A portion of the terminal moraine had been plowed up and shoved forward, uprooting and overwhelming the woods on the east side.
We tottered down the lateral moraine in the dark, over boulders and tree trunks, through the bushes and devil-club thickets of the grove where we had sheltered ourselves in the morning, and across the level mud-slope of the terminal moraine.
There is a small camp atMoraine Lake, 9 miles from Lake Louise.
A moraineis an embankment or delta of boulders and crushed rock deposited by a glacier or ice river.
This is shown in the rock-groovings and perched boulders high on the walls, and also by the massive moraine which dams the outlet of the valley.
This moraineis one of the most interesting in the park.
It crosses a moraine to examine the useful debris that the Ice King formed while he was sculpturing the mountains and giving lines to the landscape.
The principal short trips from Lake Louise are by carriage to Moraine Lake, $2.
To get on to the slopes of Mount Terror near Crozier the party climbed over great pressure ridges and up a steep slope to a position between the end of a moraine terrace and the conspicuous hillock known as The Knoll.
The ship was placed alongside the Piedmont here on January 8, near a bigmoraine close north of the Coves.
The moraine material filled a portion of the bed of the stream and after the ice receded it was forced to find a new course near where three roads meet, a short distance above Skillet Falls.
Trunk Line 33 climbs the terminal moraine about a mile west of Baraboo and from this ice-deposited ridge one obtains an extensive view of the upper portion of the Baraboo Valley.
From the highway east of Skillet Creek one has a view of the terminal moraine to the east and of the highly productive outwash plain.
The Baraboo River is hidden in its depressed bed and the lake is closed from view by the terminal moraine left by the sea of ice in glacial times.
For three miles we slogged up, until we were only 150 yards from the moraine shelf where we were going to build our hut of rocks and snow.
Had we had the sledge we could have used it as a ladder, but of course we had left this at the beginning of the moraine miles back.
When we got a little light in the morning we found we were a little north of the two patches of moraine on Terror.
We started to try and clear it, but soon had an enormous ridge, blotting out the moraine and half Terror, rising like a great hill on our right.
This morainewas above us on our left, the twin peaks of the Knoll were across the cup on our right; and here, 800 feet up the mountain side, we pitched our last camp.
Our igloo was a vacuum which was filling itself up as soon as possible: and when snow was not coming in a fine black moraine dust took its place, covering us and everything.
The terminal moraine is a chaos of mounds, pebbles, and boulders, with patches of snow on the shady side.
From the top of the moraineis seen the northern part of our stormy Langak-tso.
The water of the Kubi-tsangpo is very muddy, but on the right bank is a perfectly clearmoraine lake.
Up above, a glacier from the west runs into the main glacier, and where the two join the side glacier is thrown up into a mighty wall, which merges into the left lateral moraine of the other.
I soon convinced myself that the lake depression had been excavated by old glaciers from the southern mountains, as I at first conjectured, and was not dammed up by moraine walls across the broad valley.
At the lower end of the moraine of a glacier stood a solitary tent.
But one can see the sharp black ridge lying quite close on the south side with a mantle of snow and a hanging glacier, its blue margin cut off perpendicularly at the small moraine lake on the eastern side of the pass.
A little below the terminal moraine it unites with the numerous arms of the muddy glacier stream, of which the largest is the one which flows nearest to the foot of the Mukchung massive.
The terminal moraine does not increase in size, for its material is slowly disintegrated and washed away by the stream, which winds in several arms over the even bed of the valley bottom just below in the most capricious curves.
The rubbish from the wearing down of the mountains and the glacial moraine has been spread over the whole face of the tableland in the form of beds of gravel.
The valley which joins the lake to the Atlantic is in those cases a dead valley, and the inter-oceanic dividing line of the waters is marked by the frontal moraine of the old glacier, which confines the lake on the east.
The valleys of the Patagonian tableland were finally abandoned, and the topographical accident of secondary importance, which the ancient frontal moraine of the glacier represents, came to mark the limit of the domain of the Pacific.
We passed over great accumulations of moraine matter towards Blafell, gradually rising until an excellent view of Hvitarvatn and the myriads of icebergs floating on its surface was obtained.
Beyond the river all was moraine matter, great moraine hills, the material of which has come down from Hoff Joekull and has been piled up for miles along its margins.
Thence we proceeded along the valley of the Laxa (Laxadal) beside the river and through a quantity of moraine matter to Reynivellir, passing the volcanic cone of Sandfell to the right.
Our course lay, as usual, over moraine matter and hummocky land, but there was a big patch of black sand composed of fine lava particles that we had to cross.
When passing over the sloping moraine matter towards Kerlingarfjoell we crossed a number of peculiar terrace formations, and we often found similar terraces on the hillsides in other places also.
Efriskutur is a tuff mountain; at first we supposed that it was composed entirely of moraine matter, for on the Kerlingarfjoell side, by which we ascended, the hill is covered with it.
