The iudge returned and asked them if they had any monie, and where withall they did eate and apparell themselues, and bought those bookes and ornaments?
When the iudge heard these wordes hee gaue with his hande a great stroke vppon the table that was before him, and said with showes of great wonder unto other inferior judges that were with him: Oh!
The iudge answered that they should not feare, but remaine with content, for that he would procure that there should be giuen them a house for those three or foure moneths, with a commandement that none whatsoeuer should do them any harme.
The iudge asked them where they had that Chino that they brought in their company for an interpreter.
Sure I could not take her, Nor she accuse her father, as a Iudge 150 Partiall against her.
So farre that if you trouble me againe With a report like this, I shall not onely 290 Iudge you malicious in your disposition, But study to repent what I haue done To such a nature.
They are fools that iudge me by my outward seeming, Why should my gentlenesse beget abuse?
When he began to speake agayne, and the Lord Gouernour iudge if hee had right by the write, the Accuser cryed: Ad Secundam.
For as the blynd man, hauyng no sense to see and iudge knoweth not whom he striketh: so the madde man, beyng cruell and furious, hath no compassion in sparyng any.
Now iudgewhat course had Titus to reuenge These wrongs, vnspeakeable past patience, Or more then any liuing man could beare.
Iudge you, my Lord of Warwicke, then betweene vs War.
O that your yong Nobility could iudge What 'twere to lose it, and be miserable.
Your Honors all, I doe referre me to the Oracle: Apollo be my Iudge Lord.
That's certaine, if the diuell may be her Iudge Shy.
Beleeue me Lords, were none more wise then I, And yet herein I iudge mine owne Wit good; This Gloster should be quickly rid the World, To rid vs from the feare we haue of him Card.
The master shall be diligent in chosynge them oute, and what he shall iudge moste pleasaunt to chyldren, most mete for them, what they loue best, and is most floryshyng, that inespecially let hym set before them.
These men I iudge scant worthye to whome we shulde put oure wylde horses to be broken, muche lesse wuld I thynke that thys tender and almost suckynge age shuld be committed to them.
Cats, that can iudge as fitly of his worth, As I can of those Mysteries which heauen Will not haue earth to know Brut.
Die is my dew: yet rew my wretched state 8 You, whom my hard auenging destinie Hath made iudge of my life or death indifferently.
If thou hast beautie praysd, let her sole lookes diuine 245 Iudge if ought therein be amis, and mend it by her eine.
Full easie was for her to haue beliefe, 2 Who by self-feeling of her feeble sexe, And by long triall of the inward griefe, 4 Wherewith imperious loue her hart did vexe, Could iudge what paines do louing harts perplexe.
Ah, ah, I see that the dark and obscure vayle of uniust disdayne and immoderate anger, hath so blindfold your eyes, and inuegled your mynde, as you can not iudge the truth of my cause and the vnrightousnes of your quarell.
Marke heere how Fortune dealeth with them which trustinge in their force, despise (in respect of that which they doe themselues) the little portion that they iudge to bee in others.
Wee see the variety of Humayne chaunces, and then doe iudge at eye what great simplicity it is to stay and settle certayne, and infallible iudgement vppon man's vnstayed doings.
Must I against al right and equity be put to death before the Iudge or Maiestrate haue made triall of my lyfe, and knowne the righteousnesse of my cause?
But they knew not the intent of him, which had called them thither, more to testify his fact, than to iudge of the thing he went about, or able to hinder and let the same.
I will not goe about to make those matters impossible, ne yet will iudge at large, but that there be som maydens and Wyues, which wiselye can conteine themselues amongs the troupe of amorous suters.
To offend and iudge are distinct offices, And of opposed natures Ar.
Lawes then ceasyng, the dreadfull sente[n]ce of the Iudgeand Magistrate wanting.
Fonde muste that Lawe bee of Solon, whiche rashely, without consideracion of iudgement doeth procede, no man ought in his own cause, to be his own iudge or Ma- gistrate.
And herein a greate parte of Iustice is placed, when the fauour of the Iudge or frendship, is onely on the cause, the persone nec- [Fol.
Where- fore, reason forceth euery manne, toIudge and ponder with [Sidenote: Adulterie a horrible vice.
October I was most friendly welcomed by the Senate of that City, whom I finde and iudge to be faithfully deuoted to her Maiesties seruice, whose letters likewise vnto the same were presented me.
