Then you snap in Automatic Navigational and you're in business.
Or you can navigate manually by using Gyroscopic Navigational if you want.
In a specialty restaurant over freshly arrived seafood from San Francisco, Grant tried to persuade Bridget to stop teasing him about the navigational foul-up and set him straight.
She seemed to show more interest in the radar screen, the navigational equipment, and the communications system.
Got excited, phoned for engineering to remove navigational sights and suggested I join the staff at the base.
His exercise target was a southwestern New Mexico town, and he swung back from the Gulf area and coaxed the responsive craft until the planet gleamed brightly in the crosshairs of the navigational sight.
Besides acknowledging the help and information which was secured from the list ofnavigational works, mentioned on another page, I wish to mention particularly Prof.
You will be repaid a thousand times for whatever effort you expend to have your navigational equipment complete to the smallest detail.
It has already been pointed out that it is quite difficult enough to locate one's destination on a dark night when the lighthouses have been extinguished and other navigationalaids withdrawn.
By this means, the enemy when approaching one's coast, must either trust to the rather inexact methods used in the open sea or they must establish their own navigational aids beforehand.
Thus, under war conditions, one aims at removing all navigational aids, as far as one's own requirements will allow, which may assist the enemy.
At the best of times buoys are not very dependable asnavigational aids owing to their tendency to break away in heavy weather or to drag their anchors along the bottom.
For the purposes of the particular case under review {93} it was necessary for the expedition to arrive at an exact position, thus tidal calculations and navigational aids assumed great importance.
The liability of new shoals to form and of old shoals to move their position, the consequent lack of dependence on the charts, and the absence of the usual navigational aids have already been mentioned.
On discovering such navigational marks the enemy would presumably either move them a mile or so, for the purpose of interfering {92} with our navigation, or else remove them altogether.
She was unseaworthy, nearly all her navigational instruments and all the communications to the engines were destroyed, making the steering and navigation of the ship difficult and uncertain.
De Boer, busy with charts and navigational instruments, ignored us, and Gutierrez, so long as we did not move, seemed not to object to our whispers.
For approximately twelve minutes we had no navigational information from you whatsoever.
The number above the screen our next navigational point, the spot where a star's gravitational field it strong enough to be detected in jump space.
Meta had her back turned to Mikah and was sitting in the control chair a good five meters from him with her hands filled with navigational notes.
While this satisfied local pride it led to much geographical and navigational confusion.
As the compass is a universal navigational instrument, information as to the magnetic variation is needed for the charts.
Information as to important changes in lights and other announcements of navigational interest are also sometimes printed in the marine columns of newspapers and in nautical periodicals.
There are about eighteen nations publishing navigational charts, and adding to the information on which charts are based.
Because of the great distortion near the edges this projection is not otherwise adapted to navigational use, and it is employed only to mark out the general course, and sufficient points are then transferred to a mercator chart.
Star charts# are included in navigational series, and are conveniently arranged for use on shipboard in identifying the brighter stars.
Modern navigational sounding machines permit of obtaining soundings to depths of nearly one hundred fathoms without stopping the vessel.
It is evidently of importance that the user of the chart should readily understand the significance of the navigational aids as shown.
The first, however, would fail to give facts often demanded in the navigational use of the chart, and the second if carried to an extreme would make a chart difficult to use.
Even the parts that are known to be of depths so great as to be free from navigational dangers should be sounded over sufficiently to develop the general configuration of the ocean bottom.
Many marine disasters are attributed to failure to make sufficient use of the lead, the simplest of navigational aids.
Usually it means only a delay in berthing, a navigational shift, a circling back for another try.
But Corriston received no praise at all for hisnavigational skill.
And remember this: I'll be keeping a careful check on every navigational move you make.
For every thirty ships that berth securely, one meets with some kind of navigational mishap.
No transoceanic navigational undertaking has been conducted with more ability, no business dealings have been crowned with greater success.
These are the normal navigational instruments," I replied, "and I'm familiar with their uses.
Of equal importance to the structural and navigational equipment of airships is the provision of suitable terminals for each route.
The "Gully", a large submarine canyon shown on navigational charts, lies about 25 miles east of Sable Island.
On navigational charts largest canyon is known as the "Gully".
The following officers made outstanding contributions to the navigational plotting: A.
Meanwhile, on either side of the Atlantic surveys of coasts, harbors, offshore banks, and the continental shelf were being made for navigational use.
The entire scientific party of each of the more than 50 expeditions represented in the data of this paper took turns marking and adjusting the echo sounder, and all navigational officers on these expeditions took the fixes and kept the logs.
Many navigational and hydrodynamical problems were worked out on these expeditions.
Adari studied a large-scale celestial navigationalchart tacked to the wall, Zolan tapped at a remote keyboard, and Myra scrutinized a spreadsheet.
She and the tug driver exchanged salutations and prattled navigational details as the escort moved off with the Raven following like an elephant leashed to a flea.
Those vessels don't have navigational gear for trips to the rim, nor do they carry the required gear and supplies.