Other Brahmans will not eat or intermarrywith them or even take water from them.
Hindu life is permeated by the instinct that society must be divided into communities having some common interest and refusing to intermarry or eat with other communities.
The first law is that--Natives belonging to class A may only intermarry with class B, and natives belonging to C may only intermarry with class D.
Its members cannot intermarry with those of other castes, and must always follow the profession in which destiny has placed their parents.
By the statutes of some of the States, Northern as well as Southern, it is enacted, for instance, that no white person shall intermarrywith a negro or mulatto.
Originally the members of the three original gentes could notintermarry in their own gens; but in recent years the prohibition has been confined to the sub-gentes.
The right tointermarry in the gens in the cases of orphan daughters and heiresses.
It is shown in two particulars: firstly, in allowing each triad of gentes to intermarry with each other, to a limited extent; and secondly, to marry into classes not before permitted.
These details are tedious, but they make the fact apparent that in this condition of ancient society they not only intermarry constantly, but are compelled to do so through this organization upon sex.
Originally the first three gentes were not allowed to intermarry with each other, because they were subdivisions of an original gens; but they were permitted to marry into either of the other gentes, and vice versa.
People of the same clan cannot intermarry with each other.
By mutual right and obligation to intermarry in certain determinate cases, especially where there was an orphan daughter or heiress.
Tribes and clans intermarry with each other, and this brings about a friendly feeling among the people.
They did not intermarry with the native Irish, though they did intermarry to some extent with the English Puritans and with the French Huguenots.
We have no information about the differences on which these schisms turned, but Jainism is still split into two sects which, though following in most respects identical doctrines and customs, refuse to intermarry or eat together.
In Rome plebeians and patricians could not intermarry till the year 445 B.
In ancient Peru it was not lawful for the natives of one province or village to intermarrywith those of another.
It is impossible to believe that there ever was a time when friendly negotiations between families who could intermarrywere altogether unknown.
This sufficiently accounts for the fact that hereditary predisposition is a more common cause of nervous disease in those circles that intermarry much with each other than where a wider choice is exercised.
But even in this country there are painful illustrations of the truth of the popular belief that when cousins intermarry their offspring are liable to be idiotic.
Jews and Christians may as well intermarryat once.
You are quite right, Miss Radowski," I said, "Jew and Christian might as wellintermarry at once.
Live in the same dwelling with their masters, and often intermarry with those who are free.
The mountain Indians seldom, if ever, intermarry with those on the coast.
It takes a high place among Musalmans, and does notintermarry with other tribes.
They intermarry among themselves, and, having no priests of their own, obtain purified water from Brahmans to remove the effects of pollution.
The Marakkayars are said to admit converts from various Hindu classes, who are called Pulukkais, and may not intermarry with the Marakkayars for several generations, or until they have become prosperous.
They thus cannot intermarryamong themselves, but occasionally their girls are married to Kunbis.
Some of them came to Sandur from the Maratha country with Siva Rao and other rulers of the State, and they take the chief seats at Darbars and on other public occasions, and are permitted to dine and intermarry with the Raja's family.
The former, who are the Min (fish) Palles of previous writers, are also known as Palle Kariyalu, and do not mingle or intermarry with the latter.
They cannot intermarry with the Khasgis, or dine with them except in separate rows, and their womanfolk are not gosha; but they have Brahmanical gotras and Brahman purohits.
Lepers were only allowed to intermarry with fellow-sufferers; yet we find in one of the Decretals of St. Gregory, that any woman who chose to run the chances of contagion could please her fancy.
On the other hand, the Japanese system permitted a degree of licence which in the Occident is called incest: brothers and sisters might intermarry provided that they had not been brought up together.
The third Tokugawa shogun, Iemitsu, extended the restriction by ordering that even families having estates of only three thousand koku should not intermarry without Yedo's previous consent.
They are proud, however, and will not intermarry with the Africans.
The blacks disliked the mulattoes; the mulattoes despised the blacks, and would not intermarry with them.
It is said to be of mixed descent from all the septs, and can intermarrywith any other.
Facts show that the extent to which relatives are not allowed to intermarry is nearly connected with their close living together.
In northern India even such leading Hindu castes as Rajputs and Jats have large Muhammadan branches, who as a rule do not intermarry with Hindus.
They had no part in the religious feasts and could not intermarry with the proper citizens.
Proper Muhammadans look down on them and decline to take food orintermarry with them.
The Agarwal Bania Jains and Hindus will take food cooked with water together and intermarry in Bundelkhand, although it is doubtful whether they do this in the Central Provinces.
He could not purchase white servants, could not intermarry with white people, and had to be very circumspect in his relations with slaves.
These Dumagas intermarry with the tribes they live amongst, and have adopted their dress, religion, and customs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intermarry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.