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Example sentences for "meters"

Lexicographically close words:
meteorologist; meteorologists; meteorology; meteors; meter; metes; meth; metha; methamphetamine; methane
  1. But now the ship rested on its tail fins—all four hundred glistening red and black meters of it.

  2. The open ports of the bridge looked out on the jungle roof of Gienah III some one hundred fifty meters below.

  3. At his shout the line halted and settled to the sand while he stalked a few meters in front, settling his club in his hand and suspiciously examined the structure.

  4. A guttural command halted the torch-bearers a full five meters from the spot where Jason lay.

  5. The vehicle was a good ten meters long, shaped roughly like a boat, and bore on the front a large and obviously false animal head covered with fur and resplendent with rows of carved teeth and glistening crystal eyes.

  6. Meta had her back turned to Mikah and was sitting in the control chair a good five meters from him with her hands filled with navigational notes.

  7. Rooms vary in width according to the length of the transverse beams, which usually are from four to six meters long.

  8. A river which, fed by its myriad tributaries, discharges into the Atlantic over two hundred and fifty millions of cubic meters of water every hour.

  9. In the morning of the 8th of July they caught sight of the village of San Antonio, two or three little houses lost in the trees at the mouth of the Iça, or Putumayo, which is about nine hundred meters wide.

  10. On arriving within a few hundred meters of the town I was arrested once more.

  11. It stood stark naked in the sunlight just three meters above the bell-tower of the monastery where he had lived and served God twenty-seven years.

  12. He then repeated the experiment, substituting mercury for water, and obtained 425 gram meters as the work necessary to produce a calorie of heat.

  13. Joule measured the rise in the temperature of the water and found that the mean of his three best trials gave 427 gram meters as the amount of work required to develop enough heat to raise a gram of water one degree.

  14. After a chase which lasted about three quarters of an hour only a thousand meters remained between us.

  15. It is well known that for every ten meters under water we oppose the pressure of one atmosphere--one kilogram to the square centimeter--and we must be prepared to dive to far greater depths.

  16. We first sighted the French port of Boulogne where the imposing bronze statue of Napoleon I stands on a marble column fifty-three meters high, with eyes turned towards the English coast.

  17. This is the greatest depth to which a diver can attain, and if by chance a diver has gone a few meters beyond fifty meters, no man to my knowledge has attained sixty meters.

  18. According to my estimation eighty per cent of our enemy's sunken ships lie from fifty to a hundred meters below the surface of the sea, so that all possibility of their being raised is excluded.

  19. If a diver working at ten meters' depth is under a pressure of one atmosphere, at fifty meters he will be under the tremendous pressure of five atmospheres.

  20. This courageous initiative failed under a severe fire from fifty meters of German trenches.

  21. If we had brought together all our heavy artillery and all our trench artillery, we would have had one gun for every eight meters in the battle sector.

  22. Here is a fine old mahogany table that has been carried into the fields for five hundred meters and then broken in two.

  23. During our spring offensive in 1917, we had roughly one heavy gun for every twenty-six meters of front.

  24. It started three or four hundred meters off on our right.

  25. Most of the frogs were several meters away from the edge of the pond.

  26. Two were on palm fronds about two meters above the ground; the other was on a low bush.

  27. Two specimens were found beneath the bark of standing dead trees; another was found in the crack in the trunk of a mahogany tree about 13 meters above the ground.

  28. Calling males were as high as five meters in bushes and trees around the pond.

  29. Physiography Immediately south of Chinaja is a range of hills, the Serrania de Chinaja, having an almost due east-west axis and a crest of about 600 meters above sea level.

  30. The crowns of the trees are lower, and there is no nearly continuous canopy between 40 and 50 meters above the ground.

  31. When first observed the lizard was clinging to a tree trunk about one and one-half meters above the ground.

  32. Anolis lemurinus bourgeaei is about twice the size of Anolis humilis uniformis and is usually observed on buttresses of large trees or on the lower two meters of tree trunks.

  33. All individuals were observed on trunks of trees between heights of three and ten meters above the ground.

  34. The middle layer of trees have crowns about 25 meters above the ground; these trees in some places where the upper canopy is missing form the tallest trees in the forest.

  35. Three strata are apparent; in the uppermost layer the tops of the trees are from 40 to 50 meters above the ground.

  36. By the way, I'd like to see what you could do in more unsimple meters than the ones that you handle so well.

  37. If I ventured to advise you I should recommend to you the simple, ordinary meters and forms native to our language.

  38. It is a process which moves with fairly great but by no means extraordinary rapidity (about ten to thirty meters per second) along the conducting paths.

  39. Dry meters are employed chiefly in cold climates, where wet meters could be protected only with difficulty and where the water is likely to freeze.

  40. The records made are exact only when the meters (Fig.

  41. Five meters from the edge he looked out over blank space at the far wall, and could not see the bottom.

  42. A hundred meters farther on, they turned, descended some steps and entered one of the half-buried domes.

  43. He had driven less than three hundred meters when a quake more severe than any of the others struck.

  44. A hundred meters wide, of unknown depth, it stretched out of sight in both directions.

  45. The quake was so violent that at one time the vehicle was hurled several meters sideways, and almost overturned.

  46. As the platform descended to a few meters above ground, the Dutchman slashed at the contraption, the cut ends of belts whipped out wildly and the platform slid to the ground with a rush.

