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Example sentences for "much improved"

  • Much improved in every way, and was all right in a day or two.

  • General state so much improved that he was sent to his company quarters.

  • So much improved so as to be able to return to his company quarters, where he is accordingly sent; medicine continued.

  • It will be much improved by the addition of some boiled lobster, chopped small.

  • It will be much improved by adding a pint or more of small button mushrooms, cut from the stems, and then put in whole.

  • The whiteness of the fish will be much improved by rubbing it over with a cut lemon.

  • This pie will be much improved by a few fresh mushrooms, cut from the stalks, peeled, and put in when the stewed meat is transferred to the pie-pot.

  • It prevents that absorption of water, by which common tiles are rendered liable to crumble into dust, hinders the shivering of tiles, and gives to red bricks a soft lustre, by which their appearance is much improved.

  • Lay this over gilt articles with a brush, and their color will be much improved.

  • Common vinegar is much improved by a very small quantity of this mixture being added to it.

  • The country is much improved, and there is a great deal of cultivation, especially on the left bank.

  • The appearance is much improved by a lattice before each house.

  • Roll each piece in a mixture of a large spoonful of flour, and half an ounce of currie powder.

  • Mix a handful of sage, a little thyme, and four shalots chopped fine.

  • If the whole be not cool enough that day to add to it the yeast, a pail or two of wort may be prepared, and a quart of yeast added to it over night.

  • Our system of public accounts is extremely complicated, and it is believed may be much improved.

  • These measures have been much discussed in foreign countries, and, contemporary with such discussion, the tone of public sentiment there is much improved.

  • Martha writes me word that Charles was very much admired at Kintbury, and Mrs. Lefroy never saw anyone so much improved in her life, and thinks him handsomer than Henry.

  • Lady Portsmouth had got a different dress on, and Lady Bolton is much improved by a wig.

  • If raisin wine be made rich of the fruit, and well kept, the flavour will be much improved.

  • The flavour of an old cabbage may be much improved, by taking it up when half done, and putting it directly into another saucepan of fresh boiling water.

  • It may likewise be much improved, if instead of water, it be made of the liquor that meat has been boiled in.

  • It will be much improved by adding a pint or more of small button mushrooms, cut from the stems, and then chopped small.

  • This soup will be much improved by the addition of a half peck of ochras, peeled, sliced thin, and boiled with the tomatos till quite dissolved.

  • This pudding may be eaten hot or cold; if the latter, it will be much improved by having a boiled custard poured over it.

  • In boiling lobsters, the appearance of the shell will be much improved by rubbing over it a little butter or salad-oil on being immediately taken from the pot.

  • The lemonade will be much improved by having the white of an egg beaten up in it; a little sherry mixed with it, also, makes this beverage much nicer.

  • The appearance of this dish may be much improved by glazing the lamb, and spinach may be substituted for the peas when variety is desired.

  • It will be much improved by the addition of a quarter of a hundred oysters; or by interspersing the pieces of chicken with slices of cold boiled ham.

  • It will be much improved by the addition of about a dozen and a half small force-meat balls, about the size of a nutmeg.

  • They should be cut about three quarters of an inch thick, and, unless the beef is remarkably fine and tender, the steaks will be much improved by beating them on both sides with a steak mallet, or with a rolling-pin.

  • The flavour will be much improved by boiling in the syrup with the fruit a handful or more of the kernels of plums, blanched in scalding water and broken in half.

  • Though greens are fixed by the steam, their colour is much improved by passing the cloth through solution of bichromate of potash.

  • The humid process of Kirchoff has of late years been so much improved, as to furnish a vermillion quite equal in brilliancy to the Chinese.

  • His lady is much improved since we knew her in former days, and seems good-humoured, lively, and rather agreeable.

  • I fear, Agnes, that his health has not been so much improved by the air of the continent as we hoped it would.

  • I am glad to see that your health is so much improved, my dear," said the doctor.

  • You do flatter me, Agnes; but am I so much improved?

  • They can be much improved by carving to serve as round panels.

  • The appearance of boxes is much improved by the addition of moulding-strips, bases, and projecting ornaments.

  • It is of a beautiful dark colour, which is much improved by oiling and age.

  • Dark brown bark is much improved by having gilding roughly spread on its projecting points.

  • As to my own health, I never expected that it would be much improved by the journey; nor have I found it so.

  • I have neither been well myself, nor is Mrs. Unwin, though better, so much improved in her health as not still to require my continual assistance.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much improved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    funeral pyre; much admired; much agitated; much alone; much attached; much boiling; much bound; much concerned; much delicacy; much esteemed; much greater; much happier; much heat; much larger; much length; much less; much misery; much mistaken; much nearer; much needed; much shorter; much stronger; much suffering; much superior; much the; she fell