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Example sentences for "looking through"

  • Looking through my field-glasses I saw two faint lines which, beginning more than a mile away in the open plain, converged, forming a funnel.

  • I lay flat on the ant-heap, looking through a small gap which I made in the tall grass which crowned it.

  • Looking through my glasses towards the entrance of the funnel again, I saw a sight which made me gasp.

  • Thus, in looking through an opake tube on a yellow wall, and closing my eye, without admitting any lateral light, the spectra were all at first yellow; but at length changed into blue.

  • Looking through my loophole I saw a tall, fine-looking Arab standing erect at our side of the gap, with a rifle in his hand, turning his head from side to side and then peering below into the chasm beneath.

  • Presently the signal-man shouted to me that he saw someone on the beach, and, looking through my telescope, I made out a man hopping down towards the water's edge on one leg and waving his arms to attract attention.

  • BOLZ (at the table on the left quickly opening, looking through, and marking letters with a pencil).

  • He made everything he took a fancy for, and seemed to possess himself of the contents of a book by looking through it; for though I seldom found him reading, he was about as well-informed as the books themselves.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "looking through" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    exclusive trade; forced laugh; general massacre; glass beads; large audience; looking after; looking animal; looking around; looking back; looking craft; looking face; looking for; looking individual; looking like; looking little; looking man; looking people; looking person; looking place; looking rather; looking steadily; marriage portion; night work; oiled silk; present situation; sacred poetry