He pressed upon her the cooked food and fruit which she herself had forced the islandersto provide.
Using one of the cocoa-fiber baskets with which the islanders were accustomed to carry their produce from field to house, the two books were carried to the hiding place without suspicion the next morning.
The fact that she soon learned to speak in English added to the awe in which most of the islanders held the girl, increased the hatred of Hano, and at last aroused the suspicion of the patriarch.
He noted that the young man was as much ahead of the rest of the islanders as he was below the girl.
About the only thing really strong in the lives of these islanders was their curious mixture of Polynesian idolatry with degenerate recollections of Christianity.
Why should he not take her for his own, willing or unwilling though the islanders might be, pleased or displeased though Hano might show himself?
Surely here was an arrival to have raised the wildest excitement in normal people, but these islanderswere almost passive in their scrutiny, albeit they were deeply interested.
For a moment the islanders stood silent, and then they joined his lamentations.
How did these islanders learn of the theft of the books?
As the islanders assembled Kobo waved his hand for silence.
Passion and anger and bloodshed were so far removed from any possible association with those islanders that Beekman could only consider his present plight as a temporary inconvenience.
What had transformed these peaceful, listless, indifferent, gentle, decadent islanders into truculent savages?
They found the islanders drawn up in battle array, each having three or four spears, a sling, and a belt filled with large stones.
The indignation of the islanders at this outrage knew no bounds.
Inez noticed that the islanders were muscular, athletic fellows, with such a peculiar appearance that she could not avoid staring at them for a few seconds.
The two islanders who composed the crew were continually glancing off at their brothers, and frequently spoke in low tones, and showed by the gleam of their swarthy faces that they were on the tip-toe of expectation.
The discoveries of the next few minutes did not serve to lighten the apprehension of Storms, for when he reached the proa the two islanders seemed to be enjoying a siesta, while neither Fred Sanders nor Inez was in sight.
The islanders were thoughtful enough to lower their immense sail, and stand by until they could pick up their comrade struggling in the water, actuated probably as much by curiosity to know the facts as by humanity.
The Banks Islandersare very shy now of the vessels sent to carry off men to Fiji or Queensland.
You know I have long felt that there is almost harm done by trying to make these islanders like English people.
There will always be some islanders who from a roving nature, or from a necessity of escaping retaliation for some injury done by them, or from mere curiosity, will paddle off to a ship and go on board.
It was bad and trying weather, and it was well to have only two old Banks Islanders on board, besides three Ysabel lads.
I was greatly pleased, on Friday evening last which George Sarawia spent here with me, to hear from him that he had been talking with the Banks Islanders at Norfolk Island, and on board ship, about a plan which he now proposed to me.
Mahaga lads very promising, but at present Banks Islanders much ahead of the rest.
That a small man-of-war, commanded by a man fit for such work, should cruise among the islands from which islanders are being taken.
Two of the Solomon Islanders distinguished themselves by jumping off the fore-yard, and diving under the ship.
It may be dangerous to admit it, but I am convinced that all that we can do is to elevate some few of the most intelligent islanders well, so that they can teach others, and be content with careful oral teaching for the rest.
I have been taking some Leper's Islandersand Maiwo or Aurora Islanders as new comers, and other classes occasionally.
But it is the quiet, lengthened staying for some months among these islanders that gives opportunities for knowing them and their ways.
The Sheppey Islanders were, at the time of which we are writing, people of a low and degraded taste, and showed a grovelling preference for the entertainments given at the music-halls.
Might if not be that, beneath these fair appearances, the islanders covered some perfidious design, and that their friendly reception of us might only precede some horrible catastrophe?
The heavy rain that still continued to fall without intermission, favoured our enterprise, as it drove the islandersinto their houses, and prevented any casual meeting with them.
As the islanders always maintained a discreet reserve with regard to my own peculiar views on religion, I thought it would be excessively ill-bred in me to pry into theirs.
Whenever I chose to do the latter, the delight of the islanders was boundless; and there was always a throng of competitors for the honor of instructing me in any particular craft.
