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Example sentences for "pretty much"

  • These young girls that live in boarding-houses can do pretty much as they will.

  • I've told you that I take an interest in pretty much everything, and don't mean to fence out any human interests from the private grounds of my intelligence.

  • She seems to do pretty much as she likes about studying.

  • I guess he's got courage enough to do pretty much what he wants to," said Lapham glumly.

  • Well, pretty much," said her son, with a guiltless laugh.

  • They let the men do pretty much as they please.

  • On the other hand, if you feel about it pretty much as you have done, I should like to have you tell me that too, honestly and frankly, that we may have a distinct understanding, and that I may be considering what to do next.

  • I suppose the world is pretty much alike, in every age," said the Count, laughing.

  • Pretty much what I might of one of the Tonga Islands.

  • I suspect, sir, it's pretty much what it used to be,' lisped out Walpole.

  • The world was, on the whole, pretty much as they always remembered it.

  • It was a part of his peculiar ethics that a man thus rejected was damaged, pretty much as a bill that has been denied acceptance.

  • The lleranos were still allowed to come and go pretty much as they liked, and if awkward questions were asked it would be easy to invent excuses.

  • The wild Indians, directed by their chief, were driving the tame Indians together, pretty much as sheep-dogs drive sheep, and soon had them penned into a compact mass in an angle formed by the church and another building.

  • This local species has the wings pretty much of the same shape as those of S.

  • Abroad, it seems to be pretty much confined to Southern Europe and North-west Africa.

  • In other male specimens of this insular race the wings are pretty much of the typical colour, but the markings on the front pair are reduced both in number and size.

  • The hunters then make their way to this retreat on snowshoes, and from the top of the banks pick off the deer at leisure with their rifles, and haul them away to market, until the enclosure is pretty much emptied.

  • They've been coaxed and they've been whipped, but they've always made out to mind by doin' pretty much as they was a mind to.

  • Seems to me as though we'd got all the rest on 'em in use, pretty much.

  • Besides this, the lounging and idle kind of life, coupled with the activity, of a constable, is pretty much to their natural disposition.

  • Indeed, they seem to be pretty much all of a fairish kind.

  • In the first three days the unaccustomed exercise proved so severe, that when I reached the deanery I could hardly move, and crossed the floor, pretty much as a pair of compasses might be supposed to do if performing that exploit.

  • Well, why don't you have a young heiress, pretty much spoiled, who owns a ranch.

  • I suspect the regular studio writers will think it pretty much a mess when they get their hands on it.

  • About all she has left is the ranch and a brother who is pretty much worthless.

  • Advance shore work is the marine's specialty, and he goes to it pretty much as a man with a dinner-pail goes to work in the subway.

  • What that balloon does is pretty much what a submarine would do if, while running along full speed under water, she suddenly ran into shoal water.

  • I am pretty much of one mind with our first officer in this submarine matter.

  • I should like it pretty much such a room as this kitchen," answered Tabitha.

  • Pretty much so, Tabby," said Mr. Brown, lifting a handful of the treasure.

  • She used to say that she and old Peter Goldthwaite had often spent a sociable evening by the kitchen fire--pretty much as you and I are doing now, Mr. Peter.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pretty much" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also liable; either case; general service; growing varieties; join the; library buildings; light brownish; only want; pretty certain; pretty child; pretty close; pretty eyes; pretty face; pretty house; pretty lady; pretty lass; pretty long; pretty maid; pretty much; pretty picture; pretty rose; pretty thing; pretty things; strong guard; the wicked; took refuge