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Example sentences for "massacres"

Lexicographically close words:
masques; mass; massacre; massacred; massacree; massacring; massage; massaged; massaging; massas
  1. The incorrigible vices of the Government of Turkey had led to a series of horrible massacres of the Christian subjects of the Sultan in Armenia.

  2. It was from the top of that gate that the sentry on duty first caught sight of the solitary figure, clad in sheepskin coat and riding a bay pony, lean, hungry, and tired, who alone survived the massacres in the Khyber and Jugdulluck Passes.

  3. The suddenness of the outbreak, the rapidity of its spread, the atrocious massacres which marked its progress, created a wild panic in Calcutta and other European communities.

  4. Men like Lafayette and Mirabeau still controlled the Assembly, and if the King and the Nobility had made terms, probably the monarchy might have been saved, certainly the massacres would have been averted.

  5. As soon as the safety of the captives was assured, inquiry was instituted as to the participation of these Indians in the massacres and outrages which had been so recently perpetrated.

  6. These Indians were composed of Upper and Lower Sioux, and had generally been engaged in all the massacres that had taken place since the outbreak.

  7. On St. Bartholomew's Eve there was a general massacre of the Protestants in Paris, followed by similar massacres throughout France, the number of victims being variously estimated at from twenty-five to a hundred thousand.

  8. We've had several Jew-massacres in Kishineff.

  9. The massacre of St. Bartholomew at Paris in 1572 had been followed by like massacres in various parts of France, especially in the south.

  10. As the massacres had failed, the question next arose whether the inhabitants might not be driven into exile, and the country entirely cleared of them.

  11. Waffen SS divisions were responsible for many massacres and atrocities in occupied territories such as the massacres at Oradour and Lidice.

  12. The massacres of Rowno and Dubno, of which the German engineer Graebe spoke, were examples of one method; the systematic extermination of Jews in concentration camps, was another.

  13. The Einstzgruppen engaged in wholesale massacres of the Jews.

  14. Even at the time of the massacres of Lebanon I never saw them shewing signs of joy.

  15. For we must not forget that according to Article 3 of the Hague Convention they ought to indemnify us for all the burnings and massacres commanded by them.

  16. We have just seen that massacres very frequently took place without any pretext having been brought forward to excuse them.

  17. While men were being shot in the Fonds de Leffe, horrible massacres were being committed at Leffe and at Dinant, at only a few minutes' distance.

  18. August, 1914, morning edition), and in part at least the massacres of Louvain.

  19. Those who were present at the massacres of Vise, Louvain, Dinant, Termonde .

  20. There remain the famous massacres of Germans in Brussels, Antwerp, Liege, etc.

  21. Those who lived in the towns left intact, such as Brussels and Gand, but who heard people talk of the massacres and the burnings, had also only one idea: to fly before the arrival of the Germans.

  22. According to Brissot, the massacres were committed by about "a hundred unknown brigands.

  23. The ministers were in perfect agreement to let the massacres continue.

  24. And as to Danton, who glories in being the immediate instigator of the massacres we have these, Danton's own words: "It was I who caused them.

  25. His veto of the massacres was delivered not a moment too soon.

  26. Walker was humane in war, and allowed retaliatory measures to be taken against the Costa Ricans only after the latter had shamelessly abused his lenity by repeated massacres of defenceless prisoners and non-combatants.

  27. The idea of agrarian massacres had already taken possession of many timid minds.

  28. Two of these, to judge by their photographs, were of refined, prepossessing appearance, and seemingly little fitted for taking part in wholesale massacres such as the society talked of organising.

  29. He had hardly returned when news arrived of extensive massacres of Italians living under British protection at Bona and Oran by order of the Dey--an order actually issued while the British admiral was at Algiers.

  30. One day a week after the massacres at the prisons he received another terrible shock.

  31. And now he knew that his hopes had been ill founded--that his friends had been arrested when almost within sight of the frontier, and had been murdered as soon as the news of the massacres in Paris had reached Lille.

  32. The order was promptly obeyed, and throughout France massacres similar to those in Paris were at once carried out.

  33. The leader was Osceola, a chief of much ability, who perpetrated several massacres before he was captured.

  34. The king was dethroned when I was at Blois, and the massacres of September took place when I was at Orleans.

  35. At the time of the September massacres he was at Orleans.

  36. We need not speak of the massacres of the Thirty Years' War, by which a third of the population of Germany perished, or of the frightful hecatombs of Napoleon I, for these facts are in everybody's memory.

  37. This is not all; the cost of civil wars has to be counted, for the conquest of power within the state is attended by massacres which are often not inferior to those of foreign ones.

  38. The horrible massacres were now realizing at home.

  39. The massacres too, and the ruin, though only conjectural, they admitted also.

  40. Mary--the massacres of St. Bartholomew in France; and forty years more of other massacres between the time of Francis I.

  41. This is without reckoning all the massacres committed in the same names, precedently to any of the above.

  42. The massacres of Antioch and Thessalonica, by the Emperor Theodosius, may be regarded as other instances of sectarian ferocity, partaking, as they certainly did, of religious animosity.

  43. During this period the fury of the AEtolians, being turned against themselves, seemed likely to cause the total extinction of that nation by the massacres of the contending parties.

  44. Onomastus, by order of Philip, massacres the Maronites, xxxix.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "massacres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.