She pointed to the old worn Bible lying on the window sill, with a drowsy blue-bottle fly droningabout it.
A brooding peace enveloped them, and the droning of insects and the faint lapping of the water on the shore lulled them into drowsiness.
So swiftly and smoothly had it sped along that the "click, click" as it struck each separate rail had merged into onedroning "song of the road.
He heard confusedly the droningof insects, and the distant mournful call of a whip-poor-will.
He spoke to the life-saver, who appeared to be listening to the droning conversation which continued within the station.
No chirp of bird, no baying of a friendly dog, no burst of childish merriment broke the droning silence.
When he had tired them thoroughly, and himself as well, he set two men on the lookout and retired to sleep; nor did the droning and the wailing music of some women in the harem trouble him.
The tune was still droningin his head when the first grey streaks of dawn gave warning of the approaching day, and, in the growing light, the column gradually regained its proper formation.
All this he said looking down at the floor, in a low, dull, droning voice, as though every sentence spoken were to have been the last.
His dull droning voice, and the honest recital of his troubles, and of her troubles if she were to share his lot, had touched her more nearly than any vows of love would have done.
It was repeated monotonously over and over again, droning down into the distance as she went, until at length both voice and figure faded into the shadows at the farther end.
I heard another sound--a voice, low and monotonous, droning as in prayer.
The hotel porter was droningout the call for the east-bound Flyer, and Kent effaced himself while Judge MacFarlane was paying his bill and making ready for his departure.
The locomotive whistle was droning again, and a dodging procession of red-eyed switch-lights flicked past the windows.
They knew that he was reading, for now and again his droning voice came to them as he struggled with a word of some difficulty.
It was droning like a harmonium with the flies and bluebottles, and the floor and walls were like a slaughter-house.
The droning sound swelled louder upon our ears until it became one long, deep wail of distress.
Amid the droning of the wind there had come the stamping of a horse's hoofs, and the long grind of a wheel as it rasped against the curb.
I say, David, to the young this is a world for action, and not for moping and droning in.
She was so tired, she dropped to sleep at once on going to bed, but was awoke by the sound of a droning voice as if from No.
The droning and the wailing, some whistling, and apparent attempts at a whisper, all up in the attic, may have been due either to the wind or birds.
Knocks on the wall, a sawing noise, and a droning and a wailing are all we have heard.
Bill Nye has the same droll way as Mark Twain of droning out irresistible comicalities with that solemn sang froid which is not met with outside the frontiers of Yankeeland.
He buzzes rather than speaks: at a certain distance you think you hear thedroning of bagpipes.
Come in," he said; and as he spoke thedroning voice grew still.
On our right a line of light marked the door of the room which had sent its ray across the night; and behind the door I heard a woman's voice droning querulously.
PIPES of the misty moorlands, Voice of the glens and hills; The droning of the torrents, The treble of the rills!
He was a droning bee, buzzing and hovering unheeded over a tuft of dusty white clover growing by the rails that were so closely thronged by human beings come to watch and wonder over man's still new miracle of flight.
There was the noise of a retreating car droning down the hill (not unlike the receding drone of a biplane in full flight), then the grating of a key in the lock of the Club door.
And even in his classroom, as he listens to the droning of a conjugation, he leaps to horse.
Other Places,” his voice continued with a droning sound that was like the sea a long way off, or like wind among the branches of a tree.
I saw the chieftains lay aside their arms as they entered the sacred precincts of the grove; I smelt the odour of the sacrificial fires, heard the long-drawn droning of petitions, the cries of the victims.
Yet there was this flare of vivid memory: a penetrating odour of acrid herbs that burned in the clearing of a sombre forest; a low stone altar, the droning of men’s voices chanting monotonously as they drew near in robes of white and yellow .
And here one sat and read or listened to the droning of the witnesses in the petty cases held by the local magistrate in the courtroom below stairs.
A sound broke in upon my reverie, so low at first that it seemed but the droning hum of a beetle's wing echoing against the hollow shield of their ebony cases.
From behind came the constant droning chant of the priest, lingeringly reading from a tattered Pali volume, an oil torch dripping close to his white turban.
No breeze stirred the dead leaves still clinging to their branches, no sound broke the silence, save from a cloister the hum of many droning voices.
It was dark by this time, and an annoying delay came before dinner in the shape of an order to put all lights out, and in the droning approach of some enemy bombers.
He stood a little longer at the end machine until the pilot eased his engine down and its roar dropped droning to a quiet "ticking over.
Once it swept droning overhead, and then circled out and boomed off straight for the lines.