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Example sentences for "specter"

Lexicographically close words:
spectare; spectat; spectator; spectators; spected; specters; spectra; spectral; spectrally; spectre
  1. XXVII TORRE JEPPE In a church-nave a specter sat night by night, and the specter's name was Torre Jeppe.

  2. For many years Americans had been unable, because of the ghost of slavery, to take full advantage of their liberties and opportunities; and now that the specter was exorcised, they gladly put aside any anxious political preoccupations.

  3. It has had not only its hero in Theodore Roosevelt, but its specter in William R.

  4. It seemed to me that a deep and solemn hush fell for a moment upon the glory of the day, while the specter of what might have been gibbered at us for the last time.

  5. At the very moment when Arangbar's mind seemed within their grasp, there had now emerged the specter that all their work might be undone.

  6. Hawksworth found himself suddenly dismayed by the specter of Agra in turmoil.

  7. With the look a specter plucked at the flesh of the wayfarer with intangible fingers.

  8. A man who believes in ghosts and imagines he sees a specter in the darkness must feel fear in all its horror.

  9. Presently a specter used to appear, an ancient man sinking with emaciation and squalor, with a long beard and bristly hair, wearing shackles on his legs and fetters on his hands, and shaking them.

  10. He proposed that, to put the reality of the apparition still further to the test, Artabanus should take his place on the royal couch the next night, to see if the specter would not appear to him.

  11. And instantly their quarry rose to his full height, a grim specter thrilling with a murderous purpose, his arms outstretched, his guns held low, that there should be no mistake this time.

  12. He saw in fancy the specter of starvation looming, hungrily stretching out its gaunt arms, clutching at his two helpless infants.

  13. A specter having long teeth, popularly supposed to haunt old castles in Scotland.

  14. Uncover your head and look the specter boldly in the face.

  15. The phenomena they describe are very startling, but perhaps the most unnerving specter was the frequent appearance of a black spaniel, which was seen by numerous persons.

  16. I had violently resisted sleep, feeling a great repugnance to losing consciousness whilst the specter still sat there, but the blank force of sleep at length overpowered me.

  17. Of the Hudson River gold mines no specter has ever been seen in earth or sky.

  18. The ship was seen no more except by the New Haven people, who beheld its specter in the sky.

  19. A white specter by her bedside, all in fire, with flames encircling face and hands, and sparks of fire seemingly darting from eyes and mouth!

  20. But the coast was clear--the awful specter was gone.

  21. The clock strikes four, and the rosy dawn soon after begins to look through the lattice upon the pale form, that looks like a detained specter of the night.

  22. Here was an exactly similar apparition to the Specter of the Brocken.

  23. He became again the grim, stalking specter of a soldier.

  24. He stalked like the specter of a soldier, his eyes burning with the power of a stare into the unknown.

  25. The gentleman asks if I were led or frighted into this debate by the specter of the Coalition.

  26. For a long time he had been so tender, so loving, that the specter bred and fostered by Everett Brimbecomb's kisses had nearly vanished.

  27. At this time of the rolling year," the Specter said, "I suffer most.

  28. He thought of it, felt how easy it would be to do, and longed to do it, but had no more power to withdraw the veil than to dismiss the specter at his side.

  29. Again the Specter raised a cry and shook its chain and wrung its shadowy hands.

  30. Scrooge was very much dismayed to hear the Specter going on at this rate, and began to quake exceedingly.

  31. I fear you more than any specter I have seen.

  32. When it had said these words the Specter took its wrapper from the table and bound it round its head as before.

  33. The apparition walked backward from him and at every step it took the window raised itself a little, so that when the Specter reached it, it was wide open.

  34. For ten centuries this specter haunted the medieval epoch, and nowhere to such an extent as in Italy.

  35. To build fine temples in whose sacred shadows will lurk the gaunt specter of Famine and the grisly gorgon of Crime.

  36. But the grisly gorgon of Greed and the gaunt specter of Need are coming West and South in the wake of the Star of Empire.

  37. The Indians believe that this treasure, which the Aztecs hid from the Spaniards, is guarded by a terrible phantom dog, the specter of one of the great dogs of Fernando Cortez which ravened among their Aztec ancestors.

  38. They fear the specter of this fabled Perro de la Malinche more than anything else on earth, as it is said to harrow their souls in Hades as it ravened their bodies when in the flesh.

  39. The specter of a wronged, persecuted race ever haunted the white man's conscience.

  40. Never again would the gaunt specter of war hover over Washington.

  41. Said Mohi, "Those specter sons of Aleema must have been the assassins.

  42. Pale Cynthia begets pale specter shapes; and her frigid rays best illuminate white nuns, marble monuments, icy glaciers, and cold tombs.

  43. On the two occasions to-day when we and your nephew, and this specter of Fate gliding at my heels, were together, he was troubled by the fancy that I had brought some creature with me of which we made no mention.

  44. On this occasion, and on the occasion of my seeing him again in his own house an hour ago, he has a troubled consciousness of a spiritual presence--the presence of the specter now gliding at our feet; link number seven.

  45. How, indeed, could I have felt differently with the specter cat lying at my feet, and looking up into my face?

  46. I may as well tell you that this specter has been shot at before without the slightest effect.

  47. I dare say that grim mutterings a la Specter of Hangman Hollow would have bored me, writhings and agonies made me uncomfortable; but this new view of murder I found full of pleasing interest.

  48. With perfect sincerity he looked on us as immensely clever fellows, particularly the late Mr. Jack London and the author of The Crimson Specter of Hangman Hollow; but there he had finished with us.

  49. She gazed and gazed, but the specter would not vanish.

  50. No argument could convince her that the specter was born of her imagination, and therefore not likely to return.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "specter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apparition; appearance; astral; banshee; bogey; bugbear; control; daemon; demon; eidolon; fantasy; figure; form; genius; ghost; ghoul; guide; haunt; hobgoblin; horror; image; immateriality; incorporeal; incubus; intelligence; larva; materialization; monster; nightmare; ogre; phantasm; phantasmagoria; phantom; poltergeist; presence; scarecrow; shade; shadow; shape; specter; spirit; spook; sprite; terror; theophany; vampire; vision; werewolf; wraith