Suddenly, from outside, an unexpected sound almost paralyzed me--the sharp, shrill yapping of a small dog!
A little, yapping bark came from the deck at her feet.
They have been yapping at me, though, for drawing complaints in the Gerson case.
Swift as lightning they circled about the grizzly, spreading themselves on their forefeet, ready to spring aside or backward to avoid sudden rushes, and giving voice now to that quick, fierce yapping which tells hunters their quarry is at bay.
For ten minutes Thor paid no attention to the eight dogs yapping at his heels, except to pause now and then and swing his head about.
This was the game: In bad weather, when the ports are closed and first-class passengers are yapping for air, it is the province of the engine room to see that they get it.
When the cowboy goes to town he wants to ride up and down through the streets making a noise, a noise other people can hear, yapping and shooting off his revolver.
And the crowd of Hal's retainers went off yip-yipping and yapping in the approved cowboy style in their enthusiasm for the young boss and uplifted by the consciousness of having earned a handsome addition to their month's wages.
The polite Frenchmen were giggling, while the nervous Yeggie ran up and down, squealing and yapping with delight.
All the dogs heard us yapping and snarling at each other, and they came running, and took a tongue in the argument.
They could hear theyapping of the foxes and the low thunder of the ice.
And over it the wind shrieked again, swallowing up the yapping of the foxes and the rumble of the ice.
It seemed to Keith that they had drawn a closer circle about the cabin and that there was a different note in theiryapping now, a note that was more persistent, more horrible.
In that moment there came a strange silence over the cabin, and in that silence the incessant and maddening yapping of the little white foxes rose shrilly over the distant booming and rumbling of the ice.
And then he squared his shoulders and laughed, and the yapping of the foxes no longer filled him with a shuddering torment.
Danger was waking in the camp behind, first with one sharp cry, then another and another, until throat after throat took up the sound and the yapping turned into a roar.
At that moment there came, borne on a waking breeze of the night, the sound of the tom-toms, the yapping of many throats.
The orgy at the fire was lifting its tone of riot into one of savagery and menace, the tom-toms beat more swiftly with gaining excitement, and the yapping yells were growing more frequent.
From the prairie beyond the fringe of woods to the east there came the yapping of the coyotes, and far to the north a wolf howled.
Miles, as a hideous yapping and howling sounded across the snowy waste.
Down below him, in the black rifts and along the sides of the pile, the water was yapping savagely, as if the wild beast would wait no longer.
Where they fell the sides of the ship were smashed and torn, and the hungry waves came yapping up through the gaps, most horribly close and threatening.
The yapping cur was still at Korak's heels leading the searchers unerringly in pursuit.
At times, too, the yapping of dogs in the street would call up vividly before his mind the picture of some tent village in Morocco where he had camped.
Next thing, I suppose you'll be yappingabout free speech.
Kennicott came home, grumbled, "What the devil is the kid yapping about?
Like all hounds, he detested a sharp, high, or yapping cry.
And then he walked obediently to Dick's side, the snarling, yapping terrier literally pendent from his neck.
Memories one by one returned to him--the Bobberie, the river, the yapping Coccadrilloes, the burning dart.
Twice he had pursued wounded cranes, yapping at the top of his voice, AND THEY HAD RUN FROM HIM.
Then, as they retreated into the night, they again heard the short, quick yapping of Woakus, the fox.
In a few moments they were sure of it when they heard a fox yapping on the opposite shore.
It was stillyapping weirdly, and it snapped at bushes and twigs as it passed.
Besides, she could hear Mrs. Meecher prowling disturbingly about the house, apparently in search of someone, her progress indicated by creaking boards and the strenuous yapping of Toto.
He was yapping then, as he was yapping when, with womanly resource which I cannot sufficiently praise, you decoyed him hence.
At this his delight knew no bounds; his rushes became faster, his yapping louder; he seemed to be having the time of his life.
I hadn't gone a hundred yards when I heard a man's voice and the yapping of a dog come from where I had spoken to the flapper.
He lifted his head to the full moon, and his voice rose in a prolonged, yapping howl.
From behind a nearby dune he heard the rising, yapping howl of a jackal, one of earth's loneliest sounds.
On they go, yapping and towling, and howling as before, the Major's confidence in a kill increasing at every stride.