And therfore I kepte y^e that thou shuldest not synne agenst me/ nether suffred I the to come nygh her.
But & if thou dost evell/ by & by thy synne lyeth open in the dore.
Stonde vp/ take thy wyfe and thy two doughters and that that is at hande/ lest thou perish in thesynne of the cyte.
How than can I do this great wykydnes/ for tosynne agaynst God?
Ruben answered th[~e] saynge: sayde I not vnto you that ye shulde not synne agaynst the lad?
And Cain sayd vnto the LORde: my synne is greater/ then that it may be forgeven.
Soch thinges chaunced partely for ensamples/ partely God thorow synne healeth synne Pryde can nether be healed nor yet appere but thorow soch horrible deades.
And fynallye/ note the ensamples which are writen to feare the flesh that we synne not.
And the LORde sayde: The crie of Sodome and Gomorra is great/ and there synne is excedynge grevous.
Note the wekenesse of his Children/ yee and the synne of them/ and how god thorow their awne wekednes saved them.
But whan God alle myghty wole, righte als the londes weren lost thorghe synne of Cristene men, so schulle thei ben wonnen azen be Cristen men thorghe help of God.
Natheles it befallethe often tyme, that the gode dyamande losethe his vertue, be synne and for incontynence of him, that berethe it: and thanne it is nedfulle to make it to recoveren his vertue azen, or elle it is of litille value.
For o synne may be grettere in o man than in another, and in o place and in o tyme than in another: and therfore it behovethe him, that he knowe the kynde of the dede, and thereupon to zeven him penance.
And also thei seye, that weesynne dedly, in schavynge oure berdes.
This contree and lond of Jerusalem hathe ben in many dyverse naciounes hondes: and often therfore hathe the contree suffred meche tribulacioun, for the synne of the people, that duellen there.
And thei seye, that fornicatioun is nosynne dedly, but a thing that is kyndely: and the men and women scholde not wedde but ones; and whoso weddethe oftere than ones, here children ben bastardis and geten in synne.
As fast as God's word one synne doth blame They devyse other as yll as the same, And this varietie of Englyshe folke, Dothe cause all wyse people us for to mocke.
In a most curious description of hell in Examples howe mortall synne maketh the synners inobedyentes to have many paynes and doloures within the fyre of hell, b.
Ham's wife says, "rustynes of synne is cawse of these wawys;" i.
For thei mesured noght hemself Of that thei ete and dronke, Thei diden dedly synne 9070 That the devel liked, So vengeaunce fil upon hem For hir vile synnes; Thei sonken into helle, The citees echone.
Ech man subtileth a sleighte Synne for to hide, And coloureth it for a konnynge, And a clene lyvynge.
Patriarkes and prophetes, Prechours of Godes wordes, Saven thorgh here sermons Mannes soule fro helle: Ryght so flaterers and foles Aren the fendes procuratores, Entysen men thorgh here tales To synne and to harlotrie.
I hold it greate synne To gyven hem any good, Swiche glotones to fynde, To mayntaynen swiche maner men That michel good destruieth.
Thauh ich dedliche synne dude, Ich dradde hit nat so sore As wenne ich lenede and leyvede hit lost, Other longe er hit were paied.
I wolde have lengthed his lif; For I leved if he deide, That his soule wolde suffre No synne in his sighte.
For the fallyng of synne Socoreth the foles, 1410 And begileth the grete With glaverynge wordes; With glosyng of godspels Thei Godes word turneth, And passen al the pryvylege That Peter after used.
But þat she spake wurdys waste She made many of here felawys Þenke on synne for here sawys.
Alas," thay sayn, "we fayne perfeccion, In clothes wide and lake oure libertie But all the synne mote on oure frendes be.
By this tale a man may se that, whan a precher dothe rebuke any synne or vyce wherin he is knowen openly to be gyltie him selfe, suche prechynge shall lytell edefye to the people.
By this ye may se, that they that be accustomed in vyce and synne will alwaye fynde one excuse or other to cloke therewyth theyr vyce and vnthryftynes.
But what their synne was, I may safely say I knowe not.
There be synnes personall, and synnes naturall; these wee derive ofttymes from our parents, as a synne in us, and punishment of them.
The spell is past example, & hys synne Can onlye ballance downe the wyckednes.
Tutt, a prosperous synne is nowe a vertuous acte; Let not that starte you.
Come hyther, Looke uppon thys & wonder yet a littill It was my handyworke, yet nothynge neare The synne of kyllinge Richarde.
The papistes do also synne herin / which do preache their parted righteousnes / as meritorius of congruitie.
When ye synne so against the brethern / and wounde thier weake conscience / ye synne againste Christ.
And we all wer such / euẽ deade throughesynne / and the children of wrathe.
As we do not vtterly reiect nor shutt theise mẽ frõ grace which thus do fall: Yeat must we sharply reproue their doinges that they may acknowledge their fault and synne / and vnfaynedly lament and repẽt the same.
Or ells we must saie that Idolatrie is no such synne ãd vice as theft is / or that with other vices it is not to be punished.
Whordõ by Godds lawe is to be punyshed by deathe / yet is it a synne but against the .
And sainct Paule dothe pronounce that it is a most greuus synneof ony mã do offend the weake by his euell example.
Thoughe saye they it be a synne to go to Masse and suche popishe pelfe yet it is but a light synne / and not se seuerely to be reproued.
But we requyre that the law may now and heirafter be so establisched and executed, that this ungodlie impunitie of synne have no place within this Realme.
For thorugh that synne thi sone Sent was to this erthe, 3460 And bicam man of a maide, Mankynde to save: And madest thiself with thi sone And us synfulle y-liche Faciamus hominem ad imaginem nostram.
As if I hadde dedly synne doon, I dredde noght that so soore, As when I lened, and leved it lost, Or longe er it were paied.
Right so flatereris and fooles Arn the fendes disciples To entice men thorugh hir tales To synne and to harlotrie.
Who may scape sclaundre, The scathe is soone amended; 1470 It is synne of the sevene Sonnest relessed.
Reson it sheweth, That he that knoweth clergie Kan sonner arise Out of synne, and be saaf, Though he synne ofte, If hym liketh and lest, Than any lewed leelly.
And bad hem souke forsynne Safly at his breste, And drynke boote for bale, Brouke it who so myghte.
That synne wol I lete, And nevere wikkedly weye, Ne wikke chaffare use; 2930 But wenden to Walsyngham, And my wif als, And bidde the Roode of Bromholm Brynge me out of dette.
Kingis and lordis schulden wite that thei ben mynystris and vikeris of God, to venge synne and ponysche mysdoeris.
Ire is the grate of synne as saith the wise To fle ther-fro ech man schuld him deuyse.
And venial synne is it, if man love Iesu Crist lasse than him oghte.
Seo halige moder Mar['i]a tha afedde thaet cild mid micelre arwurdhnesse, and hit weox swa swa odhre cild dodh, buton synne anum.
Godes ege is wisdomes angynn, and modignyss is aelcere synne anginn.
Lothe to offende / sory for my synne / and to helpe whan nede is / & to serue the euer deuoutly with mekenes to haue mede.
The seuenth is to contynuye suche obedyence for the ende of thy lyf / euer folowynge thy mayster Ihesu cryste / that was moost obedyent for thy synne vnto deth Amen.
Good lorde I haue good purpose & desyre with thyn helpe to be ryght ware herafter that I fall not in to synne / & I entende to flee the occasions after [the] possibilyte of my power.
And euer kepe the from synne / for fere of hym aboue.
And thou shalt be as welcome now As he thatsynne never did stain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "synne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.