The understanding is that by which a man becomes a mere logician and a mere rhetorician.
If I had not been a piece of a logician before I came to him.
It is only the logician who can afford to be thoroughgoing in his theory, and even he would become most absurd and even dangerous but for the redeeming fact "that men are better than their principles.
An analogy is a type of reasoning, and as such is referred to the logician for more precise definition.
Perhaps there is a realm of wisdom from which the logician is banished?
For that despotic logicianhad now and then the feeling of a gap, or void, a sentiment of semi-reproach, as of a possibly neglected duty with respect to art.
This logician must refer everything to its own proper author, and its own proper cause.
Hillel may not be the equal of the logician you heard, and Simeon and Shammai are, no doubt, inferior to your master hard by the Forum.
Bourdaloue, sound logician and good moralist, from his pulpit as a preacher uttered discourses that were admirable, though too dogmatically composed, and painted word-pictures that piously satirised the types and the eccentrics of his day.
But to impose upon the facts in the first instance the yoke of a theory, while the grounds of the theory are reserved for discussion in a subsequent stage, is not a course which a logician can reasonably adopt.
To a similar extent, and no further, it is necessary that the logicianshould analyse the mental processes with which Logic is concerned.
These words, “the place which the wisdom or policy of antiquity had destined for the residence of the Abyssinian princes,” form in the estimation of the logician only one name; one Categorematic term.
Yet this is what the reader of a book on mathematics would do if he were a logician only.
A logician would have rejected with horror such a conception, or rather he would not have had to reject it, because in his mind it would never have originated.
The logician is, therefore, driven back upon the assumption that she did it; and that lends a sort of mysterious interest to her personality at the beginning.
But even the cheerful inner life of a logician may be upset by a lunatic asylum, to say nothing of whiffs of memory from a lady in Jersey, and the little red-bearded man on this windy evening was in a dangerous frame of mind.
In short, they are an aggregate of contrarieties, and the best logician cannot reconcile them.
There seems to be so palpable a substratum of right sense, in the rude classifications of the multitude, that the logicianhas little else to do, in many cases, than to retouch them and give them precision.
The reader will find that logician is need in the sense of skilfulness in eliciting and exhibiting reality.
He confines the province of logic, as an art, to 'employing language properly for the purpose of reasoning,' and restricts the logician to the use of the syllogism as the sole test of argument.
To detect error, then, in any province of investigation, or any domain of argument, the logician first looks to the primary principles on which it is based, and thus tests the legitimacy of its conclusions.
A logician in facts would have said, I hold and support my religion because it is true.
A logician is imperfect without scientific tastes and habits.
It is with consciousness that the logician has to deal.
Besides, the skill of the logician is as serviceable in the statement of a case, as in arguing it.
A logician is a secretary or banker's clerk, who keeps an account between truth and error.
Having conjured up an Universal Mind God, it was natural he should try to establish the supremacy of mind--but though a skilful logician he will be unable to do so.
But the logician finds it necessary for his processes to present that outer Not-A as bounded (Vide e.
The neat little circles the logician uses to convey his idea of P or not P to the student are just pictures of boundaries in his mind, exaggerations of a natural mental tendency.
In Logic enthymemes are recognised only to be shown up: the elliptical expression is a cover for fallacy, which it is the business of the logician to strip off.
At any rate such an implication exists, whether it is the function of the Grammarian or the Logician to expound it.
Seeing that we must pass through that analysis to reach it, it is obviously not a theory of ordinary thought, but of the thought of a logician performing that analysis.
It is for the logician to expound the method of Definition and the conditions of its application: how far there are subjects that do not admit of its application profitably must be decided on other grounds.
We may laugh at such quibbles now and wonder that a grave logician should have thought them worth guarding against.
But De Morgan was a logician as well, and the author of the Budget of Paradoxes is worthy of remembrance in literature.
His style, otherwise clear and good, is overloaded with words specially coined for the purposes of the logician and metaphysician.
Language has materials of every sort lying strewn about, among which thelogician has to seek for his proper implements.
The formal logician is only concerned to examine whether the conclusion duly follows from the premisses: he need not concern himself with the truth or falsity of his data.
Yet, in a certain way, every one must have been a logician since he began to speak.
Otherwise he will waste his mental energy and will be placed at a disadvantage when confronted with a trained logician in argument or debate.
The logician endeavors to learn exactly what this reason is which makes the power of men.
But here again Royce slipped into a romantic equivocation which a strict logician would not have tolerated.
The mere being of truth, which is all a logician needs, would not help him in this wrestling for personal salvation; as he keenly felt and often said, the truth is like the stars, always laughing at us.
It is for the logician to explain how this proposition can be brought under his rule--or else to admit it as an exception.
The logician lays down as a rule that no affirmative proposition can be at the same time true and false.
Champagne," said Mr. Neilsen with the weary pathos of a logician among idiots.
A logician wolde briefly argue / who so euer violently wyll slee an other / may lawfully of the other be slayne in his defence.
For as touchynge the[m] in all thynges the Rheto- rician & Logiciando agre.
How the logician should deal with the transitive applications of words 224 6.
What kind of logician must he be who thinks that a phenomenon is defined to be the condition on which he supposes it to depend?
He finds how ill the character of a grim logician suits with his inclination.
The grim logician puts them in a fright; 'Tis easier far to flourish than to fight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "logician" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: philosopher; sophist; thinker