It is a terminal moraine that comes right down to the sea, which washes at the foot of its almost vertical face, fifty to sixty feet high.
Not long ago these hills were completely covered with fine yellow ferruginous loam--a comparatively recent deposit; but it is now being rapidly eroded, and the older moraine beneath laid bare.
We covered several miles before we got clear of this sandblown desert and entered a region of ordinary moraine matter.
We passed over a quantity of moraine material, and then entered green fertile-looking fields once more, where a number of farm-houses were dotted over an undulating tract of country.
A little farther on, at Hraun, there was a view looking up a valley where the face of a moraine is kept straight by the wash of the sea at its base.
This valley has been fairly well worn down: there is a mass of moraine matter on the sea front, which is cut through by a mountain stream from the Unadal and Myrkar Joekulls.
At Husavik there is a great accumulation of moraine matter that has been brought down from the valley at the back.
After the bulk of the harvest was gathered, I went one day to the opposite side of the moraine and briefly observed the methods of the Island beaver colony.
At the bottom of the moraine I was forced between two trees that stood close together, and a broken limb of one pierced my open coat just beneath the left armhole, and slit the coat to the bottom.
The Moraine Colony was closely embowered in a pitchy forest.
Along its lower course, the lateral moraine on the south side dammed up a number of small water channels that drained the northern slope of Battle Mountain.
The next morning I returned to the Moraine Colony over the route followed by the refugees.
In the Moraine Colony the three sets of youngsters numbered two, three, and five.
Probably the greatest array of glacial debris is the Mills Moraine on the east side of the Peak.
State Geologist of Ohio, who spent weeks toiling over and mapping the Mills Moraine on the east slope of Long's Peak, gave a glimpse of what one may feel and enjoy from nature investigation in his closing remarks concerning this experience.
One of the last large interesting works of the Moraine Colony was the making of a new pond.
This moraine or ridge was the dumping ground of the ice for its burden of bowlders, gravel, and clay at the time of its later invasion, and hence indicates the boundaries of the territory over which the ice mass was then extended.
At one place, however, it was easier to leave the ice and to pick our way through the hollow between the moraine and the mountain-side.
Slithering somehow down the ice-slope we tramped on through mists until in half-an-hour we reached a moraine which we followed for some distance.
It will perhaps be remembered that the white-crowned sparrows, so plentiful in the upper valley, were not to be seen in the valley of Moraine Lake.
Perhaps the valley ofMoraine Lake is a little too secluded and shut in by the towering mountains on three sides, the other places being more open and sunshiny.
Moraine Lake, and yet select for breeding homes the valleys both above and below it.
On the mountain side forming the descent to Moraine Lake a flock of Clark's nutcrackers were flying about in the pine woods, giving expression to their feelings in a great variety of calls, some of them quite strident.
Toward evening I clambered down to the cottage by Moraine Lake.
A little over half a day was spent in walking down from Moraine Lake to the Halfway House.
I found traces of stratified pebbles and sand on the north flank of the Lavanchi moraine however, which I failed to discover in those of Lachoong.
I went out on the moraine and waved my hand in salute and was answered by a toot from the whistle.
On my way back to camp I discovered a group of monumental stumps in a washed-out valley of the moraineand went ashore to observe them.
Around the beautifully drawn curve of the moraine the Stickeen River flows, having evidently been shoved by the glacier out of its direct course.
We obtained two cords of dry wood at Juneau which Captain Carroll kindly had his men carry up the moraine to our camp-ground.
Strange to say, all of this exuberant forest and flower vegetation was growing upon fresh moraine material scarcely at all moved or in any way modified by post-glacial agents.
My general plan was to trace the terminal moraine to its extreme north end, pitch my little tent, leave the blanket and most of the hardtack, and from this main camp go and come as hunger required or allowed.
Muir, fresh and enthusiastic as ever, had been the pilot across the moraine and upon the great ice mountain; and I, wrapped like a mummy in linen strips, was able to join in his laughter as he told of the big D.
The only signs of former life were the sodden and splintered spruce and fir stumps that projected here and there from the bases of huge gravel heaps, the moraine matter of the mighty ice mass that had engulfed them.
They told the story of great forests which had once covered this whole region, until the great sea of ice of the second glacial period overwhelmed and ground them down, and buried them deep under its moraine matter.
So we skirted it and came, after a mile, to the head of a great slide of gravel, the fine moraine matter of the receding glacier.
Then came moraine matter, rounded pebbles and boulders, and beyond them the glacier.
The moraine has been spilling gravel around it, and got it all dirty.
We climbed the moraine on the opposite side of the glacier, and then crept along its sharp ridge a hundred yards or so, in pretty constant danger of a tumble to the glacier below.
It also shoves out a moraine along each side of its course.
