gate.
These also wyll picke and steale as the vpright men, and hath their women and metinges at places apoynted, and nothinge to them inferiour in all kynde of knauery.
Thus profitably he had consumed the daye, nothinge talking of his helping out of the walkinge Morte out of the myre, nether of his request nor yet of her[147] promisse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nothinge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.