As soon as I came to myself, I perceived the three islanders standing a little distance off, and apparently engaged in some violent altercation respecting me.
All the South Sea islandersare passionately fond of fish; but none of them can be more so than the inhabitants of Typee.
Such an event, I believe, never before had occurred in the valley; but it was high time the islanders should be taught a little gallantry, and I trust that the example I set them may produce beneficial effects.
The islanders are somewhat abstemious at this repast; reserving the more powerful efforts of their appetite to a later period of the day.
The conduct of the islanders appeared inexplicable.
The islanders understand the art of embalming, and practice it with such success, that the bodies of their great chiefs are frequently preserved for many years in the very houses where they died.
No wonder that the South Sea islanders are so amphibious a race, when they are thus launched into the water as soon as they see the light.
The Sandwich Islanders kept the jaw bones of their enemies as trophies.
These islanders used a white lime powder, also one of blue and another of orange made of turmeric.
The ballads are danced with special zest on the 29th of July, the day of the anniversary of the death of Saint Olaf, when all the islanders who can leave their homes flock to Thorshaven and dance from sunset till sunrise.
The Islanders have little idea of tone or melody and do not sing well; and eye-witnesses of some of the ballad dances at Thorshaven aver that the tunes sound less like dance music than melancholy dirges.
His personal help and example inspired other Faroe-islanders to make collections for themselves, some of which, notably Klemmentsen's Sandoyjarbok, are among our best authorities for the ballads today.
The islanders built chambers of great oaks as Odd directed them, and then piled up stones and sand on the top.
Some of the Philippine Islandersbelieve that the souls of their ancestors are in certain trees, which they therefore spare.
It was as natural for the inhabitants of the valley of Sparta to do this as it was for the islanders of Rhodes to throw the chariot and horses into the sea, into which the sun seemed to them to sink at evening.
The Banks Islanders make sunshine by means of a mock sun.
The Kei islanders regard the navel-string as the brother or sister of the child, according to the sex of the infant.
Every year, at the beginning of the dry season, the Nicobar Islanders carry the model of a ship through their villages.
The islanders of Torres Straits use models of dugong and turtles to charm dugong and turtle to their destruction.
Thus when the Pelew Islanders are felling a tree, they conjure the spirit of the tree to leave it and settle on another.
Dread of sorcery, we are told, formed one of the most salient characteristics of the Marquesan islanders in the old days.
A proposition was put forward that the islandersshould dispute the porpoise-spearing monopoly of the Quoddy Indians that were already sailing across the channel for their annual summer's sport, but this likewise met with defeat.
Four islanders had been lost that day, and he alone had lived through the surf.
The Islanders have thus a moral claim upon the American nation for protection.
It was arranged that for a certain sum Captain Stewart should convey 60 of the Pitcairn Islanders to their old abode.
Such is the latest that is known as to the Pitcairn Islanders and their singular destiny.
The Pitcairn Islanders occupied the houses constructed for the Government officials, and had not shown the slightest attempt to settle upon spots suitable for agriculture.
For the Pelew Islanders subsist mainly on the produce of their taro fields, and the cultivation of this, their staple food, is the business of the women alone.
M237) Like many peoples of Western Asia in antiquity, the Pelew Islanders systematically prostitute their unmarried girls for hire.
M181 Thus while the Khasis and Pelew Islanders have mother-kin, they are governed by men, not by women.
The writer says that the family or clan gods of the Pelew Islanders are too many to be enumerated, but he gives as a specimen a list of the family deities of one particular district (Ngarupesang).
We have seen that the state of society and religion among the Pelew Islanders in modern times presents several points of similarity to the condition of the peoples about the Eastern Mediterranean in antiquity.
The rise of Sirius was carefully observed by the islanders of Ceos, in the Aegean.
M175) This preference for goddesses over gods in the clans of the Pelew Islanders has been explained, no doubt rightly, by the high importance of women in the social system of the people.
M174 Again, the Pelew Islanders have mother-kin, and the deities of their clans are all goddesses.
Here I propose briefly to call attention to certain other customs of the Pelew Islanderswhich may serve to illustrate some of the institutions discussed in this volume.
