But artistic writing is not so much reporting about the state of the world as it is constituting a different world, along with a context for interactions in this world.
Their motivation lay in the practical experience; their unfolding in connected interactions acquired an aesthetic quality from the underlying design.
Recurrences of interactions come in varieties, and each variety is a projection of the individual at a precise juncture of the human practical experience of self-constitution as a writer or reader.
Evolution of the military resulted in changes in the language involved in defining and modifying the interactions characteristic of military practical experience.
In the design effort that takes the lead here, hierarchies are abolished, and new interactions among people are stimulated.
The heat and beat of network interactions and the richness of multimedia and virtual reality reflect this time more than do the pages you are about to read.
At the global levels of humankind, when the necessity of literacy declines, dependencies characteristic of literacy-based interactions collide with forces of integration and competition.
New questions have a bearing on sexuality, parent-child relations, interactions among families, and the whole social fabric.
In becoming the Netizen, he or she will participate in social interactions fundamentally new in nature.
Our interactions with people, with nature, or with artifacts we ourselves generated further affect the pragmatic self-constitution of our identity.
The continuous aspect refers to the biological structure projected into the universe of interactionswith similar or dissimilar entities.
However this may be, the objective counterpart of space is supposed to consist of certain immediate interactions of monads, who experience the interactions as modifications of their internal states.
Experience is in truth a matter of activities, instinctive and impulsive, in their interactions with things.
It does not know what it is about; that is to say, what are its interactions with other activities.
The speculation originated in the difficulties which present themselves when we ascribe to these interactions infinite duration in the past.
This present essay is occupied by the consideration of the necessity of limiting material interactions in past time.
Examples of complex interactions in health--Interference, and tendencies to ill-health.
The interactionsof master and novice were always dynamic.
It is also interesting that many of the interactions involved the manual labor of the monastery, an indication of the significance of work in Ch'an life.
To give an accurate analysis of the successive interactions by which an upward movement in the general price level, once stimulated, asserts itself, is both a delicate and lengthy task.
To make the definition good, so to speak, it would be necessary to enter into an analysis of a complex series of interactions including a study of the action of the banking systems, and the methods of industrial finance.
Yet without reckoning with these interactions not even an approach to the truth is possible.
Furthermore, the statements in regard to the interactions to which the action of the factor of relative plenty or scarcity was subject, apply with equal force to the problem under discussion.
The interactions of the two glands, the ovary and the posterior pituitary, modified by accessory influences, determine the relative intensity of the two instincts.
History consists of the protocols that record the high lights of the interactions of materials and ideas which is the adventure of man in time and space.
Sang HuinÂOs interactions at a convenience store that he often frequented were no different than at any other time.
Sanger 195 Interactions Among Marine Birds and Commercial Fish in the Eastern Bering Sea, by Richard R.
Interactions Among Marine Birds and Commercial Fish in the Eastern Bering Sea by Richard R.
Can a model be constructed of the forces which drive population changes or of population-habitat interactions which keep populations from extinction?
The extent of the interactions also determines the impact of man's commercial harvest of fish on the abundance of birds or of the bird's harvest on the abundance of fish.
Perhaps some clues are to be found in the interactions between these similar species.
The extent of these interactions determines the potential for birds and fish to influence each other's abundance.
According to Dunbar, arctic systems are regulated primarily by temporal oscillations in the physical environment, whereas biological interactions (e.
May and Leonard (1975) and Gilpin are both making a familiar point--that neither the logic nor the interactions described in a formula will describe biological reality unless the assumptions are correct.
The study which science makes of the interactions of things on one another reveals those interactions as conformable to law and happening in such a way that their occurrence can be logically deduced, and even foretold, from their laws.
But we are conscious not only of our own actions, but of the reactions of things on us, and of the interactions of things on one another.
But the investigator has now far less control, and bacterial and other actions come into play, while the nutrients and poisons supplied may set up interactions with the soil which it is impossible to fathom.
All these interactions therefore are connected with that all-embracing power which is their pivot, their center, their source and their motive power.
The moral problems arise through certain interactions that take place between our individual and our social experience.
The reason reviews these interactions and takes interest in unifying our plan of life.
Vestibular and Propriospinal Interactions and Protracted Spinal Inhibition by Brain Stem Activation.
That is to say, we must study the interactions between the members of the group and also those between the group as a whole and each member.
Throughout the development migrants are entering and leaving, and the interactions of the various processes come to be complex in the highest degree.
The interactions which take place among the members of a community so constituted are immediate and unreflecting.
These are nothing but actions and interactions which we ascribe to certain forces inherent in these elements.
This excitement and this idea with the meanings that attach to it are called collective because they are a product of the interactions of the members of the crowd.
In strict conformity with the scientific method we take into consideration merely such interactions as the facts of common knowledge and actual experience offer us.
Out of the vivid and subtle interactions of which they have been the centers, there have come the newer breeds and the newer social types.
The question now remains as to the second constitutive element of a natural process, namely, the definite interaction of these elements, and especially as to those interactions which are characterized by regularity and permanency.
In themselves they are essentially non-spatial; but by their interactions with one another, and with the mind, they give rise to the appearance of a world of extended things in a common space.
Interactions of Two Planetary Bodies--Equilibrium Phenomena Up to the present point, the cosmical system has been assumed to be composed of one planetary body only in addition to the primary mass.
The intersubjective or interhuman element, "the between," runs through nursing interactions like an underground stream conveying the nutrients of healing and growth.
I reflected on these interactions and waited for the data to reveal to me the major value underlying my nursing practice.
These modes of origin are all in association respectively with Place, Work, and Family, or some of the various interactions of these.
In these the interest lies not in nuclear interactions but in the effect of ionizing radiation on living tissue.
Further studies of the interactions of [pi] mesons are made in the meson cave.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interactions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.