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Example sentences for "kepe"

Lexicographically close words:
kenning; kennt; kens; kentry; kep; kepen; keper; kepeth; kepi; keping
  1. On St. Blaye's Day to be sett in his lordsshippe candil to offer at Hye Mass, if his lordschyp kepe chapell iiijd.

  2. My lorde's offeringe accustomede upon All hallow-Day yerely, when his lordshippe is at home at the Highe Mass, if he kepe Chapell, xijd.

  3. How Princis suld atoure all thing tak kepe to thair hele.

  4. That the Deuyll (god saue vs) maye daunce in thy purse for euer a crosse that thou hast to kepe hî for the.

  5. Nowe ye appose me, kepe the cõmaundementes quod he, that is a payne in dede.

  6. Many tymes they retayne and kepe in theyr handes all togy||ther.

  7. But frome this generall priuiledge he secludeth all woman, sayinge: let women kepe silence in the congregation.

  8. For nature hath in all beastes printed a certein marke of dominion in the male, and a certeine subiection in the female, whiclie they kepe inuiolate.

  9. Neuerthelesse, the choyse resteth in you, and the key of your honour is in your own hands, and that which I haue sayde vnto you, is but to kepe promise with the king.

  10. Who willed him to kepe the younge souldiours still in intertaignement, for that hee woulde require their aide against the Veientes.

  11. The father hearing the wise aunswere of his daughter, gaue her his blessing, in his hart praysing her godly minde, beseching God to helpe her and to kepe her vnder his protection, and to confirme her in that holy and vertuous determination.

  12. It is nowe time then (if thou kepe promise) that I should be receiued as thy wyfe.

  13. Which instrument and bille I send yow ageyn by the berare of this, which I prey you to kepe as pryve as ye may.

  14. And also he told my seyd lord Chaunceler and many more lordes that yf the kynge pardon hym or graunted any supersedeas, London shuld with inne short tyme have as moche for to do as they hadde for to kepe London Brygge whanne the Capteyn[207.

  15. And yet divers of the seid mysdoeres and ryotous peple onknowyn, contrary to your lawes, dayly kepe the seid maner with force, and lyne [i.

  16. And I praye you to hold me excused that I myght not kepe myn day in the Passion wike, for in good feight I was so occupied I myght not.

  17. And thertoo he knouyth well that my said Lord hath commaunded hym dyvers tymys to take kepe hys ryzt be savyd in thys mater.

  18. It ys told me that the Lord Moleynys xuld kepe his Fastyngong att Jon Wynters plase.

  19. I beseche all myti Jhesu spede yow and kepe yow.

  20. My ryght wurschipful mastre, All myghty Jhesu preserve and kepe you.

  21. I pray yow more over to gif credence to the berer her of, and the Trinite kepe yow.

  22. Conscience cryed eft, And bad Clergie helpe hym, And also Contricion, For to kepe the yate.

  23. Other have an horne and be hay-warde, And liggen out a nyghtes, And kepe my corn in my croft From pykers and theeves?

  24. It bicometh to a kyng To kepe and to defende; And conquerour of conquest Hise lawes and his large.

  25. See fyrst on thyself, And sithen on another, And clense clene thy syght, And kepe wel thyne eighe, And for another mannes eighe Ordeyne after.

  26. Thise fyve ben set To kepe this lady Anima, Til Kynde come or sende 5200 To saven hire for evere.

  27. The boldnesse of thi bienfetes Maketh thee blynd thanne; And thanne worstow dryven out as dew, And the dore closed, Keyed and cliketted, To kepe thee withouten; Happily an hundred wynter Er thow eft entre.

  28. He preide Pernele Hir purfil to lete, And kepe it in hire cofre For catel at hire nede.

  29. The kirke shal have my caroyne, And kepe my bones; For of my corn and catel 3980 She craved the tithe; I paide it ful prestly, For peril of my soule.

  30. Which is the cofre of Cristes tresor, And clerkes kepe the keyes To unloken it at hir likyng, And to the lewed peple Gyve mercy for hire mysdedes, If men it wolde aske Buxomliche and benigneliche, And bidden it of Grace.

