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Example sentences for "frome"

Lexicographically close words:
frolicksome; frolics; frolicsome; from; fromage; fromm; fromme; frommen; fron; frond
  1. And it shulde not lye in youre power to lette your saide feleaship frome dispoilage and robery.

  2. For Israel did vniuersalie decline frome God by embrasing idolatrie vnder Ieroboam.

  3. And did destroye all monumentes of idolatrie, did punishe to deathe the teachers of it, and remoued frome office and honors suche, as were mainteiners of those abominations.

  4. The apostle taketh power frome all woman to speake in the assemblie[36].

  5. No, but she speaketh, as she that had a speciall reuelation frome God, whiche nether was knovren to Barak nor to the people, saying: hath not the Lord God of Israel commanded the?

  6. And like you to witte, on Sondaye at even last I hadde writing and evedence frome my lorde by Punche of tidyngis and have understonde them wel al a longe.

  7. I hope he shall be so stronge that I maye come frome hym; and he hopyth to see yowe with in fewe days affter, as he seyth.

  8. The great trench dug at Bristol to alter the course of the Frome was made “by the manœuvre of all the commonalty as well of Redcliffe ward as of the town of Bristol.

  9. The Vale of Great Dairies opens out, and the many runnels of the Frome make the byways so winding that to clearly know whither one is going demands the use of a very large-scale Ordnance Map.

  10. The flat water-meadows of the Frome forbid building operations here, and in effect say, at the bridge immediately below where Fordington on its ridge stands on the thitherward bank of the stream—“thus far and no farther!

  11. Yt it is not generally trustid is of mallice & preoccupassyon of mens mynds by the minesters defidence at the first, for this people ar apt to beleve the worst & loath to depart frome yt fayth.

  12. Frome the Kannogait the xxvij day of July 1600.

  13. It may be my gude Lord governor that the maner of the earle of Gowrie and his brotheris death befoir writtin be so far frome yor honoure in mynd that yt (?

  14. The cause hereof I vnderstand is pairtlie the difference of the last report frome the reporttis preceidding in that it determines na thing concerning the cause of his Maties sending for the Mr of Gowrie nor concerning.

  15. Frome Fastcastell, the awchtan day of July 1600.

  16. Farther, I have schawin to youre messinger quhat thingis have myslykeit me in youre proceidingis, evin frome sick ane hart as I wald wysche to God ye and all men did knaw.

  17. Quhair sche complenis of our Prechearis, affirmyng that irreverentlie thay speik of Princeis in generall, and of hir in particular, induceing the pepill thairby to defectioun frome thair dewatie, &c.

  18. These woordis pronunsed, he came doune frome the preaching place.

  19. Frome that day back, the curage of many was dejected.

  20. And thairfoir maist hartlie desyres that ane and that uther, to desist frome fortifeing and manteanyng of this towne, in our Soveranis and thair said Counsallis name, desyres thame to maik the same free within the space of xij houris.

  21. When Stoborough, now a mere village, once an antique borough, is reached we come within sight of Wareham, which is entered across a long causeway over the Frome marshes.

  22. However, the Frome has its share of living interests.

  23. Here is old Gover coming over the great Elizabethan bridge which spans the rushy River Frome at Wool.

  24. More life can be seen in an hour here by the Frome than in a whole long day upon the hills.

  25. Of course the house is named from the five-arched Elizabethan bridge which spans the reed-fringed River Frome at this point.

  26. Whiles erthe may in erthe To festis and to drynkis gon, Til the be made frome the erthe As bare as any bon.

  27. Bristol harbour was formed in 1809 by the conversion of the Avon and a branch of the Frome into "the Float," by the cutting of a new channel for the Avon and the formation of two basins.

  28. In 1247 a new course was cut for the river Frome which vastly improved the harbour, and in the same year a stone bridge was built over the Avon, bringing Temple and Redcliffe into closer touch with the city.

  29. Immediately above the bridge the little river Frome joins the Avon.

  30. It was the western limit of the Saxon invasion of Britain, and about the year 1000 a Saxon settlement began to grow up at the junction of the rivers Frome and Avon, the natural advantages of the situation favouring the growth of the township.

  31. Oceane into the litle worlde of Brytannye, being neuer exiled from thence, nor frome those, whome eyther honor, amytye, or dutye doth combyne.

  32. Should I come to England this summer I should look on it as a last visit, and would make an effort to see old Frome again.

  33. My visit to Frome has given me (except in parting) unmixed satisfaction.

  34. Buckland is on the brow and slope of a steep hill, the church being on the summit, and the irregular street descending from it on the Frome side, with many cottages scattered about among orchards and meadows.

  35. Except a little parcel of letters touching the negotiation with Bishop Skinner, and the Aberdeen congregation in 1822, I find no letters of Ramsay till he wrote to one of the dear old friends at Frome announcing a visit with his wife.

  36. Mrs. Ramsay desires kindest love; she is not looking well, and I hope, after the racket here, she will improve upon Frome quiet.

  37. C, but if you will drawe a line betwene them twoo, that is frome B.

  38. That in al sharpe cornered triangles, where a perpendicular line is drawen frome one angle to the side that lyeth againste it, the square of anye one side, with the ij.

  39. Now by reason that a right line is drawen frome the centre F.

  40. B, and so forth vnto F, which is without the circle: and an other line also frome B.

  41. If a right line doo touche a circle, and an other right line drawen frome the centre of the circle to the pointe where they touche, that line whiche is drawenne frome the centre, shall be a perpendicular line to the touch line.

  42. If two circles bee drawen so one withoute an other [and other] drawen frome the centre of the circle to the pointe [tge] which in the theoreme is supposed.

  43. And thenne drawe frome one pricke (which you will) two lines to ij.

  44. Then frome the crossinges of those eighte arche lines I drawe iiij.

  45. If two circles bee drawen so one withoute an other, that their edges doo touche and a right line bee drawnenne frome the centre of the one to the centre of the other, that line shall passe by the place of their touching.

  46. B, the righte line that is drawenne frome the one to the other, is the line A.

  47. H, seuerall frome the other, but yet equall vnto it.

  48. H, being cutte frome his circumference, by the right line F.

  49. He could see his father and mother seated by the great stone fireplace at Frome Hall, the Irish setter with his head on his master's knee.

  50. I have seen you chase a hare across the fields at Frome and keep the pace.

  51. You must have been quite close to Lake Frome then," I said.

  52. At Frome they are all upon about a quarter work.

  53. The population of this Frome has been augmented to the degree of one-third within the last six or seven years.

  54. These poor creatures at Frome have pawned all their things, or nearly all.

  55. I found the working people at Frome very intelligent; very well informed as to the cause of their misery; not at all humbugged by the canters, whether about religion or loyalty.

  56. After a picturesque course, the Frome washes the Bishop's Palace at Stapleton, enters Bristol, and there loses itself in the Lower Avon.

  57. It was in 1247 that the course of the Frome was diverted to a new channel.

  58. For the rest, the old channels of both the Frome and the Avon were converted into a fine floating harbour, which, at Cumberland Basin, will accommodate some of the largest vessels afloat.

  59. Below Bradford the Frome has become a tributary of the Avon, bringing, besides its goodly stream, many most interesting reminiscences of its course.

  60. Just half a mile beyond the time-worn Priory of Hinton, which rears its ivy-clad tower amidst a grove of venerable oaks, Frome merges itself in the Avon.

  61. After flowing through the lower part of the agreeably situated town to which it gives its name, the Frome adds its charms to the manifold attractions of the scenery of Vallis Bottom.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.