Looking through my field-glasses I saw two faint lines which, beginning more than a mile away in the open plain, converged, forming a funnel.
I lay flat on the ant-heap, looking through a small gap which I made in the tall grass which crowned it.
Looking through my glasses towards the entrance of the funnel again, I saw a sight which made me gasp.
Thus, in looking throughan opake tube on a yellow wall, and closing my eye, without admitting any lateral light, the spectra were all at first yellow; but at length changed into blue.
Looking through my loophole I saw a tall, fine-looking Arab standing erect at our side of the gap, with a rifle in his hand, turning his head from side to side and then peering below into the chasm beneath.
Presently the signal-man shouted to me that he saw someone on the beach, and, looking through my telescope, I made out a man hopping down towards the water's edge on one leg and waving his arms to attract attention.
BOLZ (at the table on the left quickly opening, looking through, and marking letters with a pencil).
He made everything he took a fancy for, and seemed to possess himself of the contents of a book by looking through it; for though I seldom found him reading, he was about as well-informed as the books themselves.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "looking through" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.