The stones of the moraine were composed of syenite and greenstone, the former predominating, and mixed up with them I saw many trunks of trees, which were crushed, torn, and distorted out of all shape.
The green moraine on the mountain shows how soon nature recoups herself.
It is where it joins the crumbling moraine that it is most beautiful, because here there are caves of intense blue, of pale green, and of that indescribable opaque aquamarine, only seen in perfection in the horseshoe bend at Niagara.
We can trace the exact place where it cracked away from the symmetry of rock, leaving an unseemly cavity and a long moraine of débris.
It is in the broad, shallow depressions of the ground moraine that many of the lakes and more of the marshes of southeastern Wisconsin are located.
The extent and position of the re-entrant is shown by the course of the moraine in Plate II.
From Plate II it will be seen that the moraine as a whole makes a great loop to the eastward in crossing the quartzite range.
It is nearly certain also, that, were the morainedam at the south end of the lake removed, all the water would flow out to the Wisconsin, though the data for the demonstration of this conclusion are not to be had, as already stated.
This alone would have caused the moraine of any region to have been of unequal height and width at different points.
Elsewhere the moraine has been named the "Kettle Range" from the number of kettle-like depressions in its surface.
Besides being obstructed where crossed by the terminal moraine, the valley of the Baraboo was clogged to a less extent by drift deposits between the moraine and the Lower narrows.
The moraine line on the map represents the crest of the marginal ridge rather than its outer limit, which is slightly nearer the lake margin.
It will be seen that a terminal moraine does not necessarily mark the terminus of the ice at the time of its greatest advance, but rather its terminus at any time when its edge was stationary or nearly so.
The course of the terminal moraine across the ridges is such as the margin of the ice would normally have when it advanced into a region of great relief.
A good example of an outwash plain occurs southwest of Baraboo, flanking the moraine on the west (Fig.
As a moraine ridge grows higher and more steep by the lowering of the surface of the surrounding ice, the stones of its cover tend to slip down its sides.
Is the ground moraineof Figure 87 due chiefly to abrasion or to plucking?
The terminal moraine is commonly breached by a considerable stream, which issues from beneath the ice by a tunnel whose portal has been enlarged to a beautiful archway by melting in the sun and the warm air (Fig.
Some of the pebbles of the terminal moraine are angular, and some are faceted and scored, the latter having come by the hard road of the ground moraine.
As a glacier is in constant motion, it brings to its end all of its load except such parts of the ground moraine as may find permanent lodgment beneath the ice.
Glacial ice grinds the stones of its ground moraine against the underlying rock with the pressure of its enormous weight.
Beneath their lake- like expanse of sluggish or stagnant ice a broad sheet of ground moraineis probably being deposited.
A medial moraine cannot be formed in this way, since no rock fragments can fall so far out from the sides.
In this way pebbles torn by the inland ice from the rocks of the interior of Greenland and glaciated during their carriage in the ground moraine are dropped at last among the oozes of the bottom of the North Atlantic.
It has been protected from the sun by the veneer of moraine stuff; while the glacier surface on either side has melted down at least the distance of the height of the ridge.
Great outwash plains of sand and gravel lie in front of the moraine belts, and long valley trains of coarse gravels tell of the swift and powerful rivers of the time.
But following it up the glacial stream, one finds that a medial moraine takes its beginning at the junction of the glacier and some tributary and is formed by the union of their two adjacent lateral moraines.
As we rode out to the bowlder-strewn edge of the moraine the rising sun greeted us cordially, illuminating below us the flat surface of the marsh which stretched away to the east and south as far as the eye could see.
Cyclonic gusts were repeated a few days after, when the upper tiers of boxes composing the break-wind were thrown down and pebbles from the moraine were hurled on the roof.
So we were contented to kill a seal and bring it home before lunch, continuing to sink the ice-shaft above the moraine for the rest of the day.
Just a little to the south of this creek Blake discovered a terminal moraine about two hundred yards in length and fifty feet wide.
Stillwell met with a great range of minerals and rocks in the terminal moraine near Winter Quarters, Adelie Land.
A line of moraine ran from the rocks away in an east-north-east direction.
In the afternoon Blake and I had a trip down to the moraine which he had found a few days previously.
The moraine is in the foreground A panorama of the sea front looking eastward from winter quarters.
Antoine had to make a long detour to get on the glacier, and when he did reach the moraine on the top, he found that many of the most dangerous blocks lay beyond the reach of his axe.
The day was unusually warm, and the ice melted so rapidly that parts of this moraine were being sent down in frequent avalanches.
High on the summit of the precipice, where its edge cut sharply against the blue sky, could be seen the black boulders and debris of the lateral moraine of the glacier.
There are many avalanches, great and small, in English society as well as among the Swiss mountains; and, whether by gradual subsidence or a tremendous rush, we must all find our places in the moraine at last.