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Example sentences for "ittle"

Lexicographically close words:
itre; its; itself; itselfe; itt; itty; itur; iubet; iudge
  1. No darlin' 'ittle Ethel to pank and tiss no more.

  2. Fluff nodded her head approvingly, and Downy said "Free ittle dirls!

  3. Let him come to his muvverums and have his 'ittle cry.

  4. Look out and see what a nice 'ittle girl we are making!

  5. An’ you s’all have ’ittle sister tudder side of you,—zere.

  6. No; I froed nashty old handkerchief out the window—don’t want dirty old handkerchiefs in my nice ’ittle room.

  7. I awfoo good to give you your ’ittle tsilderns?

  8. And such heavenly big blue eyes with the long lashes, and his 'ittle rosebud mousie.

  9. Look out, and see what a nice 'ittle girl we are making!

  10. Do you want to see your Dod, 'ittle fy?

  11. Flopit look so 'ittle on dray, big, 'normous man's lap.

  12. No; I froed nashty old handkerchief out the window--don't want dirty old handkerchiefs in my nice 'ittle room.

  13. Now, 'ittle boy, I put you wif your mudder, tause mudders likes zere 'ittle boys wif zem.

  14. An' you sall have 'ittle sister tudder side of you,--zere.

  15. Dee 'ittle Phillie went to s'eep in a box and the Lord took him to heaven," murmured Toddie, putting together all he had seen and heard of death.

  16. I awfoo good to give you your 'ittle tsilderns?

  17. Oo nose be so told, oo mus' be sit, 'ittle goggie!

  18. In 't that a nite tory, you ser-weet ittle Mit Vildy Tummins?

  19. An I'll tell you nite ittle tory to-night, tause you isn't seepy.

  20. Yet, I tay here an' be Timfy's ittle dirl.

  21. No, I won't tay like nite ittle dirl if Timfy do 'way.

  22. I tell you sompfin' ittle Mit Vildy Tummins," Gay was saying to her battered offspring.

  23. Gay sat wite into it, an' dolly dot her dess wet, but Gay nite ittle dirl; Gay didn't det wet!

  24. Come rowdying up from her mother, And clamoring there at my knee For 'One 'ittle kiss for my dolly, And one 'ittle uzzer for me!

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ittle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.