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Example sentences for "berer"

Lexicographically close words:
bereaves; bereaving; bered; bereft; beren; beres; beret; bereth; berg; bergamot
  1. I pray you yeve credens to the berer of thys, and to Thomas Jenney, whan he comyth to you.

  2. And iff you list to command mee ony thyng in these partyez, send me word be myn servaunt, berer heerof.

  3. If I can know, I wolle send yow worde in a bylle I sende to Thomas Jullys be the berer herof.

  4. Scots has a marginal note, "This berer will tell you sumwhat upon this," which appears in the English text and is omitted in the other versions.

  5. This berer will tell you somewhat upon this.

  6. Prayng yow that ye woll yeve credens to the berer herof, and be his gode mayster in cas any man make any qwarell to hym.

  7. I pray yow more over to gif credence to the berer her of, and the Trinite kepe yow.

  8. Chathedrall chirch of Norwich, he smyting at me, whilis on of his felawis held myn armes at my bak, as the berer herof shall mor playnly inform yow.

  9. The berer herof can tell you tydynges, syche as be trew for very serteyn.

  10. Item, I send yow by the berer herof a lettyr dyrect to yow that a man of my Lord of Oxenfortheys delyverd me; whych lettyr comyth fro the Kyng.

  11. Item, I send you the nowche[16-4] with the dyamaunch, be the berer herof.

  12. Also, I send you be the berer her of, closed in this letter, v.

  13. And as for tydynge the berer hereoff schall infforme yow; ye most geve credence to hym.

  14. The berer herof shall come home ayen fro London with in a day aftyr that he comyth thedyr, if ye wyll ought comand hym.

  15. Do your devoir now, and lete me send you no mor massangers for this maters; but send me be the berer her of more certeyn comfort than ye have do be all other that I have sent be for.

  16. Crome, berer her of, shall telle you suche tydynggs .

  17. Right worshipful Sir, and my good maister, I recomaunde me to yow, and have receyvid a lettre from yow by Sir Thomas is man, berer here of.

  18. And trwly, brother, I thank Almyghty God of your welfare, of the which the berer of this my pour lettre certified me of, &c.

  19. And I am enfourmed that William Mathew of Norwich, Bocher, hath brought an accion of dette agayn Nicholas Hert, a tenaunt of myn, berer hereof, and hath supposid by his accyon that my said tenaunt shuld ow hym lxxs.

  20. His position was now a very uncomfortable one, and the fact that a committee of bishops under his superintendence was utterly unable to cope with the difficulties of the newly presented religious problem, is very significant.

  21. He rarely failed to realize immediately his relation to those with whom he came in contact, and his manner, behaviour, and expression varied accordingly.

  22. It is not likely that Henry would have consented to the execution of a man whom he had formerly loved and respected as much as More, unless his counsellor had poisoned his heart against him.

  23. It appereth by the processe of your owne letteres.

  24. Let us now examine the effect of the Six Articles abroad, first in Germany, and then in France and Spain.

  25. In any case the King lost no time in acting upon the intelligence he had received, and at once complained to Burckhard and Baumbach, whose excuses and explanations were of no avail.

  26. When reproached with ingratitude, Charles had turned sharply on the ambassador with a few angry words, which implied that it was impossible for him to be ‘ingrate’ to Henry, on account of the superiority of his own Imperial rank.

  27. The treaty with Lübeck was also a very distinct move against the Emperor, for an Imperial candidate had been proposed for the vacant throne of Denmark, and by supporting the Lübeckers Henry necessarily opposed Charles.

  28. He was himself an ardent Protestant who never once suspected the possibility of a Catholic reaction in England; and as his zeal more than supplied the lack of diplomatic skill, his efforts seem to have met with great success[640].

  29. Your grace I assure you is moche bounde to the gentilman this berer for his good reporte in euery place who I assure your grace hathe not lefte in euery presence to say of you as by lykelohod ye haue gyuen him cause.

  30. And as ye shall agre therin to certifie me in writinge by Thomas Treffry berer herof.

  31. Frensshe men which moche desyreth to haue the saide horse Wherefore I hartely pray you that I may know your mynde by this berer in wrytyng what ye will do And this[774] hartely fare ye well At London this present Saterdaye.

  32. And that I may haue aunswer as is afforesaide by this berer what ye intend to do I require you to thintente I maye certifie his highnes therof And thus fare ye well.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "berer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.