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Example sentences for "murmured"

Lexicographically close words:
murkier; murkiness; murky; murmur; murmure; murmurers; murmuring; murmurings; murmurous; murmurs
  1. We would much rather go as steerage passengers than not go at all," murmured Nealie.

  2. You must think us all very foolish and childish, I am afraid," Nealie murmured in apology.

  3. Low sobs and murmured words of tenderness and fatherly counsel reached his ear, and his heart went up in silent prayer for both the dying one and her just about to be so sorely bereaved.

  4. The prostrate one murmured very low: "It is appalling.

  5. He stretched out his arms and murmured the mysterious words of prayer which are used in the Phrygian ceremonies.

  6. Her breath came quicker through her half open lips and she murmured a long, unintelligible sentence, as her fevered head fell back once more.

  7. In an infant's broken voice she murmured into his mouth: "My wolf!

  8. Mrs. Dawson, on the divan, murmured to Mrs. Creve.

  9. Not at all; not at all," murmured Pemberton, feeling for his papers helplessly.

  10. It is a dream," she murmured sleepily, "only a dream.

  11. I think a man might love me for myself," she murmured pathetically, "and if he loved me truly, that he would marry me.

  12. It is very kind of you, indeed," murmured Rena respectfully.

  13. Well, here we are again, as the clown in the circus remarks," murmured the judge.

  14. Fitzhugh bowed and shook hands, murmured something stereotyped, and turned again to speak to Marjorie.

  15. He murmured something that we could not catch, and, as his eyes closed again, his face seemed to relax into a peaceful expression, as though he were dreaming of something happy.

  16. I told him it was Roy's secret, not mine,' murmured Polly, and he placed his hand kindly on her head.

  17. I might have thought--your black dress and pale face,' she murmured remorsefully.

  18. I wished to die,' murmured Mildred, half to herself; 'but I never knew how terrible death could be.

  19. One could tell as much from his boots," murmured Mr. Dalton, snuffing the candles.

  20. Certainly, Corporal," and with a murmured apology to Mr. Bimby, Barnabas followed the Corporal out upon the gloomy landing and closed the door.

  21. Yes," murmured the old man in a muffled voice, "but He did not leave behind a sister dishonoured by His death.

  22. But the sections in my neighborhood murmured admiration.

  23. But although Sacagawea eagerly peered, and murmured to herself, no Indians appeared.

  24. The young men murmured among themselves, and would have begun war at once by rescuing him; but Chief Joseph spoke to them and quieted them.

  25. They passed it from hand to hand, tried but in vain to bend it, and murmured among themselves that the thing was impossible.

  26. The Mexican doctor placed another cup of medicine within Roger's reach, and murmured in his ear, "I think that she will do now.

  27. I really should have thought of that myself," she murmured pensively.

  28. O, that is SO good," murmured the boy, half-unclosing his eyes.

  29. It is not possible," she murmured to herself, "that Florence Nightingale, and those who assisted her found their work and its surroundings as unlovely as it is here.

  30. He bent his graceful head, and murmured down to her, "Are you afraid of me, sweetest?

  31. Dear boy," she murmured tenderly, "you teach us all our duty.

  32. It is perfectly impossible for you to offer the umbrella that Anna gave you to that brat," murmured common-sense; "very likely her father would pawn it for gin.

  33. The bridegroom has run his race," murmured David in a strange voice.

  34. Good lad," he murmured approvingly, as he stowed it carefully away in a breast-pocket, and a thrill of pride and pleasure shot through him.

  35. I wish she had not told you," murmured Malcolm.

  36. Poor little soul," murmured Malcolm compassionately; for Kit had suffered greatly in her heroic childish fashion.

  37. The contrast of her dark eyes and hair and warm olive complexion was simply superb, and Malcolm secretly clapped his hands and murmured "bravo" under his breath.

  38. The woman beguiled me and I did eat," murmured Malcolm.

  39. I have prayed too," murmured David, "and then, thank God!

  40. But his sister is very ladylike," murmured Mrs. Godfrey, her kindly heart accusing her of censoriousness and want of charity.

  41. It might be arranged, Colonel," he murmured in a low voice--the voice of shame.

  42. What a wonderful scheme it would have been a year ago," he murmured sadly.

  43. I suppose I'll have to," he murmured sadly.

  44. Confound them," the Colonel murmured distinctly, "I must look into this immediately.

  45. I am out of zee good luck now," he murmured bitterly.

  46. My friend," she murmured tremulously, "didn't I tell you I would not permit you to build the N.

  47. I've been leaving to an Indian the fulfillment of my duty," Bryce murmured bitterly.

  48. I've come for a little comfort, sweetheart," he murmured to her who slept beneath the stone.

  49. I suppose Bryce Cardigan is vindicating himself," she murmured as she withdrew the card from the envelope.

  50. I don't consider this stealing, ma chère," she murmured in apology.

  51. Mrs. Blake quailed, but murmured something about her "authority.

  52. You don't get anything out of us," murmured Giant.

  53. I move we fine Shep one cent for a bad throw," murmured Giant.

  54. At this the two men looked at each other and murmured something the boys could not catch.

  55. That's just what I say," murmured Whopper.

  56. I dare not trust that false Eliza," she murmured in her mind.

  57. My brave deliverer," murmured the lady, in a dulcet voice.

  58. On each side of them the serried ranks of trees held the night already in a thousand arms and murmured to it with a voice as of the sea.

  59. I'll take the time off to help clear poor Tom," she murmured to herself.

  60. More ghost work, I suppose," murmured the detective, but he was mistaken, no such manifestations occurring.

  61. This is serious, truly," murmured the older physician.

  62. That man has something up his sleeve as sure as fate," murmured the detective to himself.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "murmured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    dim; distant; faint; feeble; gentle; indistinct; low; murmured; pianissimo; piano; soft; subdued; unclear; weak