In the dayes of Sigismund the Russe would tant the Polacks, that they loued their ease at home with their wiues, and to drinke, and were not at commandement of their king.
Shal I be the first simple Gentleman that hath married or loued a Princesse?
Fisher man) "must a Prince be loued for gaine and good turnes, rather than for hys Iustice and curtesie?
Doe you thincke that if I loued him, as you mystrust, that I would suffer him to tarry beneath in this greate colde to coole himselfe?
For going many times to see Gienura with the hauke on his fist and bearing with him the tokens of the goodnesse of his Hauke, it escaped his mouth to say, that the same was one of the things that in all the World he loued best.
Now thys Prynce aboue all other pleasure, loued the game of Hunting.
But Mars called the God of battaile, loued Uenus, beyng nothyng loued of Uenus: but Mars loued Uenus as feruently, as Uenus lo- ued Adonis.
The Goddes Uenus, as foolishe Poetes dooe feigne, beyng the aucthour of Loue: loued Ado- nis the soonne of Cynara kyng of Cypres.
Mars beyng a God, loued Uenus a goddes, but Uenus onely was inflamed with the loue of Adonis, a mor- tall man.
The Persians so entirely loued hym, that after his death thei sente Ambassadours, desiryng licence to erecte [Fol.
For I haue loued thee this seuen long yeere, And our chance itt was wee cold neuer meete.
And said, 'lady, if you see that I must dye, As euer you loued me, from me flye.
In later tyme, no man knew better, nor liked and loued more Varros learnyng, than did S.
And I trust, he shall thinke the better of it, bicause he shall finde the best part thereof, to cum out of his Schole, whom he, of all men loued and liked best.
But the truth was, the French king neither loued the sight nor liked the companie of the king of England on that side the sea; but when he was here at home, he both loued him as his brother, and tooke him as his freend.
Againe, Thou hast loued truth and hated iniquitie, wherefore God, euen thy God hath annointed thee with oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes.
For hee had a maner gelosie To his Marchants and loued them hartily.
And when the appointed day was come, the counte in the presence of the king (although it were against his wil) maried the maiden, wholoued him better then her owne selfe.
He greatly loued that ring, and kepte it very carefully, and neuer toke it from his finger, for a certaine vertue that he knew it had.
Euphimia the Kyng of Corinth’s daughter fell in love with Acharisto, the seruaunt of her father, and besides others which required hir in mariage, she disdayned Philon the King of Peloponesvs, that loued hir very feruently.
The Counte being maried against his will, for despite fled to Florence and loued another.
And when they went about to reduce her by al meanes possible from those furious panges, and saw that it nothing auailed, they lefte her in the keeping of the olde maiden, whom she loued aboue any other.
I haue then my Lord (quoth she) deserued the Countie Beltramo of Rossiglione, whom I haue loued from my youth.
And when hee had well debated of this matter, he deuised this waye: hee knew that Seleucus louedhis wife beyonde measure, and also that Antiochus was so deare vnto him as his own life.
The good man which loued one no better then another, knew not which of them to chose, to whom he might dispose it, and thought best to promise the same to euery of them to satisfie all three.
For certainly Seleucus did vanquish his owne appetites, by depriuing himselfe of his wife, whom hee louedand esteemed, aboue all worldly thinges.
And Israel loued Ioseph more than all his childern/ because he begat hym in his olde age/ and he made him a coote of many coloures.
And Iacob louedher well/ and sayde: I will serue the .
Isaac loved Esau because he dyd eate of his venyso/ but Rebecca loued Iacob.
When his brothren sawe that their father loued him more than all his brethern/ they hated him and coude not speke one kynde worde vnto him.
This yeare on Whitsundaie being the seauenth of Iune, quéene Anne departed this life, to the great greefe of hir husband king Richard, who loued hir intirelie.
He answered, that he did not purchase them for anie feare he had of faults committed by him, but to staie the malicious speach of them that neither loued the king nor him.
But whosoeuer was glad or sorie for the trouble of the said earle, suerlie the queene mother tooke it most heauilie aboue all other, as she that loued him more (as the fame went) than stood well with hir honour.
Sir Cawline loues her best of one, but nothing durst hee say to discreeue his councell to noe man, but deerlye loued this mayd.
I neuer loued noe witchcraft, nor neuer dealt with treacherye, but euermore held the hye way; alas!
Why one faire Daughter, and no more, The which he loued passing well Pol.
Whervpon he first asked Gonorilla the eldest, how well sheloued him: who calling hir [Sidenote: A triall of loue.
There shall no statue of such price be set, As that of Romeos loued Iuliet.
Pronounce but Loue and Doue, speake to my gossip Venus one faire word, one nickname for her purblinde sonne and heire young Abraham: Cupid hee that shot so trim when young King Cophetua loued the begger wench.
How Uther loved The Erles wyff of Cornewayle the Earl of He louedto Muche sanz fayle; 20 Cornwall's wife, [Arthur Has the Round Table Made.
And that we knowe very wel howe moche they haue alwayes loued [B.
He neither loued much speech, nor gaue credite to faire; but trusted truely to himselfe, to others so farre as he might not be abused by credulitie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.