  31. The culorum of this cas Kepe I noght to telle, On aventure it noyed men, Noon ende wol I make, 1930 For so is this world went With hem that han power, That who so seith hem sothest Is sonnest y-blamed.

  32. And some troden hir makes, And on trees bredden, And broughten forth hir briddes so Al above the grounde; And some briddes at the bile 7290 Thorugh brethyng conceyved; And some caukede; and took kepe How pecokkes bredden.

  33. See in ony wyse that ye kepe this poynt of goddes lawe & of [the] lawe of nature.

  34. And euer kepe the from synne / for fere of hym aboue.

  35. Kepe pacyence in thy obedyence at all thy paynes & trouble.

  36. The holy goost wyll be with the & teche [the] to kepe them parfytly.

  37. For it is moche bet[ter] one to kepe his tonge than to speke.

  38. Moreouer yf ye wyll see your spouse Ihesu cryst in your mynde by contemplacõn euer kepe your sylence.

  39. Be stylle & kepe sylence / tyll nede requyre that answere must be hadde.

  40. Beware also of glotony whiche is moder of all vnclennesse & bocheres of chastyte / & kepe your stomake rather voyd than to take to it superfluyte wherthorugh ye shall not nede to take medicynes for a digestyon.

  41. I am certayne yf thou kepe well all these [that] ben wryten here.

  42. Kepe well the comyn rule as the holy place hath vsed.

  43. After complyne kepe your tonge & take you to prayer & contemplacion.

  44. In the meane season he saw seuen dombe men (which the Turke vseth as Instruments to kepe his secrets, and priuily to do sutch murthers as he commaundeth) and therewith immediately was wonderfully mased saying: "Beholde my present Death.

  45. But he loued to mutch his wife and children, and woulde kepe them company both in lyfe and death.

  46. So that when he came to see hir, either she was sicke, or hir affaires were sutch, as she could not kepe hym company: or else hir gate was shut vpon him.

  47. I wil kepe it secrete, notwithstanding, and shal pray you to take heede vnto your selues, that by vniuersal consent, the mischiefe may be preuented.

  48. Kepe well the gates fast, they bad, That these traytours therout not go.

  49. But in this noyse the good people kepe them styll.

  50. In the complaint made by David Richardson against his M{r} ffletcher for lack of vittualls It is ordered that ffletcher shall take the boy home & kepe him as an appˀntice ought to be kept.

  51. This day it is ordered that a Court howse be errected upon the Bulwarke behind the Hall of this Company for the M{rs} or Governors to kepe their Courtꝭ at the charge of this Company And M{r.

  52. In this court Rich Hughes is graunted to have the hall to kepe a maryage in upon Sonday c͠o[146] a sevenighte.

  53. Each mason was required to "swere upon ye boke yt he sall trewly ande bysyli at his power hold and kepe holy all ye poyntes of yis forsayde ordinance" (Ordinacio Cementanorum).

  54. Men of armess on Wallace semblit thar, Four scor was sett in armyss buskyt boune, On the merket day, for Scottis to kepe the toune.

  55. Than Inglissmen, that war in bargane, boune To kepe the gait with speris rud and lang; 115 For dynt of suerd thai durst nocht till hym gang.

  56. A hundreth men chargit, in armes strang, To kepe a hunde that thai had thaim amang; In Gyllisland thar was that brachell brede, 25 Sekyr off sent to folow thaim at flede.

  57. Go warn his folk, and haist thaim off the toun; “To kepe him selff I sall be reddy boun.

  58. Ramsay ansuerd: ‘The brig we may kepe weill; ‘Off way about Sotheroun has litill feill.

  59. It war mar waill, in worschip off thi croun, ‘To kepe sic ane in lyff in thi bandoun, ‘Than all the land and gud at thow has refyd.

  60. Rycht couertly thai kepe him in that caiff, Him for to sawe so secretlye thai mycht.

  61. For thi me think this war the best off all, “To kepe our strynth off castell and off wall toun, “Swa sall we fend the fek off this regioun.

