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Example sentences for "charts"

Lexicographically close words:
charters; chartes; charting; chartless; chartre; chartularies; charwoman; charwomen; chary; charyte
  1. In order that they may be properly used charts should be filed flat and not rolled.

  2. They can be most conveniently filed in shallow drawers, thus avoiding the placing of many charts in a single drawer.

  3. Through international understanding a thorough exploration of all the water area of the globe and the coasts may in time be effected, and the many doubtful spots which still disfigure the charts may be either eliminated or definitely located.

  4. It is evidently important for those making use of charts to understand the system and conventions used, and to be able to interpret readily the various parts of the chart.

  5. Nautical charts are known to have been in use since the thirteenth century A.

  6. The British charts and many of those of the United States Coast Survey have only magnetic compasses, with degrees outside and points inside, the former graduated to 90 deg.

  7. They give the particulars and price of each chart published, and are usually arranged in geographical order, with both alphabetical and numerical indexes, for convenience in finding charts either by position, name, or number.

  8. It happened that the preparation of a series of star charts had been undertaken by the Berlin Academy of Sciences some years previously.

  9. No doubt this would have been done, if the observatories had been generally furnished forty years ago with those elaborate star-charts which they now possess.

  10. On these charts the place of every star, down even to the tenth magnitude, had been faithfully engraved.

  11. It is by minute and diligent comparison of the heavens with elaborate star charts that these bodies are brought to light.

  12. It has been found feasible to employ photography for making charts of the heavens.

  13. Photography is also applicable for making charts of any region in the sky which it is desired to examine.

  14. Illustrated by Charts of Currents in opposite Monsoons.

  15. Illustrated by Charts of Winds, Currents, Tides, Passages, and Compass Variation.

  16. Around the room were alcoves lit by lamps of the phosphori, and in each alcove a globe of a blue metal upon which were painted sketches like charts or maps.

  17. Mr. Denning's drawings corroborated the charts of Green, Schiaparelli, Knobel, Terby and Baeddicker.

  18. Large charts and maps may be made by the scholars under the direction of the Missionary Committee.

  19. Many helpful charts are now prepared for Sunday-school use; charts of the life of Christ, charts for missionary purposes and temperance teaching, charts with choice passages of Scripture and hymns.

  20. There should be a good blackboard at hand, also the necessary maps and charts for lesson study.

  21. Charts showing the relative strength and growth of the Christian religion as compared with other religions in all parts of the world are effective.

  22. The rocks are charts painted by the hand of Nature herself.

  23. In these charts we read the story of Evolution.

  24. The cap'n sent him for charts and quadrants, and suchlike cooriosities.

  25. Moreover, he found on consulting his charts that he was far out of the usual course of ships, and that deliverance could only be expected in the shape of a chance vessel.

  26. During the voyage, all the headlands are described, all the soundings noted, and every opportunity to test and correct the charts adopted.

  27. This may mean charts or scrolls similar to the charts used by modern navigators.

  28. Using the iron bars they carried, they forced open some of the lockers, but aside from pulp, which might have been charts or almost anything in the way of documents, nothing was come upon that would tell anything.

  29. I should say in another day or two," Tom answered, after he had consulted the charts and made calculations of their progress since leaving their dock.

  30. From the appearance of the room it was evidently the compartment where the charts were kept, and where the captain or his officers worked out the reckoning.

  31. Incidentally, the lower prices of steel shown by Professor Jenks’s charts were made in the face of advancing wages amounting altogether to more than 27 per cent.

  32. I walked heavily across the room and studied the charts again.

  33. I could feel the peculiar, sickening surge that told of speed being reduced, and the course being altered, but the cold, brutally accurate charts before me assured me that no action we dared take would save us from the meteorites.

  34. By comparing the groups of stars there with our space charts of the universe, the working out of our position was ordinarily, a simple matter.

  35. Leaving the charts to Kincaide, I sounded the general emergency signal, calling every man and officer of the Ertak's crew to his post, and began giving orders through the microphone.

  36. Kincaide studied the charts with narrowed eyes, mentally balancing distance and speed.

  37. We hurried across to the charts that were our most important aides in proper navigation.

  38. While operating on an entirely different principle, his two charts had certain very definite advantages: they showed the entire space around us, instead of but a portion.

  39. I turned to Correy; he had just glanced from his charts to the clock, with its jerking second hand, and back to his charts.

  40. These preparations made, I glanced at the twin charts again.

  41. Kincaide was crouched over the two charts that pictured the space around us, microphone pressed to his lips.

  42. This island is called in the charts Pulo Packit: it is very low and covered with trees.

  43. The Ralick Islanders of this group make charts which include islands, routes and currents.

  44. Captain Winkler, Sea Charts Formerly Used in the Marshall Islands, Smithsonian Report for 1899, translated from the Marine Rundschau.

  45. Albrecht's charts show us that food from dry climates tends to be high in proteins and essential minerals while simultaneously lower in calories.

  46. I ask you to refer back to these three small charts as I point out a number of conclusions that can be drawn from them.

  47. Territorial's catalog offered information about organic or environmentally benign pest and disease controls, seasonal cover crops, composts and mulches, and charts guiding us to optimal planting patterns.

  48. And keep in mind that the charts don't reveal the sad appearance the crops probably had once the organic matter declined significantly.

  49. I found the same delight in poring over my charts and drawing a line right out to sea and back again, as later I found in checking on the map the villages and bridges over which I passed on my way to Bruges and Ghent.

  50. The two observers, with their charts and binoculars, climb aboard, and then the order is given, "Let her up gently!

  51. Sarmiento discourses largely upon this Effect, charging the Sea-Charts with Falshood, and being ignorantly laid down.

  52. That to say the Sea Charts had been maliciously contriv'd, was a groundless Objection, and not probable.

  53. In the lunar charts the plan of inserting the names of the principal formations has been preferred to that usually followed, of indicating them only by numbers, accompanied by a key list.

  54. Even in the most detailed charts of the moon only a part of what is visible with telescopes can be shown, and the representation, at best, must be merely approximate.

  55. I climbed to the top of the foremast, as from there I could best discern where lay the reefs and the shoals, for of charts we had none.

  56. Of Seaflower Channel we had no charts whatever; we only knew that it abounded in reefs.

  57. Though a course was laid close in-shore, both charts and lead showed ten fathoms of water.

  58. Mr. Kendall constructed all the charts after the data had been recalculated by myself; he also made several drawings; and he undertook an interesting series of observations on the velocity of sound.

  59. That was a tough deal all right," he said, reaching out his hand for the charts they had secured of the lower Mississippi.

  60. He drew out his charts and studied them to make sure he was right, though from frequent use he knew the same by heart.

  61. We went down the hill full of confusion of thought, not being able to conceive whereabouts we were or what it must be, seeing by all our charts the sea was yet a vast way off.

  62. From thence, sailing still southward, we left all behind us that any of our charts and maps took any notice of, and went on till we came to the latitude of seventeen degrees, the wind continuing still north-east.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "charts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.