And now before you all I commend my soule to almightie God my sauiour and redeemer, my bodie to the wormes of the earth, my kingdome to the prince my sonne: and to you my louing freends my heart, my trust, and my whole confidence.
They had louing and verie familiar talke togither a good space, both afore their companie, and secretlie alone, whilest their companie (of courtesie) withdrew somewhat backe.
We ought (louing fellowes) to leaue off small things, when great matters doe offer themselues.
They are poore people, but very charitable and louing in their false religion and beliefe.
He gaue them most hartie thankes for their louing offer, curtesie, and good will.
My louing fellowes and déere friendes, it is certayne that euery valiant manne of stoute courage, doth procure by déedes to make him selfe equall with the excellente men of his time, yea and with those that were before his time.
The liues of all yourlouing Complices Leane-on your health, the which if you giue-o're To stormy Passion, must perforce decay.
I prethee louing Wife, and gentle Daughter, Giue an euen way vnto my rough Affaires: Put not you on the visage of the Times, And be like them to Percie, troublesome Wife.
Whervpon incontinentlie, they all with a conuenient number of the most substantiall commons repaired to the erle at Bainards castell, making iust and true report of their election and admission, and the louing assent of the commons.
The lords were shortlie aduertised of the louing consent which the commons frankelie and freelie had giuen.
He was forced to turne ouer Aristotle, to reuolue his Porphyrie, and to gather his Wits about hym to requite this louing Peate, that had so charitably delt with him.
She that was of Spirite, and Wit subtle, marked the lookes and maner of Anselmo, who neyther for loue, ne other cause did render like lookes on him, but to see to what ende his louing cheere and Countenaunce would tend.
For the confirmation of which renewed amity, they spared no delights which the louing Goddesse doeth vse to serue and imploy vpon her seruaunts and suters.
All which when I haue (by my espial and secret practize sounded) I will spedily aduertise you, to the end that you may provide for the sauegard of your faithfull and louing seruaunt.
The louing Wyfe ceaseth not by paynfull sute to trot and go by Night and day in heate and colde to relieue the miserye of hir husband.
She being right honest and wise, and louing hir husband very dearely, did beare that countenaunce to Girolamo, that she generally did to any of the Citty, or to other straunger that she neuer saw before.
And you to wrangling, for thy louing voyage Is but for two moneths victuall'd: So to your pleasures, I am for other, then for dancing meazures Du.
Our son of Cornwal, And you our no lesse louing Sonne of Albany, We haue this houre a constant will to publish Our daughters seuerall Dowers, that future strife May be preuented now.
You louing men of Angiers, Arthurs subiects, Our Trumpet call'd you to this gentle parle Iohn.
Masters a'th' People, We doe request your kindest eares: and after Your louing motion toward the common Body, To yeeld what passes here Scicin.
And that's great maruell, louing a light wench Brag.
If you be well pleasd with this, And hold your fortune for your blisse, Turne you where your Lady is, And claime her with a louingkisse Bass.
Know my louing Lord, the Marquesse Dorset As I heare, is fled to Richmond, In the parts where he abides Rich.
Teare for teare, andlouing kisse for kisse, Thy Brother Marcus tenders on thy Lips: O were the summe of these that I should pay Countlesse, and infinit, yet would I pay them Luc.
And heere in sight of heauen to Rome I sweare, If Saturnine aduance the Queen of Gothes, Shee will a Hand-maid be to his desires, A louing Nurse, a Mother to his youth Satur.
And Countrey-men, mylouing Followers, Pleade my Successiue Title with your Swords.
King Why now you speake like a most louing sonne: 65 And that in soule we sorrow for for his death, Your selfe ere long shall be a witnesse, Meane while be patient, and content your selfe.
King Spoke like a kinde and a most louing Sonne, And there's no health the King shall drinke to day, But the great Canon to the clowdes shall tell The rowse the King shall drinke vnto Prince Hamlet.
King This shewes a louing care in you, Sonne Hamlet, 40 But you must thinke your father lost a father, That father dead, lost his, and so shalbe vntill the Generall ending.
To whom she answered in allegorie other two verses: My louing Lorde I will well that ye wist, The thred is spon, that neuer shall untwist.
Nature bids vs as a louing mother, To loue our selues first and next to loue another.
Vpon this yong man Euphimia fixed hir amorous eyes, and fell so farre in loue, as vpon him alone she bent hir thoughtes, and all hir louing cogitations.
Graunt (O Myghty Iupiter) that one graue may close vs twaine to liue among the ghostes and shadowes that be already past this world for like right louing fitts, if intent of life be ment to mee without thy fellowship and delectable presence.
Neuerthelesse, at length the king was persuaded to come ouer the water vnto Hagerston, foure miles distant from Berwike, and there receiued homage of the earle, and so they continued freends, and for that time departed asunder in louing maner.
Which is now by his holy word, in a most louing sort manifested to the whole world, according to his will: and yet it shall not be a misse to see antiquities, and consider what greater benefite is had by the precious Gospel.
Shee tooke me by the left hande with a sweete and louing countenance and smiling grace, and with an eloquent speech, shee pleasantly saide in this manner.
Why nowe may ye see what it comth too in the ende, To make a deadly foe of your most louing frende: And ywis this letter if ye woulde heare it now.
I was sory," quoth shee, "by the Masse; for some of them were good louing men.
Wherat, for the tyme was great laughing, and this poore man for his losses among his louing neighboures well considered in the end.
Author's address to the reader, and acknowledgment to 'the right worshipfull maister Henrie Sadler of Euerly, who was my first and louing maister'.
Epistle dedicatory 'The Author to his louing Cosen'.
He was at that time about the age of three and twentie yeares, and to win the peoples loue, he spake manie comfortable words vnto them, to put them in hope (as the manner is) that they should find him a louing prince.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "louing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.