The number of stones above alluded to are independently of the sixteen joggle pieces with which the principal blocks of the floors were connected, as shewn in the diagrams of Plates VII.
The form of joggle for the end-joints here shewn is also simple, and suited for preserving the strength of the materials more entire than the method of dove-tailing.
The pebble joggle joint is formed with the aid of pebbles as small dowels fitted into mortises in the jointing faces of two stones and set with Portland cement; but joggles of slate have generally taken the place of pebbles.
Then the other hand went up to the boy's other shoulder, and the little old rancher shook young Danny Lenox gently, as though to joggle him back to himself.
The fast moving particles of the sun joggle the ether up there, and make ripples that spread out swiftly all through space.