  62. Kepe weill my men, latt nane out [of] thi sycht, “Quhill I agayn sall cum with all my mycht.

  63. Quhen Wallace hard the sekyr trew record, 110 Dunbar he tuk all haill at his bandown; Gaiff it to kepe to Crystell off Cetoun, Quhilk stuffit it weill with men and gud wictall.

  64. To kepe his cleane ware closse, and cast away the baggage.

  65. To sow, set, plant, gather, preserve and kepe them in due tyme.

  66. Others also will to take a little Hony, putting into the same a fewe Oate cornes, that the Bées lighting on them, maye so kepe their wings from wetting in the licour.

  67. He that me kepte fro the false blame Whyl I was on the londe amonges yow, (730) He can me kepe from harme and eek fro shame In salte see, al-thogh I se nat how.

  68. But thilke god, that made wind to blowe, (160) As kepe my lord!

  69. Whan ye han taken conseil in your-self, and han demed by good deliberacion swich thing as you semeth best, / thanne rede I yow, that ye kepe it secree.

  70. The firste vertu, sone, if thou wolt lere, Is to restreyne and kepe wel thy tonge.

  71. The clerk, whan he is old, and may noght do Of Venus werkes worth his olde sho, Than sit he doun, and writ in his dotage That wommen can nat kepe hir mariage!

  72. I kepe nat of hise tokenes never a deel; He took me certein gold, that woot I weel!

  73. But take no kepe of al swich vanitee; Deffye Theofraste and herke me.

  74. Ianglinge, is whan men speken to muche biforn folk, and clappen as a mille, and taken no kepe what they seye.

  75. Who is so trewe, and eek so ententyf To kepe him, syk and hool, as is his make?

  76. There shall but syx shote with me; The other shal kepe my hevede, And standë with good bowës bent, That I be not desceyved.

  77. Kepe we the gates fast,’ they bad, ‘That these traytours therout not go.

  78. Which body was by the feete hanged vp there, and a continuall watche appointed to kepe the same.

  79. And when you shall conceiue that opinion of Ialousie, yea and it were of my selfe, I should do you no wrong, for your selfe were not able to kepe it.

  80. To whom Ricciardo said: "Can you tel me wher one Ventura doth kepe his shop?

  81. And so (O life most deere) I shall performe the effecte to kepe the fayth whych last of all before thy face I did confirme.

  82. In thend the poyson he sucked by the viewe of that beautie, consumed his strength, and force failing him, was constrained to kepe his bedde.

  83. The conceit of which excuse Turnus could not kepe secret, but sayd: that a matter betwene the father and the sonne might be ended in few wordes: for if the childe would not be obedient to his father, some mischyef must needes lyght vppon him.

  84. The grete Cane let kepe this cytee fulle wel: for it is his.

  85. And wyte zee wel, that a man oughte to take gode kepe for to bye bawme, but zif he cone knowe it righte wel: for he may righte lyghtely be discoyved.

  86. That castle let make kyng Baldwyn, (that was Kyng of France) whan he had conquered that lond; and putte it in to cristene mennes hondes, for to kepe that contree.

  87. And therfore loke, he kepe him wel, that schalle wake: for zif he slepe, he is lost, that nevere man schalle seen him more.

  88. I have often tymes assayed, that zif a man kepe hem with a litylle of the roche, and wete hem with May dew ofte sithes, thei schulle growe everyche zeer; and the smale wole wexen grete.

  89. In that castelle duellen alle wey, to kepe it and to serve the Sowdan, mo than 6000 persones, that taken alle here necessaries of the Sowdanes court.

  90. Joseph, that he leet make, for to kepe the greynes for the perile of the dere zeres.

  91. There was somtyme a gret cytee and a gode, of Crystene men: but Sarazins han destroyed it a gret partye; and thei kepe that havene right welle, for drede of Cristene men.

  92. Trapazond was wont to ben holden of the Emperour of Costantynople: but a gret man, that he sente for to kepe the contree azenst the Turkes, usurped the lond, and helde it to himself, and cleped him Emperour of Trapazond.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kepe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.