At this Legh," says Leland, "be very fayre pastures and woodes.
And yitt to the said Erie, Lethingtoun at all tymes schew a fayre countenance.
His botes souple, his hors in gret estat, Now certainly he was a fayre prelat.
The fourth of September at fiue a clocke in the afternoone we ankered in a very good road among great store of Isles, the countrey low land, pleasant and very full of fayre woods.
The third of September being fayre weather, and the winds North northwest she set sayle, and departed thence, and fell with Frisland on the 8.
Then we espying a fayre sound, supposed it to goe into the Straights betweene the Queenes foreland and Iackmans sound, which proued as we imagined.
The first of May wee had a South winde with fayre weather hauing 34 degrees and a halfe, holding our course West Southwest.
Ane grant of all our lands sae fayre The King to him has gien; An' a' the Scotts o' Gilmanscleuch Were outlawed ilka ane.
May it please, therefore, your lordship to understand, that the ryver Lyddal is a fayre ryver, and hath her course doun by Lyddisdall, so as the dale hath the name of the ryver.
These armes of the floud are each of them an hundred foote broade, beset on both sides the banckes with fayre braunched trees, ouershadowing ye waters with a coole and pleasant shade.
Hit befell on Whitsontide, Erly in a may mornyng, The son vp fayre can shyne, And the briddis mery can syng.
Pluk vp thi hert, my dere mayster," Litulle Johne can sey, "And thynk hit is a fulle fayre tyme In a mornynge of may.
Blyssyd be God ye had a fayre day laste whiche is noysyd cost yow .
I hope and so do my moder and my cosyn Clere, that he wolle do well inowe, so that he be fayrefare with Dawbeney and Playter.
I> sygh and sob, bath day and nyght, for ane safayre of hew!
Moreouer shewe your selfe louinge and fayre spoken vnto them where he loueth, call them now and then vnto your table.
In lyke wyse when he commeth home wel whitled, I gyue hym gentyll andfayre woordes, so with fayre entreatynge I gette hym to bed.
Eye saye not so, there is no beest so wild but by fayre handling be tamed, neuer mistrust man then.
For my poore part, I hope the One shall do me as little harme as fayre weather in my iorney: I am suer, the other hath done me more good, then was intended, and shall neuer puddle or annoy the course of the cleere running water.
Fayre seruant, come, the day these eyes doe lend To warme thy blood, thou doest so vainely spend.
In this yere Sire Leonell duke of Clarence with a fayre meyne sailled over the see toward Melane; whiche aboughte the natyvyte of oure lady the same yere deyde.
A yonge man of Bruges, that was betrouthed to a fayre mayden, came on a tyme, whan her mother was out of the way, and had to do with her.
As a fayre yong woman of the towne of Amilie confessed her to a friere, he beganne to burne so in concupiscence of the flesshe, that he entyced her to consente to his wylle.
In London there was a certayne artifycer hauyng a fayre wife, to whom a lusty galante made pursute to accomplisshe his pleasure.
By my trouthe, quod one of them, yf that she myght be departed, than I wolde chuse for my parte her hed and her fayre face, that I myghte alway kysse her.
She asked him, as was her gyse: syr, wyll ye haue any fygges; they be fayre and good?
A yoman of the kynges garde, dwellynge in a vyllage besyde London, had a very fayre yonge wife.
As an olde man walked on a tyme in his orcherd he loked vp, and sawe a boye sytte in a tree, stealynge his apples; whom he entreated with fayre wordes to come downe, and let his apples alone.
Thus the man of lawe, neyther for fayre nor foule, coulde gette any other thinge of his client but Bea: wherfore all angerly he departed, and went his waye.
Before ye layde medicins to myn eies, I sawe moche fayre stouffe in myn house, and now I se nothinge at all.
Of hym that kyssed the fayre mayde with the longe nose.
Than sayd the confessour this wyse: a fayre yonge lady, with a lusty galante, in a plesaunte herber, and in the mery moneth of Maye!
He that had neyther been kith nor kin Might have seen a full fayre sight.
Maydens, be they never so foolyshe, yet beeing fayre they are commonly fortunate.
Ful wel she sange the service devine, Entuned in hire nose ful swetely; And Frenche she spake ful fayre and fetisly, After the scole of Stratford atte bowe, For Frenche of Paris was to hire unknowe.
Crownes infayre plate," and that it was conveyed to his humble home in a stately style.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fayre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.