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Example sentences for "iudges"

Lexicographically close words:
iubet; iudge; iudged; iudgement; iudgements; iudging; iudgment; iudice; iudicio; iudicium
  1. I haue knowne the Iudges moued diuers times, for their opinion touching the erecting of some, & found them of seueral resolutions, which giueth little encouragement to an innouation.

  2. The Iudges of the circuits Oracle, to which the Commission of the peace referreth the Iustices Quaeres, hath resolued, that neyther of these wayes tendeth to any breach of the lawe.

  3. If he did well herein (saith Matthew Paris) the Lord the iudge of all iudges iudge it, to whom apperteineth the care of all things.

  4. The foresaid iudges sitting on that maner at saint Sauiours, punished bailiffes, and other officers verie extremelie, which were conuict afore them for diuerse trespasses, and speciallie for taking of merciaments otherwise than law gaue them.

  5. And if those foure could not agree, then the earle of Aniou and the duke of Burgoigne shuld be iudges in the matter.

  6. So within a while after they were commanded to enter into the hall there whereas the iudges were, and had seene the petition and had comoned about the same.

  7. At the lamentations and shrikes that these miserable offenders doo giue, the iudges shewe no more signe of pittie then if they were stroken vppon a stone.

  8. For without all doubt, if that the iudges had plainely vnderstood that they would haue there remained, they would not haue suffered them to haue entred and seene the countrie.

  9. Although, aboue all the rest, the ara of black iaspar did most content him, and caused a marueilous strangenesse in the rest of the iudges that had seene it.

  10. All people when they talke with the viceroy are kneeling on their knees, although they be iudges or loytias, as the fryers did see them many times.

  11. The interpreters straightwayes (with the desire of gaine) did take the charge vppon them, and did vse the matter in such sort that the iudges did sende them vnto Machao, whether it were with or against their willes.

  12. There are also two chiefe Iudges named Cadi Lesker, the one ouer Europe, and the other ouer Asia and Africa, which in Court doe sit on the Bench at the left hand of the Bassas.

  13. By yonder Moone I sweare you do me wrong, Infaith I gaue it to the Iudges Clearke, Would he were gelt that had it for my part, Since you do take it Loue so much at hart Por.

  14. Gaue it a Iudges Clearke: but wel I know The Clearke wil nere weare haire on's face that had it Gra.

  15. But when the iudges had shewed him, that they could not be otherwise taken than for treason, he humbly besought the king of mercy and grace.

  16. For first they are made iudges of townes: then of Cities: afterward they are elected to be of that order, which decreeth punishments in cases criminall without further appeale, or of their order, that are the kings fosterers.

  17. But at the first they were called Comites, which were ioined in commission with the proconsull, legate, or iudges for counsell and aids sake in each of those seuerall charges.

  18. In the middest and a pretie distance from the prince, lie certeine sackes stuffed with wooll or haire, wheron the iudges of the realme, the master of the rols, and secretaries of estate doo sit.

  19. In the end the bishops of Lincolne and Rochester, with the abbat of Peterburrow, were appointed by the pope to haue the hearing of this matter, as iudges authorised by his buls, who sat therevpon at Northampton, vpon S.

  20. Andronicus lieth downe, and the Iudges passe by him.

  21. Enter the Iudges and Senatours with Titus two sonnes bound, passing on the Stage to the place of execution, and Titus going before pleading.

  22. A great nobleman and Counseller in this Realme was secretlie aduised by his friend, not to vse so much writing his letters in fauour of euery man that asked them, specially to the Iudges of the Realme in cases of iustice.

  23. Theeues for their robbery haue authority, When Iudges steale themselues: what, doe I loue her, That I desire to heare her speake againe?

  24. Come, begin, And you the Iudges beare a wary eye Ham.

  25. To rescue my two brothers from their death, For which attempt the Iudges haue pronounc'st My euerlasting doome of banishment Ti.

  26. Andronicus lyeth downe, and the Iudges passe by him.

  27. I am a slave to any misery My Iudges doome me too.

  28. Seneca, I was, and saw your Kingly Pupyll In Mynstrills habit stand before the Iudges Bowing those hands which the worlds Scepter hold, And with great awe and reverence beseeching Indifferent hearing and an equall doome.

  29. After this debating of the matter, the Iudges wayed with argumentes of both parts whiche semed so doubtfull vnto them, that knowing not howe to giue sentence, they suspended the processe.

  30. A difference and controuersie betwene a maister and a scholler, so subtile that the iudges coulde not geue sentence.

  31. After his arriuall he sent for the bishop of Chichester that was lord chancellor, for the bishop of Couentrie and Lichfield being lord treasuror, and for such of the iudges as were then in London.

  32. Sidenote: Iudges and other officers committed to the tower.

  33. Osbald and Ethelherard, burned one of their iudges named Bearne, bicause he was more cruell in iudgement (as they tooke the matter) than reason required.

  34. He was diligent in inquirie how the iudges of his land behaued themselues in their iudgements, and was a sharpe corrector of them which transgressed in that behalfe.

  35. It is also vsed to lodge such iudges as are sent by the king to execute his commandement, when they passe by anie of such cities or townes.

  36. But all that breede in them do appertaine vnto the gouernors or iudges of the cities, so that none without their expresse commandement dare fish for them.

  37. Of the visitors that the king doth send euery yeare to visite the inferior iudges of his prouinces, and of the punishing of such as they do find culpable.

  38. The keeper of the prison hath a booke, wherein is written all the names of them that are condemned, and the occasion wherfore: for to be accountable of them at all times when they shalbe demaunded of him by the iudges or vizroies.

  39. At these punishments the iudges are alwaies in presence, and for that they should not be mooued to compassion, in the meanetime that execution is done, they do occupie themselues in banquettings or other pastimes.

  40. Henrie Braie escheator, and the iudges ouer the Iewes, were reported to haue committed manie greeuous offenses, but for monie they bought their peace.

  41. And if earle Guie brake the same peace, then should he be excommunicated, and all his countrie of Flanders interdicted by the archbishop of Reims, and the bishop of Senlis, iudges appointed herein by authoritie of the pope.

  42. Of the woman that poured the potage in the iudges male.

  43. Than go to, if I perswade these honourable iudges that I owe you nothing, I wil pay you nothyng: for you are cast in your action.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iudges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.