As he neither doubled nor named this cape, it remained for the daring navigators Schouten and Lemaire to demonstrate its importance, by passing around it from one ocean into the other, which Drake, it will be observed, had not done.
The navigatorsof both nations visited Beechey Island and saw there the evidences which we have already mentioned.
The Portuguese monarch now carefully concealed the progress of his navigators upon the African coast, and on all occasions magnified the perils of a Congo voyage.
The voyage to Rio Janeiro was enlivened by many incidents now of quite ordinary occurrence, but novel and interesting to navigators one hundred years ago.
It still exists in the same spot, and if we now hear very little of it, it is because navigators have learned to avoid it.
While these distinguished navigators were thus searching the regions lying about the equator, another adventurer, equally enterprising, was endeavoring to reach the Pole.
It was set up upon a high mountain, as a signal to all Christian navigators that they would be well treated in the island.
John next applied to the Pope for an increase of power, and obtained from his holiness a grant of all the lands which his navigators should discover in sailing from west to east.
Another year of monotony and silence now stared the weather-bound navigators in the face.
Several writers claim for these early navigators a degree of merit beyond that which they are willing to accord to Columbus.
The tides and shoals here formed a current twenty miles wide; and the spectacle of this swollen and beating surge, which precluded all possibility of creeping along close to the coast, filled these timid navigators with terror and amazement.
Such a simple instrument as a parallel ruler was not invented until late in the sixteenth century and tables of logarithms and Gunter's scale by whichnavigators make all their calculations were not known until the year the Mayflower sailed.
Nor is it evident that Blackness is a Curse, for Navigators tell us of Black Nations, who think so much otherwise of their own condition, that they paint the Devil White.
But give me leave to tell you, that this trade can never be carried on without a great number of seamen, which the French vessels being all large require, and your navigators are too slow.
The bold Spanish and Portuguese navigators of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are no longer found upon it.
After inventing the alphabet and giving it to the world, and sending out her merchant caravans to Central Asia in one direction, and her navigators into the Atlantic Ocean in another direction, and 500 years of prosperity, dead.
The air was full of rumors, and the weird imaginings of many generations of mediæval navigators had taken shape and substance, and appeared bodily to men's eyes.
Portugal applied for an increase of power, and obtained a grant of all the lands which his navigators could discover in sailing from west to east.
That men of alien blood should behave in alien and incomprehensible ways seemed to the Greek and to the navigators of the Renaissance equally natural.
Whether this can be said truly of Chus himself, is uncertain: it agrees full well with the history of his sons; who, as we have the greatest reason to be assured, were the first great navigators in the world.
They were the first navigators of the seas; and the division of time, with the notification of seasons, is ascribed to them.
Footnote 66: This Bay was probably that now called Table bay, which all the early navigators seem to have denominated Saldanha, or Saldania bay.
Footnote 33: It has been before remarked, that the Saldanha bay of the older navigators was Table bay.
This account by Marten is chiefly filled with nautical remarks, and observations of the latitude and variation, which may make it very acceptable to navigators and geographers, while we are sensible it may appear dry to many others.
We continued our voyage till the going down of the sun, for this sea cannot be navigated during the night, wherefore navigators only sail in the day and always come to anchor every night.
It may possibly have been a square stone pedestal for one of the crosses of discovery, that used to be set up by the Portuguese navigatorsas marks of possession.
In the mean time several navigators were employed to discover this course to the East Indies.
Navigators had begun the day at noon, because the observations of the sun, on which the latitude of a ship depends, are necessarily made at noon, and the run of the ship is worked up immediately afterward.
Almost without debate, certainly without adequate consideration, the conference adopted a recommendation that astronomers and navigators should change their system of reckoning time.
In saintly Russia it is called the Holy Sea, and among the peasant navigators it is considered high treason to call it a lake.
Thus Chinese sailors cruise about their dangerous coast by a kind of rule of thumb, and are able to judge of their position in darkness and fog where scientific navigators would be at fault.
The ancient Phoenician and Greek navigators had mostly confined themselves to coasting voyages along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and therefore the quick recognition of landmarks was the first requisite for a good sailor.
The old Spanish navigators called this kind of squall la nevada, when it came with snow; la helada, when it came with hail.
The young navigators had imbibed this deference from the officers on board of the Guardian-Mother, and it had become, as it were, a part of their nautical being.
He was absolutely clear that it was not prudent for the young navigators to sail the Maud over the Indian Ocean, and his conscience would not permit it to be done.
The little steamer sails for the island of Cyprus, as arranged beforehand, and reaches her destination, though she encounters a smart gale on the voyage, through which the young navigators carry their lively little craft.
Then for six weary weeks the ships struggled southward, battered by gales and squalls during which nothing but the daring seamanship of the English navigators saved the little vessels from destruction.
He had inspired and financed the Portuguese navigators to sail for some two thousand miles down the West African coast.
For the early navigators knew little of the art of navigation.
No longer had the Prince to urge his navigators forth to new lands and new seas; they were ready and willing to go, for the reward was now obvious.
It was not until 1471 that the navigators unconsciously crossed the Equator, "into a new heaven and a new earth.
English navigators have been afforded the lion's share in the book, partly because they took the lion's share in exploring, partly because translations of foreign travel are difficult to transcribe.
Were we to be the fortunate ones to reach this goal, which navigators for centuries had striven to reach?
It has been said that Vancouver "may proudly take his place with Drake, Cook, Baffin, Parry, and other British navigators to whom England looks with pride and geographers with gratitude.
Storms and gales harassed the navigators through the month of February as they made their way slowly southwards.
The Phenicians were a maritime people; they were the first navigators who reached the great seas.
Their skill and courage as navigators have never been equaled.
They were great navigators and great hero worshipers.
The first land made by Gosnold is presumed by experienced navigators to be Cape Elizabeth, on the same coast.
It was known to navigators several years at least before the settlement of Plymouth.
The most distinguished navigatorsof that day were Italians, or of Italian descent, and Portuguese.
It was on this account termed Sombrero by the Portuguese navigators of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, who were probably the first Europeans to have any commercial dealings with the Nicobarese.
The Chinese, another race of great navigators in these seas, have records of the Nicobars for a thousand years and more.
They existed in the time of Menes in the same condition in which they were discovered by Phnician navigators previously to the foundation of Carthage.
This illustration represents one of these chariots: In the seventh century it was used by the navigators of the Baltic Sea and the German Ocean.
The Barbarians who are alluded to by Homer and Thucydides were a race of ancient navigators and pirates called Cares, or Carians, who occupied the isles of Greece before the Pelasgi, and antedated the Phnicians in the control of the sea.
The trade had for many years been chiefly in the hands of the Dutch, and these enterprising navigators sold most of their negroes to the Spanish plantations.
Its leading men were the navigators Lanzarote and Gilianez, and Prince Henry 'the Navigator' did not disdain to become a member.
None of the liberal and enlightened views which had prompted the efforts of the great navigators of this and a preceding age appear to have had any share in the enterprises of the earl of Cumberland.
After doubling the Cape and refreshing themselves in Saldanha Bay, which the Portuguese had named but not yet settled, the navigators steered along the eastern coast of Africa, where the ship commanded by Raymond was lost.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "navigators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.