  47. A sheer cliff three meters high now barred his passage.

  48. Often he had to detour far from his course to skirt long, deep cracks in the surface, or steep breaks where the crust had been raised or dropped several meters by past quakes.

  49. Especially on the northern slopes, tropical rainforest is well developed; this is replaced at about 1200 meters by cloud forest.

  50. Between Juchitan and La Ventosa few trees are more than two meters high (Pl.

  51. From the base of the hills at an elevation of about 75 meters the plains slope gradually to the sea.

  52. Structurally, this forest has a crown about 30-35 meters above the ground but individual trees rising five meters or more above the crown (Pl.

  53. The crown of this deciduous forest usually is little more than ten to twelve meters above the ground (Pl.

  54. The site was a shallow muddy pond about 20 x 40 meters located in an area cleared of scrub forest; the banks of the pond were devoid of vegetation (Pl.

  55. It dropped down to the surface of the small planetoid only ten meters from the hidden trapdoor that led to the airlock beneath the surface.

  56. That one exception was a long, purplish-black, roughened discoloration that ran along one side for almost half of the ship's seventeen meters of length.

  57. He holds in general that the meters of to-day, whether for heavy or for feeble currents, are too expensive, and that cheaper instruments are a necessity of the times.

  58. His electrolytic meter was very successful, and was of widespread use in America and in Europe until the perfection of mechanical meters by Elihu Thomson and others brought that type into general acceptance.

  59. Ward Leonard, installed the meters and became meter man, in order that he might study in every intimate detail the improvements and refinements necessary in that branch of the industry.

  60. After that they were shown the meters by which the consumption of current was measured.

  61. Hence it was decided in December, 1882, to begin charging a price for the service, and, accordingly, Edison electrolytic meters were installed on the premises of each customer then connected.

  62. We had meters in which there were two bottles of liquid.

  63. Notes are also made on meters and motors.

  64. This arrangement interfered with correct meter registration, as the meters on one side of the system registered backward during the hours in which the combination was employed.

  65. By reason, however, of dissatisfaction caused from the inability of customers to read the indications of the meter, it has in later years, to a great extent, been replaced by registering meters that can be read by the customer.

  66. The last shelter concealing them was five meters from the cave.

  67. Goes along on all my operations with his meters to test the interiors of the Disan forts.

  68. This spot is roughly a hundred and fifty meters from the city of Hovedstad, where we have to go.

  69. Pointed like the bow of a spacer, each one swept smoothly back for its two meters of length, to a sharply chopped off end.

  70. The trenches are only a hundred meters apart at this place.

  71. I was close on his heels and not more than fifty meters separated us, so it was not long before I had hit him.

  72. We descended to a height of a hundred meters and searched for ten minutes, flying above the woods, but seeing nothing.

  73. For the first four hundred meters (in all they had seven hundred meters to cover) we let them come without firing.

  74. It is lying, a wreck, five hundred meters west of A.

  75. I stayed twenty or thirty meters behind him and pounded him till he exploded with a great yellow flare.

  76. He seemed to be quite a beginner; at any rate, I had no trouble in getting to within 100 meters of him, and had him well under fire.

  77. I descended about 400 meters doing this and had to let him go, because two others were after me, which I did not appreciate.

  78. I kept watching him until he was about 200 meters away.

  79. About 200 meters inside our positions I overtook him, and fired both my guns at him at close range (I no longer needed to save my cartridges).

  80. I got to within fifty meters of him and fired a number of shots at him.

  81. Was followed by two Farmans and was 1,000 meters behind the enemy's lines.

  82. In the evening the report came that he had passed over our trenches at a height of 100 meters on his way home.

  83. I was hardly 1,500 meters high when with a loud crash my motor broke apart, and I had to land in a meadow at C.

  84. I started at once, and overtook him at 1,500 meters altitude.

  85. If you will give a column of air an ascensional movement of forty-five meters a second, a man can support himself on the top of it if the soles of his boots have a superficies of only the eighth of a square meter.

  86. Have they not proved that an eagle weighing five kilograms would have to fill fifty cubic meters with his warm fluid merely to sustain himself in space?

  87. The seven thousand five hundred cubic meters that pass over Niagara in a second would produce seven millions of horsepower.

  88. The wind being easterly the rate was not interfered with at all, and as the thermometer only falls a degree centigrade for every seventy meters of elevation the temperature was not insupportable.

  89. The Choising was some ninety meters long and had a speed of nine miles, though sometimes only four.

  90. With the Austrian troops, the Bavarian regiments attacked Mount Zameczyka, lying 250 meters above their positions, a veritable fortress.

  91. From three sides at a time we made way where the Germans had dug formidable shelters, ten meters under ground.

  92. As the sea generally rises to the height of 3 meters twice a day, it is possible to control the apparatus twice a day, and this is fully sufficient.

  93. Every time the float reaches 3 meters above the level of the lowest tide, the circuit of one of the lines that is open at this moment (that of line I, for example) closes at C (Fig.

  94. We have a general view on considering the curve itself, and the height in meters is read directly.

  95. Various instruments called permeameters and hysteresis meters have been designed for this purpose, but much of the work has been done by means of a ballistic galvanometer and test ring as above described.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.