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Example sentences for "iudged"

Lexicographically close words:
itty; itur; iubet; iudge; iudgement; iudgements; iudges; iudging; iudgment
  1. Of the like roote sprung the order of the =Carthusian= Monkes, which of the common sort is iudged to be the most holiest and straightest order of the which the Monks themselues of this broode haue put foorth a booke.

  2. Culiacan forward, and of such things as hee found in the Countrey which he passed.

  3. This table was iudged of the common people, to belong sometime vnto king Arthur, and therefore men grudged the more that the same should thus be sent out of the realme.

  4. And hearing that his sonne in law Constantine was minded to come into Italie against him, he purposed to practise Constantines destruction, insomuch that it was iudged by this [Sidenote: Dissimulation.

  5. And because they iudged it might be an helpe to the Britains, they set in hand to build a wall yet once againe ouerthwart the Ile, in the same place where the emperour [Sidenote: A wall built overthwart the Iland.

  6. At this time by account we iudged our selues to be about twentie leagues to the West of Cueruo and Flores, but about night, the storme ceased, and fayre weather ensued.

  7. M62) Wee sawe fiue or sixe boates sayling to the Southwestwardes of Cape Briton, which wee iudged to bee Christians, which had some trade that way.

  8. Edwards daughters, which was the strongest foundation of his building; by reason whereof he iudged that all his freends in England would abandon and shrinke from him.

  9. Now when the queene heard tell that so horrible a rumor of hir death was sprung amongst the communaltie, she sore suspected and iudged the world to be almost at an end with hir.

  10. And in that sorowfull agonie she with lamentable countenance and sorowfull cheare, repaired to the presence of the king hir husband, demanding of him what it should meane, that he had iudged hir worthie to die.

  11. Magnitude is a thing Mathematicall, by participation of some likenes of whose nature, any thing is iudged long, broade, or thicke.

  12. True it is, that the ladies viewing and marking the amiable countenance of the Montanine Damsell, woulde haue iudged for hir, if they feared not to bee refused of hym, whome the thing did touche most neere.

  13. Not far from this place we descried a saile which wee iudged to be some Frenchmen, by whom peraduenture the saide banished party might bee deliuered.

  14. And manie (for that no certeine newes could be heard of him) iudged that he was either drowned, or dead by some other means.

  15. Marie Oueries, and all the building vpon London bridge on both sides the same, were consumed with fire, which was iudged to be a signification of some mishap to follow.

  16. From hence our Auon runneth to Stauerton, and [Sidenote: Were.

  17. Certes I know the place where the mill stood, and some posts thereof doo yet remaine.

  18. Winterburne on the north, which at Flasbie receiueth a rill from Helton, as I heare.

  19. From hence it runneth on to Missen, to Sadlers bridge, and next of all [Sidenote: Sandbecke.

  20. The barons highlie displeased herewith, refused to stand to the French kings award herein, bicause he had iudged altogither on the kings side.

  21. And Cortes to matche with so honorable an house and lynage he iudged himselfe fortunate and well maried.

  22. The earth also brake open, out of the whiche issued a maruellous greate streame of water, with many greate fishes, which they iudged and held for a strange pronostication.

  23. Likewise he ymagined, that if they came to succour him, he helde the Countrey for conquered: also if that they were come againste him, he iudged the Countrey to bée lost.

  24. He iudged also, that if they were come from Spayne, that then they hadde brought to him the thing loked for, but if they were come from Cuba, be feared ciuil warres.

  25. Cortes desirous to sée what remayned of the cittie to win, went vp into a high tower, and hauyng well vewed the Cittie, he iudged that of eight parts one remained yet to win.

  26. The Parisiens that beheld his princelie port & high magnificence, iudged him rather an emperour then a king, and their owne king to be in respect of him like a duke or marquesse.

  27. Thus some iudged him by his garments, and others by his looke and countenance, but none entred into the consideration of the inward man.

  28. Bruton tooke from one of them his prey, which we iudged by the wings and legs to be a snite, for the head was eaten off.

  29. With other words very apt to signifie his willing mind, and affection toward his Prince and Countrey: whereby all suspicion of an vndutifull subiect, may credibly be iudged to be vtterly exempted from his mind.

  30. I iudged the variation of the Compasse to be 2.

  31. Thirdly we saw to the West of those Isles three or foure whales in a skull, which they iudged to come from a Westerly sea, because to the Eastward we saw not any whale.

  32. And that land vpon his right hand as he sailed Westward he iudged to be the continent of Asia, and there to be diuided from the firme of America, which lieth vpon the left hand ouer against the same.

  33. We iudged the couering of his face with his hands and bowing of his body downe, signified his death.

  34. After this heauie chance, wee continued in beating the sea vp and downe, expecting when the weadier would cleere vp, that we might yet beare in with the land, which we iudged not farre off, either the continent or some Island.

  35. We iudged that they vsed these stratagemes, thereby to haue caught some of vs, for the deliuering of the man, woman and child whom we had taken.

  36. Whose answere I iudged reasonable, and contenting me well: wherewith will I conclude this narration and description of the Newfound land, and proceede to the rest of our voyage, which ended tragically.

  37. The 29th of March we came to Goleta a small Iland, and had sight of two shippes, which we iudged to be of England.

  38. In the afternoone about three of the clocke wee had sight of a Towne by the sea side, which our Pilots iudged to be 25.

  39. The 16 day we fell with the land, which we iudged to be the Cape Mensurado, about which place is very much high land.

  40. The next morning we might see bearing with vs a great shippe and two Carauels, which we iudged to be of the king of Portugals Armada, and so they were, wherevpon we prepared our selues for our defence.

  41. And in going vnto Machao wee shall runne in great danger to be holden and iudged for traitors to the king: and the intent wherewith wee went vnto China, euery one wil construe and interpret thereon at his pleasure.

  42. They iudged this prouince to haue nigh vpon fiue and twentie thousande soules, all well apparelled with painted mantles of cotton, and shamwayes skins very well dressed.

  43. Symmetricians iudged his bodie to be aboue 200.

  44. And because they iudged it might be an helpe to the Britains, they set in hand to build a wall yet once [Sidenote: A wall built overthwart the Iland.

  45. Romane measure, whereby the whole bodies were iudged to be 64.

  46. God forbid it should be so, God forbid it should be so: ye iudged well once, but ye may not change well againe.

  47. About this matter was hard hold, for manie of the temporall lords, and namelie the same Alfer, iudged that the priests had wrong.

  48. For which offence he was brought before the kinge, whom he deliuered to be iudged according to the lawe.

  49. Thinking he would haue iudged him to be the same.

  50. For he iudged their ciuill vsage and maner, to be ouer base for his greatnesse, but did counterfaite the height and pompe of the kings of Persia, representinge the greatnesse of the Gods.

  51. For when they sawe themselues ouercome in sutch excesse, and forayne customes so to preuayle, they iudged it a simple guerdon of their longe beeinge abroade, to returne home in prisoners maner.

  52. The Senescall brought for the eleuen launces, which were couragiously and houourably broken, by breaking of the last staffe which was the twelfth he was iudged most worthy.

  53. Wherefore he iudged his yoonger brother the saied William (a man of a rougher nature) the meeter of the twaine for the gouernement.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iudged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.