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Example sentences for "inough"

Lexicographically close words:
inopportunely; inordinate; inordinately; inorganic; inosculating; inpouring; input; inputs; inque; inquest
  1. For they which were on the hither side of Seine, thinking that the Englishmen had gone to winne some other place, followed them not, but studied how to defend their towne, which was inough for them to doo.

  2. The wise and graue personages of the realme of France, sore lamenting & bewailing the miserie of their countrie, saw they had puissance inough to defend their enimies, if they were of perfect concord amongst themselues.

  3. So that it appeareth their purpose was well inough then perceiued, although happilie not much bruted abroad, for considerations thought necessarie to haue it rather husht and kept secret.

  4. About the same time sir Eustace de Maxwell knight, lord of Carlauerocke, reuolted from Edward Balioll vnto Dauid le Bruse his side, and so that part dailie increased, and also the warre continued, with damage inough vnto both parts.

  5. All your other feete of three times I find no vse of them in our vulgar meeters nor no sweetenes at all, and yet words inough to serue their proportions.

  6. Which is no good speech, because either he should haue sayd no more but a corrall lip, which had bene inough to declare the rednesse or els he should haue said a lip of corrall hew, and not a corrall lip of hew.

  7. But herein the noble Poet Horace hath said inough to satisfie vs all in these few verses.

  8. Then also when he saith [Ver approcht, and frosty winter fled] though it were a surplusage (because one season must needes geue place to the other) yet doeth it well inough passe without blame in the maker.

  9. For if they haue assumed a deade bodie, whereinto they lodge themselues, they can easely inough open without dinne anie Doore or Window, and enter in thereat.

  10. And if they enter as a spirite onelie, anie place where the aire may come in at, is large inough an entrie for them: For as I said before, a spirite can occupie no quantitie.

  11. I know well inough where fra that errour which ye alleage hath proceeded: For it was the ignorant Gentiles that were the fountaine thereof.

  12. Ye haue said now inough of their initiating in that ordour.

  13. But I feare indeede, there be ouer many Sadduces in this worlde, that denies all kindes of spirites: For convicting of whose errour, there is cause inough if there were no more, that God should permit at sometimes spirits visiblie to kyith.

  14. Wel, Ye haue said far inough in that argument.

  15. We could not know whether hee were killed on the place, or whether he were taken prisoner: for those of his company had inough to doe to saue themselues without thinking of their companion.

  16. It is so troublesome to grind their Maiz, that there were many that would rather not eate it, then grind it: and did eate the Maiz parched and sodden.

  17. Ilands, two of which are as steepe and vpright as any wall, so that it was not possible to climbe them: and betweene them there is a little rocke.

  18. For which the Gouernour and all the rest were very sorie, for they had alreadie made some roades, and no Indians could bee taken, because the countrie was full of marish grounds, and in many places full of very hie and thicke woods.

  19. M479 Laudonniere setteth things in order after his returne out of prison to the fort.

  20. Iago is a Monasterie of Franciscan Friars: it hath but few Friers, and is well prouided of almes, because the countrie is rich: The Church of S.

  21. M468 Another of his Barks stolne away by two Carpenters.

  22. On his return to his native land in 1464, he published an account of his travels.

  23. Adelantado or president departed from Hauana in Cuba with his fleete, which were nine vessels, fiue great ships, two carauels, and two brigantines: They sailed seuen daies with a prosperous wind.

  24. Iago hath honest reuenew, and there is a Curat and Prebends and many Priests, as the Church of that Citie, which is the chiefe of all the Island.

  25. He sayd it was impossible, except he might haue space inough therto.

  26. By whiche tale appereth, that it is holsome to take leyser inough aboute a thynge that is harde to do, specially whanne a man can nat chose to take hit on hande.

  27. By my faith (quod an other), if I might come where preace of people were, I coulde get moneye inough for vs.

  28. Inough it is that she vnderstand of me, what hart and affection you beare vnto her.

  29. But howsoeuer we shall take this place of Tacitus, it is euident inough that Camelodunum stood not farre from the Thames.

  30. For Didius being aged, and by victories past inough renowmed, thought it sufficient for him to make warre by his capteins, so to staie and kéepe off the enimie.

  31. But Constantine being a man void of ambition, was contented to leaue Italie and Affrike, supposing his charge to be great inough to haue the gouernement in his hands of France, Spaine, and Britaine (as Eutropius saith.

  32. London at that time of néed would be bought, he would surelie sell it, if he might méet with a conuenient merchant that were able to giue him monie inough for it.

  33. King Edward neuerthelesse, sith he was come thus farre forward, knew well inough there was no going backe for him, but manfullie to proceed forward with his begun iournie, and therefore kept on his way.

  34. He hath answered you, Ganimede, quoth Aliena, it is inough for pages to waite on beautifull ladies and not to be beautifull themselves.

  35. Well, I neuer prospered since I forswore Myselfe at Primero: and my winde Were but long inough to say my prayers, Ide repent, now from whence come you?

  36. Manie of the high estates, not liking the world, and disalowing the dooings both of the king and his councell, were faine inough of some alteration.

  37. You shall find me apt inough to that sir, and you will giue me occasion Mercu.

  38. Inough of this, I pray thee hold thy peace Nurse.

  39. No not till Thursday, there's time inough Fa.

  40. The teares haue got small victorie by that: For it was bad inough before their spight Pa.

  41. A your Maiesty has false France inough To deceiue de best Lady in France.

  42. Now then, if she doubt, least he might be fetched from hir, is it not likelie inough that she shall send him some where out of the realme?

  43. And mete and drynke this night wil I brynge Inough for the, and clothes for thy beddynge.

  44. Thei wyl say: He shal haue inough to lyue on, but he shall not haue to lyue well on.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inough" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.