That season the islanders counted twenty-two races among the two thousand of them, including half-castes; and most of their common gossip was carried on in a lingo of rather less than two hundred words.
Tis living among these islanders has taught you such simplicity.
Such is a brief outline of these islanders and their god; but of the early history of this idol no authentic information has yet been obtained.
Though nominally Roman Catholics, these islanders have no priest resident among them, and their worship consists in occasional meetings at their chief's house, with visits to a holy well.
As we stood about, the Old Man and the leader of the Islanders came out of the cabin, and talked with the others.
The Islanders manned their boats and made off to the landing place.
In stature the Islanders were perhaps above the average height, lithe and wiry, and but few were darker-skinned than a Spaniard or Italian.
Discipline was, for the time, relaxed, and but for working ship, in which the Islandersjoined us, we had the time to ourselves.
When we were called away to brace the yards round, stock was taken on both sides; the Islanders had their boats well laden, and our once trim deck was strewn with a litter of fruit and vegetables, like the top of Bell Street on a busy morning.
More like wild beasts than men, yet not so cruel as some of the islanders we have met.
The former history of these islanders is well known to all readers.
The Sandwich Islanders have many more idols than those of which I have spoken.
I would as lief be one of these happy islanders as an Englishman, with all our religion and civilisation.
Weapons are cast away,--the countenances of the islanders are no longer savage.
Never have I heard yells more terrific than those with which the Penrhyn Islanders set on us.
Next morning we are surrounded by canoes, and many people come swimming off to the ship, for they are as expert as otherislanders of the Pacific in the water.
No man can tell when he is safe, or at what moment the treacherous islanders may not turn round and destroy him, just as they did Captain Cook, and just as they have treated many other unfortunate Englishmen since his time.
The islanders there saw even their own fruits and roots increased in size, and improved in flavour by careful culture.
The Samoans, though not such gross idolaters, and certainly not so inhuman in their practices, as most of the other islanders in the Pacific, were much degraded both in mind and morals.
Well may theislanders be ready to destroy any white men they can get into their power.
The islanders of this group differ from other Polynesians, and they more nearly resemble the Malays.
Johnny, in imitation of the desert islanders of the story-books, desired to give appropriate names to all the interesting or remarkable localities, with which we became acquainted.
The islandersalmost universally have a taste for oratory, by which they are easily affected; and they hold those who excel in it in high estimation.
In three-quarters of an hour more, the strange sail was near enough to enable us to see that she was a large double canoe, such as is used by some of the islanders of the South Pacific, in their trading voyages.
The character of these islanders is of the most savage kind; their ferocity led to the belief that they are cannibals; one seaman of the expedition was carried off, and all attempts to rescue him were unavailing.
Long ago the islanders tried to bring it up from the beach; a strong vine served as a rope, and more than fifty men must have helped to drag the heavy rock up from the coast to the square.
The appearance of these islanders was quite new to me.
Others profit indirectly by the alcoholism of the islanders by selling liquor to their hands every Saturday, so as to make them run into debt; they will all spend their entire wages on drink.
These islanders had strongly opposed the expedition to Chios, and had taken no part in it, fearing to bring down the Turkish fleet upon themselves, as Psara lay but a short distance north of Chios.
The Romans had thus to fight with these islanders for more than a hundred years, before they reduced them to subjection.
Marcus Pinarius, Praetor of Sardinia, immediately landed in Corsica with an army, and defeated the islanders with dreadful carnage in a battle of which Livy gives an account--they lost two thousand men killed.
Besides their ignorance," he remarks, "one can find no words to express the laziness of the islanders where the tilling of the ground is concerned.
Corsicans, too, were here fighting against Corsicans--for a company of the islanders had remained in the service of Genoa.
Orticoni, accordingly, came to an agreement with the baron, that he should be proclaimed king of Corsica as soon as he put the islanders in a position to free themselves completely from the yoke of Genoa.
The Rhode Islanders ejected (1732) Jenckes, their governor, because he tried to stay their wild course in the emission of paper money.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "islanders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.