It overrode the 'zero' position of the volume control enough to drive the loudspeaker into a blubber of noise.
The loudspeaker was counting down to Two Hours One Minute.
Captain Kivelson," the loudspeaker said, "your son is alive and under skin-grafting treatment here at the spaceport hospital.
A loudspeaker set high in the reviewing stand announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please!
A loudspeaker voice boomed, "Answer when your number is called.
For the benefit of those who are visiting our gallery for the first time," the loudspeaker said, "a word of explanation is in order.
The loudspeaker voice was calling loudly for order.
The loudspeaker voice was coming to the end of the prisoner list.
The loudspeaker voice began to read off the prisoners' numbers, as it had when Barrent had disembarked.
She slumped beside him, unconscious, and the hum from the loudspeaker took on a higher, treble note that filled the whole laboratory with its vibrant pulsations.
She turned the rheostat up a trifle further, and the hum from the loudspeaker became even louder, more vibrant.
Only the wire photo dispatcher talking over the loudspeaker from New York," Penny, chuckled.
As they entered the wire photo room, a loudspeaker blared forth: "All right, Riverview, go ahead with your fire picture!
It pierced through the control cabin from the loudspeaker cone above the radio switchboard.
Friday, at the space-stick, stared at him; Harkness's face was puzzled as he peered at the loudspeaker and then turned and gazed at his captain.
A preparatory sputter from the loudspeaker that spun Friday around.
I only wish we could get that loudspeaker to speak just a bit louder," said Herb.
As she spoke, a quivering pencil of light leaped from a black box in the booth and her words thundered from a loudspeaker in the balcony.
They found that, with the set's loudspeaker disconnected, they could place their gadget several hundred feet away and hear the programs perfectly, either on the short-wave or regular broadcasting channels.
The airborne loudspeaker was the object of experimentation, but the bulk of loudspeaker broadcasts were made from vehicle mounts, such as tanks, and from emplacements.
Eighth Army's PsyWar division of G3 had the 1st Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company under its operational control.
The Group's junior partner in the conduct of PsyWar support operations was the Loudspeaker and Leaflet (L&L) Company.
The tank commander would then cut his radiophone into a relay, and the tanks which had loudspeakers would automatically connect the loudspeaker units direct with the radio telephone.
They provided the loudspeaker units which were taken right into combat.
Each of the corps PsyWar officers had under his operational control oneloudspeaker section (with a varying number of teams) from the L&L Company.
And the loudspeaker platoon was the tactical counterpart of the strategic Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company.
The effects of planned persuasion in a thousand days of radio broadcasts, in tens of thousands of loudspeaker appeals, in billions of leaflets, may be measured only in retrospect.
In April, 1945, a loudspeaker tank with the XIX Corps made an average of twenty broadcasts a day during action.
An hour later, the ship's loudspeaker system went on.
Bells sounded the end of a period and a loudspeaker system began directing Class so and so to Room such and such.
When the shuttle shoved off, the loudspeaker announced that normal space flight would be maintained till after the stopover at Garth.
The orchestra swayed into a final soft chord, and immediately a voice spoke from a loudspeaker in the ceiling.
A loudspeaker boomed suddenly in Brown's voice: "Evacuate airlock and prepare to take off!
A loudspeaker close to them said abruptly: "Nineteen miles.
The loudspeakersaid severely: "The checking should have been done earlier!
Trembling, Jeb pressed a button on the lower left of the Monitex and a voice promptly droned mechanically from the waferlike loudspeaker hidden under the surface, giving details of the violation.
Suddenly, the loudspeaker announced the arrival of Mr. Quelor Da and party.
Suddenly the loudspeaker announced: "The Party of His Royal Majesty, the King.
Jeb shouted through the loudspeaker the guards used to guide tanks in.
Lay Down Your Arms, the loudspeaker blared in another tune from tin-pan alley.
The Thebold loudspeaker began to play On the Sunny Side of the Street.
The voice in the loudspeaker at the door said, "Burckhardt?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loudspeaker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: cone; diaphragm; earphone; headphone; headset; horn; loudspeaker; speaker