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Example sentences for "fewe"

Lexicographically close words:
feverishly; feverishness; feverous; fevers; few; fewer; fewest; fewness; feyned; feyr
  1. And the Ladies biganne the table in the myddes of the halle afore ayenst the table of the Maire and Aldermen.

  2. But a fewe daies after, his sonne threwe himselfe headlong from the top of the house, and died, and he himselfe being stabbed through the bodie, ended his miserable life.

  3. Benedict, seing many diuels in a monastery and fewe in the market.

  4. There are also Coniurers found euen at this day, who bragge of themselues that they can so by inchauntments saddle an horse, that in a fewe houres they wil dispatch a very long iourney.

  5. A fewe dayes after, the Spirit appeared againe vnto the husbandman, menacing and threatning him, that in case he did not bury the aforesaid bones, he would kill his other sonne also.

  6. I answer, that truth it is, There are fewe things hereof in the scriptures, and yet notwithstanding somewhat is to be redde in them.

  7. If therefore they addict themselues to euill deuises, they may easily deceiue men, except God miraculously reueale their wickednesse, and bring it to light, as we declared in a fewe examples rehearsed before.

  8. I haue spoken hitherto of men being awake, and now I will adde a fewe words of such as sléepe.

  9. And here I will orderly declare a fewe histories out of diuers allowed authors, touching spirites which haue appeared and shewed themselues.

  10. Whereunto Florinda answered readily, saying, "I will euer geue councell to my frendes to speake and not to dye: for there be fewe wordes spoken but that they may be amended, but the life lost cannot be recouered.

  11. There he dined very soberly, and vsing fewe words vnto his company, sate stil al pensiue, musing vpon that he had to doe: For on the one side the grauitie of the facte moued him rigorously to chastise him which had committed the same.

  12. And to say the trouth, such was his exceding curtesie, as fewe may be found to imitate the same.

  13. Thou hast (quod she), in a fewe wordes, wel and clerely concluded mokel of my mater.

  14. Thou ne hast wist but right fewe that these bodily goodes had al atones; commenly they dwellen nat togider.

  15. O ruby, rubifyed in the passioun 85 Al of thy sone, among have us in minde, O stedfast dyamaunt of duracioun, That fewe feres that tyme might thou finde, For noon to him was founden half so kinde!

  16. Therfore they han this all forsake, 1045 And taken to riches, pryde, and ese; Full fewe for god woll monkes hem make, Litell is suche order for to prayse!

  17. Than spak oo brid for alle, by oon assent, 'This mater asketh good avysement; For we ben fewe briddes here in-fere.

  18. But now, if thou woldest nat greve, me list a fewe thinges to shewe.

  19. This sicknesse is right esy to endure, But fewe people it causeth for to dy; But what they mene, I know it very sure, 295 Of more comfort to draw the remedy.

  20. Yet, gratyous Sir, sende hym hys honors backe And for those fewe pore howers he hathe to breathe Let hym injoy those deare companyons.

  21. I wonder you shood count it cast away, Ladie, uppon him; doe you remember those fewe of his good parts I rehearst to you.

  22. Richard of Kyghle, and David Gamme squyer, with a fewe mo othere persones to the noumbre of xviij.

  23. The duke of Braban answerd then, And seyde, be God in Trinite Ther be so fewe of thise Inglysshmen I have no deynte them to se; Alas!

  24. The beddes were poore and of no vallew, for they were nothing but Mantels layde vpon mattes, or vpon Hay, or else mattes alone: fewe men lay within those houses.

  25. They fought with the Indians, who slewe foure Spaniardes, and wounded many moe, and of them were slayne very fewe with their succor and defence at hande.

  26. In those fewe dayes that we were in Mexico, we put downe the idols, we caused sacrifice and eatying of mans fleshe to bée layde aside, and also in those dayes wée beganne to conuerte some to the fayth.

  27. I doe sée you are but fewe in number, but yet such men of haughtie courage, that no force or strength of Indians can offende.

  28. After the foure dayes expired, then come all the Noblemen to beare him company to his palayce with great triumphe and pleasure of all the Cittie, but after his consecration fewe or none dare looke him in the face.

  29. But the Indians were so many in number, that no hurte appeared, yea and our men were so fewe in comparison of them, that although they fought al the day, yet had they much a doe to defend themselues, how much more to offende.

  30. There was that daye aboue foure thousande Indians in fyghte and defence of the Towne: There was much Indian bloud shedde, bycause they fought naked, manye were wounded, and fewe Captiue.

  31. There was neuer Mexican, that thought any humaine force, how much lesse so fewe Spanyards, shoulde haue entred into Mexico in despite of them all, and to sette fire vpon their principallest edifices within the Citie.

