In the introduction to Cotman's "Brasses of Norfolk and Suffolk," he notes that "in 1800 the chancel of Ingham was completely swept of all its beautiful memorials of the Stapleton family.
A slight research among our topographical works will prove, that a very large abstraction and destruction of such memorials has taken place in comparatively recent times.
Crossing the bridge I climbed the Dybbol--dotted with memorials of that heroic defence--and thence could see the wee form and gossamer rigging of the Dulcibella on the silver ribbon of the Sound.
With the possible exception of two very archaic slate palettes, the first historical memorials recovered from the south do not date from an earlier period than the beginning of the Ist Dynasty.
But more instructive than these borrowed memorials is a genuine example of Phoenician work, the stele set up by Yehaw-milk, king of Byblos, and dating from the fourth or fifth century B.
The Society gave these memorials a cold reception.
In 1790 memorials against slavery from the Society of Friends were laid before the first Congress of the United States.
The twenty years of his senatorial life are crowded with memorials of his loyalty to truth and free dom and humanity, which will be enduring as our history.
A subsequent treaty with this people is one of the most precious memorials of his reign.
The memorials of the friendship of these two youths, in the annals of that troublous time, are like a star in the darkest night.
We were interested also in the memorials of Southey at Crossthwaite Church.
We spent three weeks at wholesome Wiesbaden, counting a day that we gave to Mayence, on the other side of the Rhine, for the purpose of seeing the memorials of Gutenberg, the inventor of printing.
These are the mute but touching memorials of the men who have died in the service; to each one belongs some heroic tale.
Let us hear a few of these stories; let us endeavour to make these charred memorials speak, and tell us something of the brave deeds and thrilling tragedies connected with their silent but eloquent presence here.
They are the memorials of a man who was burnt at his post.
Memorials were read for Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Mrs. Cornelia C.
See the notes of Jacques Laderchi in the life of St. Cecilia published by him, and the long list of memorials which he has collected in her honor.
The memorials gathered are not only interesting in themselves, but invaluable for the truth and lessons which they teach.
Rapidly the memorials were gathered from each loyal State and placed in their several rooms.
In all the historic memorials about noble old Richmond there is no monument more touching than this practical offering to the women of the Confederacy.
Second Itinerary in 1661, in Memorials of Ray, edited by E.
Aeneas admires and turns his eyes lightly round about, pleased with the country; and gladly on spot after spot inquires and hears of the memorials of earlier men.
Thou seest these two towns likewise with walls overthrown, relics and memorials of men of old.
The letter from Juan de Iturbe, as well as the Memorials of Quiros, were before them.
So that I was forced to be more importunate to His Majesty, submitting new memorials every day, representing the arguments in favour of the enterprise, and endeavouring to satisfy those who opposed me.
So that I was forced to continue mymemorials to the Viceroy, and to set forth all the details I deemed necessary to arm, equip, and provision the ships for so long a voyage.
At length, after many memorials and much worry, I induced the Viceroy to nominate commissaries whose duty it was to see that the most necessary things were provided for my despatch.
With this object I began new memorialsto the Council of State, and when I thought that I was about to secure my desires, the business was again turned over to the Council of the Indies.
His faithful Secretary, Belmonte Bermudez, who had edited theMemorials for him, stood by him to the last.
The Memorials are tedious, and necessarily full of repetitions.
We get a glimpse of the view taken by leading Spanish statesmen under Philip III, of the Memorials and aspirations of Quiros, from the Minutes of a sitting of the Council of State in July, 1609.
He says he has been sending in memorials constantly for fifty months.
The Memorials of Quiros, and other documents in the Appendix, will be described further on.
Most of them received the memorials well, and seemed to value them; but not for this did my despatch progress any faster.
Other memorials of victories have borne the pompous titles of commanders who arrogated the glory to themselves; but the Bible knows of only one conqueror, and that is God.
Portuguese Roman Catholics, under Don Alexis de Menezes, destroyed the sacred books and memorials of the ancient Syrian Church on the Malabar coast in India.
Arabian memorials and writings in such sort that those documents may be read as they were written;" (p.
The kind girl had not desired the return of the little admonitory tokens of happy days; she had also retained his gifts, memorials of a pure and beautiful love, which a dreadful fate had destroyed.
It also afforded Hoffmann a particular pleasure to preserve all memorials of friendship and pleasant times carefully, and to decorate his room with them.
It is not possible to tell from the published memorials what clouds overshadowed the Princess Victoria’s childhood.
The veneration and gratitude of the whole town found expression in many schemes for memorials in her honour.
Want of authenticmemorials has obliged our later writers to leave the mass pretty much as they found it.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed to address memorials in behalf of woman suffrage to Congress, and to the national conventions of every political party.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed to address memorials to Congress, and State Legislatures, and National Conventions of every political party, in behalf of the legal and political equality of woman.
Not that they are in themselves worth preserving, but that, left behind me, they may serve as little memorials of me.