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Example sentences for "beastes"

Lexicographically close words:
bearskin; bearskins; bearward; beast; beaste; beastie; beasties; beastis; beastlie; beastliest
  1. Anie man of a sound mind may easilie see that Eua nameth and pointeth at a visible beast, which was nombred among the beastes of the fielde.

  2. He would alwayes bring unto me word what he had done for me within the space of a weeke; he neuer failed me at that time; and would likewise do it to Creatures and beastes two manners of wayes, which was by scratching or pinching of them.

  3. The sayd Ales and Ursley Kempe bewitched Strattons Childe and Grace Thorlowe, whereof they did languish.

  4. She answered (thinking it to be Hartlay) that the truth she had spoken already, and that she would not favour him, neither for siluer nor gold.

  5. If thus thou doe abide, the Ravens shall bring thee food, As they unto Elias did that wandred in the Wood.

  6. The which beastes as the storie leres Were wrought and bete upon their banners Displaied brode, when they schould fight.

  7. Also the Priest hath vpon his head a thing of white like a garlande, and his face is couered with a piece of a shirt of maile, with manie small ribbes, and teeth of fishes, and wilde beastes hanging on the same maile.

  8. He shall commit his safetie to barbarous and cruell people, and shall hazard his life amongst the monstrous and terrible beastes of the Sea.

  9. For nature hath in all beastes printed a certein marke of dominion in the male, and a certeine subiection in the female, whiclie they kepe inuiolate.

  10. But by reason that those which arriue there vse to discharge their ordinance, and to hunt and pursue the saide beastes and fowles, they are now growen exceedingly wilde and hard to be come by.

  11. The cause why their houses are made so high from the ground is to auoide the danger of venemous beastes that are there in great aboundance, as Serpents, Snakes, Camelions, and other kindes of beastes.

  12. Of a Monastery where many strange beastes of diuers kindes doe liue vpon an hill.

  13. But there is a certaine blacke fish in Armenia full of poison, with the pouder whereof they poison figs, and cast them in those places where wilde beastes are most plentifull, which they eat, and so are killed.

  14. Yet I may hap to proove a Daniell; 85 And, if I doe, sure it would make me laugh, To be among wilde beastes and yet be safe.

  15. It is thought that of all beastes they seeme most brightly, for the poets faine that their eie-sight pierceth through every solid body, although it be as thicke as a wall.

  16. Also béefe and other fleshe of beastes being olde, be euill to eate, through the coldenesse and drynesse, and through the lacke of the moysture and hotnesse.

  17. One of the Sauages, which seemed to bee their Captaine, ware a long mantle of beastes skinnes hanging on one of his shoulders.

  18. Some also called them the fome of the sea, others gave them names of the beastes which are moste cruell and lyvinge of praye which they have in their contrie.

  19. There are beastes in greate aboundaunce, as redd dere and fallowe dere, leopardes and other kindes, which they take with their bowes and arrowes, which are their chefeste weapons.

  20. M99) About the said Iland are very great beastes as great as oxen, which haue two great teeth in their mouths like vnto Elephants teeth, and liue also in the Sea.

  21. Wee heard also within the woods the voyces of Stagges, of Beares, of Lusernes, of Leopards, and diuers other sortes of Beastes vnknowen vnto vs.

  22. FN#21] Here we and our beastes were satisfied with drynke.

  23. By this meanes are they marueylously diuided among themselues, and lyke beastes kyll themselues for such quarelles of dyuers opinions, and all false.

  24. Some of these Tabernacles may quickely be taken asunder, and set together againe, and are caried vpon beastes backes.

  25. From hence the came they came to the Samogetæ, who liue onely vpon hunting, and vse to dwell in tabernacles onely, and to weare garments made of beastes skinnes.

  26. Wherefore, it being giuen vs to vnderstand, that we must bestow giftes vpon them, we caused certaine skinnes of beuers and other beastes to be bought with part of that money, which was giuen vpon almes to succour vs by the way.

  27. Which showes those foolishe sorte, whome wicked loue dothe thrall, Like brutishe beastes do passe theire time, and haue no sence at all.

  28. For in open streat, lyke beastes in the Shambles, they were cut and hewed in peeces, which seemed to murmur at thys bloudy and vnlawfull act: the rest were banished and expelled the cytty.

  29. O beastly order of Men that cannot conteyne their lust within the boundes of their owne House, but must goe hunt after other Women as Beastes do after the nexte of their kinde that they chaunce vppon.

  30. An other beastes head garnished with gold.

  31. To the Snakes and other venemous beastes they gaue the bloude of men sacrifised, to féede them, and some saye they gaue vnto them mannes fleshe, whych the greate Lysarts doe eate very well.

  32. He brought also wilde beasts, as Tigres, & other strange beastes called Aiotochtli, and one Tlaquaci.

  33. Beastes without reason, as the Bée with the Ante, the Oxe with the Shepe.

  34. The beastes in their kinde, doe condemne mannes brutishe affections here- in: there is no facte that sheweth a man or woman, more like to beastes, then whoredome.

  35. Dogge passeth all beastes and creatures, whiche the historie of Plinie dooe shewe, and Ari- stotle in his booke of the historie of beastes, therein you shall knowe their excellente nature.

  36. How impudentlie doe thei set forthe the Goddes, to bee louers of women, and their adulterous luste: and how thei haue transformed theim selues, into diuers shapes of beastes and foules, to followe after beastly luste.

  37. The Lion on a tyme gaue a commaunde- ment, that all horned beastes should flie from the woode, and none to remain there but vnhorned beastes.

  38. A wyde mouth withoute meesure, as thought it were cutte and stretched out, sygnifieth ravening inhumanitie, wickednes, a warlyke hart and cruell, like unto beastes of the sea.

  39. Dey wuz an ol' man, he were powerful in prayer, an gather de darkies unda a big tree, an we all kneels down whilse he pray fo de po' beastes what needs good clean water fo to drink.

  40. King also tells us that "Hartes fete, Does Fete, Bulles fete, or any ruder beastes fete should ofte be eaten; the same confort the sinewes.

  41. The elder these beastes be, the more they strengthen.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beastes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.