And for to goe vnto the great Turke were ordeined these two knights, Sir Passin afore named, and he bare the token of the White crosse: and another of the towne named Robert de Perruse iudge Ordinarie.
A commaundement of the Grand Signior to the Cadie orIudge of Alexandria.
Which first ill lucke will I recite, then iudge you plaine, If loue plagued me not now rightly this yeare to goe againe.
Christe afore the Iudge was led, & on hys head a croune of thorne was putte, in token that in dede, the kynge of Iews he was borne.
For, why should we not Iudge him, who is the Author of all good things, to be also the cause of the greatest good thyng, namely, Wisedome?
And yet the vnskillfull man, would iudge them a like bigge.
This good commeth thereof, that many being alwayes about the Iudge to heare the euidence, and beare witnesse, the processe cannot be falsified, as it happeneth sometimes with vs.
Who although he be somewhat inferior in dignitie vnto the Ponchiassi, yet for his great dealings and generall charge of iustice, whosoeuer seeth the affaires of the one house and the other might iudge this Anchiassi to be the greater.
The same morning I went a shore at Don Iohns towne, and tooke a white flag with me, but none of the Negros could come to me, which caused vs to iudge that the Portugals were in the towne.
Honourable, and worthy Bassa Romadan Beglerbeg, most wise and prudent Iudge of the West Tripolis, wee wish the ende of all thy enterprises happie, and prosperous.
Ye haue found him Cardinall, You hold a faire Assembly; you doe well Lord: You are a Churchman, or Ile tell you Cardinall, I should iudge now vnhappily Card.
Thus we heare the agreing of these two writers to be such, that a man might iudge the one to haue stolen the wordes and sentences from the other.
For of Christ it is said: he shal iudge many nations.
Wherfore I iudge them not onelie subiectes to women, but sclaues of Satan, and seruantes of iniquitie.
For who wolde not iudge that bodie to be a monstre, where there was no head eminent aboue the rest, but that the eyes were in the handes, the tonge and mouth beneth in the belie, and the eares in the feet.
For which of her sonnes or nerest kinsmen left she ruler and iudgein Israel after her.
To Ezechiel it is said[125]: shalt thou not iudge them sonne of man?
Sidenote 123: To iudge is not alway understand of the ciuil regiment.
That this our interpretacion, how that Debora did iudge in Israel is the true meaning of the holie ghost, the pondering and weying of the historic shall manifestlie proue.
God commandeth Ierusalem and Iuda to iudge betwixt him and his vineyarde, and yet he apointed not them all to be ciuil magistrates.
And as for any offence whiche I haf committed against England eyther in writeing that or of any other werk I will not refuse that moderate and indifferent men Iudge and decerne betwixt me and thost that accuse me.
Dan shall iudge his people/ as one of the trybes of Israel.
The God of Abraham/ the God of Nahor and the God of theyr fathers/ be iudgebetwixte vs.
Shulde not the iudge of all y^e worlde do acordynge to righte?
Also whereas bishops vsed to sit in councels to iudge in secular causes, they were now forbidden so to doo.
Then iudge (great Lords) if I haue done amisse: Or whether that such Cowards ought to weare This Ornament of Knighthood, yea or no?
But if either of them be of any good calling, and degree, and doe challenge one another to fight, the Iudge granteth it: in which case they may not vse publike Champions.
The Iudge then asketh him (as for example in the matter of debt) whether he oweth any thing to the plaintife.
Therefore iudge nothing before the time, vntill the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darknesse, and will manifest the counsells of the hearts, and then shall euery man haue praise of God.
If we now should depart from hence, these our friëds would accept and iudge vs for cowardes, and refuse perpetually our friendship.
The Iudge that taketh bribes or giftes, is forthwith put out of his office, whiche was accounted a most vyle and shamefull reproch.
Likewise oure enimies wouldeiudge the same, and neuer héereafter stande in feare of vs, which shoulde be a greate shame vnto oure estimation.
And to say the troth, this presente was y^e cause, that Cortes was not put out of his office, but a Iudge of residence was sent thither to take an accompt of him.
The Indians did affirme, that Necaualpincintli did hang a Iudge in Tezcuco, for giuing an vniust sentence, he himselfe knowing the contrary.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iudge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.