Captain Parsons, ladies and gentlemen, parishioners of Little Primpton, I wish to take the opportunity to say a few words.
Until the strange fingers closed upon me, I still thought that here was one of my parishioners and did not cease to exclaim, "Let me go, naughty boy, let go!
The Bishop of that day gave the deepest hole to the parishioners to build a church—about the worst part of what was then his large estate.
That all the parishionersreceive Communion at Easter.
When they were underneath the trees, the Abbe resumed: "Monsieur de Buxieres, do you know that you are at this present time giving occasion for the tongues of my parishionersto wag more than is at all reasonable?
The parish is not very extensive, as you have doubtless noticed; my parishioners are in the best possible health, thank God!
The parishioners were already discussing the mental qualifications of the new Vicar with a keenness that was perfectly delightful.
He then competed for a lecturership in Bloomsbury, but failed, the parishioners not disliking his language or his doctrine, but complaining that he threw himself about too much in the pulpit.
The parishioners bought a pole 134 feet high, and the Duke of York, the Lord High Admiral, lent them twelve seamen to help to raise it.
Ere I had done, some of my parishioners came up, and joined with the rest of my family.
They received me with joy, and most of the parishioners were very civil, when I came to visit them from house to house.
Many that were not parishioners came to hear, and were edified.
There is nothing new in this, and yet it is valuable as the testimony of a gentleman who was one of Whitefield's parishioners at Savannah, and who says he was well acquainted with Whitefield's proceedings.
He had been absent from his parishioners eighteen weeks, had travelled about a thousand miles, preached nearly two hundred times, and collected, in goods and money, upwards of L700 sterling for his Orphanage.
But custom goes for a long way in this matter, and the usual course is certainly for the Incumbent to nominate one and the parishioners the other.
These words affect the question as to the right of the ratepaying parishioners of a new district voting for the Churchwardens of the old parish.
It is the undoubted fact that the church is the freehold of the Incumbent, subject, of course, to the right of the parishioners to be present in it at all legal Services of a religious character.
The usual custom in parishes is for the Incumbent to nominate one Churchwarden and the parishioners the other.
If aggrieved parishioners come to a Churchwarden and endeavour to persuade him to join a cave of Adullam, he should be careful not to be rash or hasty in his answer.
No doubt the parishioners were glad to have a respectable gentleman to fill the office.
Above all they are bound to affix their signatures to the effective payments made by the magistrate to their parishioners on account of daily labor, and to certify similarly the value of materials employed in public works.
But their levity is not treated severely by the priest, for he is as eager for his Madeira as his young parishioners are eager for their minuet.
The parishioners were expected to receive and maintain the clergyman appointed them without criticism or question.
Parishioners who wished spiritual counsel had difficulty in finding the parson.
In both cases, the rights of the patron and of the presentee were challenged peremptorily; that is to say, in both cases, parishioners objected to the presentee without reason shown.
Lord Clarendon says: "Petitions presented by many parishionersagainst their pastors, with articles of their misdemeanours and behaviours .
Robinson, rector of Landewednack, "preached a sermon to his parishioners in the Cornish language only.
The minister rose, and said, with much gravity: "When a pastor devotes his life to the spiritual welfare of his flock, it would seem reasonable that his parishioners should feel some desire to serve his temporal interests in return.
There are those among his parishioners who say that his memory is failing.
The priest was removed from his office, and the recalcitrant parishioners were promptly excommunicated.
Many are the stories told of him by the descendants of those who lived under his rod, and sometimes felt its weight; for he was known to have corrected offending parishioners with his cane.
Strongly contrasted with the amusement of the parishioners in general, was the indignation felt by the three damsels and their friends.
His exhortations were not without effect; many of his parishioners did attend, and among them some of Art's former dissolute companions.
This fact was well known at the time, for Father Costelloe, who did every thing that man could do to extend and confirm the principle of temperance, had put his parishioners on their guard against the use of this deleterious trash.
Not one of the parishioners could find any fault with him, yet none bore him respect.
The act goes on to prohibit any bear-baiting, bull-baiting, interludes, common plays or other unlawful exercises or plays on Sunday by parishioners within their own parishes.
Where there were ministers, worship was usually held once on Sunday; but the remote parishioners seldom attended.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parishioners" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: assembly; brethren; class; flock; fold; parish; people; sheep; society