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Example sentences for "much difference"

  • Furthermore, it is now generally supposed there is much difference in the etiology of these morbid conditions.

  • I suppose there is not really so much difference in people's feelings, whether they live in Bangor or Omaha, but one's nerves can't be expected to stretch across the continent.

  • But there is so much difference of character in the verses which are produced at our table, without any signature, that I feel quite sure there are at least two or three other contributors besides myself.

  • I don't believe there is much difference.

  • The diameters of tapping holes should be equal to the diameter of the thread at the root, but in the case of cast iron there is much difference of opinion and practice.

  • It is to be observed, however, that under equal conditions, so far as the lathe and the work is concerned, it is not unusual to find as much difference as 30 per cent.

  • That is it question I have sometimes asked myself; and, taking the thing altogether, I don't think there is much difference.

  • You don't think there is much difference on the price of meal, but on the price of fish there is a great difference?

  • Yes; I cannot say there is much difference.

  • You think there is not so much difference in the cost to you, in the case of shawls, as in the case of veils?

  • Much difference of opinion obtains as to the value of flying blisters on the praecordia.

  • Much difference of opinion obtains as to whether inflammations of the heart, lungs, and serous membranes occur as manifestations or localizations of true gonorrhoeal rheumatism.

  • Despite, however, the great antiquity of its use, much difference of opinion seems always to have existed as to the exact method of its action, and as to its merits as a manure in promoting vegetable growth.

  • As to the relative merits of covered and uncovered manure-heaps, much difference of opinion exists.

  • With regard to the manurial value of the resulting sludges, much difference of opinion has existed.

  • The prospect of employment is tolerable, but most prefer to retain those they teach, as there is much difference in the style and expedition.

  • It is very simple, but there is much difference in the quantity done by different individuals.

  • There is much difference naturally in the sense of hearing in different individuals: there is much from training, there is much from the aptness of a pupil, and in the application.

  • Eugene did not realize it, but she was fully five years older than himself, with the tact and the superior advantage which so much difference in years brings.

  • You don't think it makes so much difference whether I talk to Madame Bourgoche?

  • It didn't make so much difference to her at this time that he wasn't making any money.

  • The money may not make so much difference to you but you may as well have it.

  • The Devon type itself has given rise to much difference of opinion, two local classifications have been applied, one for the rocks of North Devon and another for those of South Devon.

  • We concluded, as there ain't much difference, and the canoe will be the quickest and easiest, so we had best keep to that plan.

  • No, I don't think there's much difference, captain.

  • There ain't much difference between a hunter one side of the frontier and the other, but it's as well that you shouldn't be seen till we land.

  • There seems to be, however, much difference in the dry fodders from different varieties of sorghum.

  • All these things depend upon local conditions, because there is so much difference in heat and frost and similar slopes at different elevations and exposures.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much difference" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    husky whisper; large spoonful; much about; much admired; much affected; much alarmed; much concerned; much difference; much entitled; much finer; much flour; much force; much information; much injury; much larger; much like; much money; much pleased; much right; much superior; much taken; much the same manner; much troubled; much value; open hand; sandy bottom