  32. These and such like bragges they vsed, seing so fewe Spaniardes before them, and not knowyng their strength.

  33. Verye fewe of the Laytie wente vp into the Chappels, but only those that were appoynted to attire the newe king, and to serue in other Ceremonies, for all the residue stoode vpon the steppes and belowe, to beholde the Coronation.

  34. Also Cicero for the law of Manilius: Because we haue spoken of y^e kind of the warre, now wyll we shewe a fewe thynges of the greatnes of it.

  35. Mosellane hathe in hys tables shewed a fewe fygures of grammer, and so hathe confoũded them together, that his second order called of Loquucion pertayneth rather to the rhetoricians then to hys purpose.

  36. When this newes came to Jamestowne, much was their sorrow for his losse, fewe expecting what ensued.

  37. A fewe termes coude he, two or three, That he had lerned out of som decree; No wonder is, he herd it all the day.

  38. Where I would willingly demaund with what honestie men can impute that vnto the whole nation, which is hard and skantly true of these fewe poore men?

  39. Furthermore that I may make good the credite of our Countreymen, I wil impart with strangers a fewe things which I found in our most ancient records of the conuersion of Island vnto Christ, and of the succession of Bishops in our Churches.

  40. All the way betweene Cicuic and Quiuira is a most plaine soyle, without trees and stones, and hath but fewe and small townes.

  41. They issued out in a squadron with their women and children in the middest, to make way by force, and to saue themselues, but fewe escaped the edge of our swordes and the horses, and a certaine riuer which was neere the towne.

  42. Ioseph by breake of day: they abode not any fight after a fewe shot, and all being dismissed but onely Berreo and his companion, I brought them with me abord, and at the instance of the Indians I set their new citie of S.

  43. Which Martin Cockeram, by the witnesse of Sir Iohn Hawkins, being an officer in the towne of Plimmouth, was liuing within these fewe yeeres.

  44. They haue seldome foule weather, and fewe ships are lost in the South sea.

  45. Sidenote: Some fewe Spaniards are now seated in Dissequebe.

  46. And he told me and Stompis bothe, whanne so evir he come he shuld be welcome, and that he wold do as welle to hym as to fewe servauntes he had for yowr sake, and that he wold kepe hym for yow.

  47. I prey yow, with owght it be to my Lady Calthorp, let ther be but fewe woordys of thys perdon.

  48. I hope he shall be so stronge that I maye come frome hym; and he hopyth to see yowe with in fewe days affter, as he seyth.

  49. Philosophy says--'Certes, I wolde pleten with thee a fewe thinges, usinge the wordes of Fortune.

  50. If I may grype a riche man, I shal so pulle him, if I can, That he shal, in a fewe stoundes, 5985 Lese alle his markes and his poundes.

  51. The fewe that she kepe, much the better shal bee: of all thing, one good is worth steruelinges three.

  52. But michers, that loue not to bie nor to craue: make some gather sooner, els fewe should they haue.

  53. Make fewe of thy counsell to change for the best, least one that is trudging infecteth the rest.

  54. And so hauing dispatched their businesse, within a fewe moneths after their departure they returned home.

  55. And after a fewe wordes he saith: because that death did entre in to the world by her, there is no boldenes that oght to be permitted vnto her, but she oght to be in humilitie.

  56. In probation whereof, because the mater is more then euident, I will vse fewe wordes.

  57. Learne wit by my repentance (Gentlemen), and let these fewe rules following be regarded in your liues.

  58. I thanke him very hartely that imparted vnto me those fewe sheetes: and if all be like them, truly all is passing notable, and right singular.

  59. Fewe kepeth mesure, but excesse and great outrage In theyr aparayle.

  60. Venuti taken much paines in some verie fewe authors; and our William Thomas hath done prettilie; and if all faile, although we misse or mistake the worde, yet make we up the sence.

  61. And hath no catel bote hus crafte To clothy hem and to fede, And fele to fonge therto, And fewe pans taketh.

  62. The seventhe is welle of wisedom, And fewe wordes sheweth; Therfore lordes alloweth hym litel, Or listneth to his reson, For he tempreth the tonge to trutheward, And no tresor coveiteth Sapientiae temperatrix.

  63. Thise toknes haven freres taken; But I trowe that a fewe 1380 Folwen fully that cloth, But falslyche that useth.

  64. And fewe there be can scape theise vipers vile.

  65. A fewe termes knew he, two or three, That he had learned out of some decree; No wonder is, he heard it all the day.

  66. And if the spring be drie, then fewe shall the fruites of the trées be, yet good, and the scarcitie of corne shal be that yeare.

  67. Others also will to take a little Hony, putting into the same a fewe Oate cornes, that the Bées lighting on them, maye so kepe their wings from wetting in the licour.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fewe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.