It is quite true that when we pass from the Inorganic to the Organic, we come upon a new set of Laws.
A sudden and hopeless barrier--the barrier between the Inorganic and the Organic--interposes, and the process has to begin again at the beginning with the creation of Life.
So far as beauty goes the organic world and the inorganic are one.
Now two Kingdoms, at the present time, are known to Science--the Inorganic and the Organic.
The door from the inorganic to the organic is shut, no mineral can open it; so the door from the natural to the spiritual is shut, and no man can open it.
At the same time it is not to be denied that the conspicuous thing in Organic Nature is not the great Inorganic Law.
The natural world is to the Spiritual as the inorganic to the organic.
This is the one possible comparison in Nature, for it is the widest distinction in Nature; but compared with the difference between the Natural and the Spiritual the gulf which divides the organic from the inorganic is a hair's-breadth.
Only by the bending down into this dead world of some living form can these dead atoms be gifted with the properties of vitality, without this preliminary contact with Life they remain fixed in the inorganic sphere forever.
If the Law of vitality has so little connection with the Inorganic kingdom--less even than gravitation with the Spiritual, what becomes of Continuity?
For the exclusion of the spiritually inorganic from the Kingdom of the spiritually organic is not arbitrary.
And the more minutely the detailed structure and ordering of the whole fabric are investigated it becomes increasingly apparent that the Inorganic Kingdom is the preparation for, and the prophecy of, the Organic.
In dealing with the crystal, in short, we are dealing with the maximum beauty of the inorganic world.
Sequoia, some hundreds of tons of solid, organized tissue have been raised into a column hundreds of feet in height, in opposition to the force of gravitation and to the affinities of inorganic chemistry.
It was Wöhler who proved by the artificial preparation of urea from inorganicmaterials that this view could not be maintained.
The affinities of inorganic chemistry immediately reassert themselves, in ordinary circumstances rapidly tearing down the ephemeral fabric.
Closely associated with this is the power of life, or vitality, which is the most distinguishing characteristic of organic structure; since we find nothing similar to this in the inorganic creation.
What is said of the difference, in general, between organic and inorganic bodies?
Inorganic bodies are devoid of organs, or instruments of life.
What of the growth of organic and inorganic bodies?
During the activities of these organisms various organic and mineral substances are decomposed or transformed into materials, such as humus and the inorganic compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.
And so the external sensuous matter is here no longer manipulated, either in conformity with its mechanical quality alone, as a mass possessing weight, nor in shapes belonging to the inorganic world, nor as indifferent to colour, etc.
Its task lies in so manipulating external inorganic nature that it becomes cognate to mind, as an artistic outer world.
The most important thing known about the chemical constitution of protoplasm is that there are always present in it certain complex albuminous substances which are never found in inorganic bodies.
The bones of an animal advanced in years are more subject to fracture because of the preponderance of inorganic matter rendering them more brittle.
The gradual change with advancing years from organic to inorganic has the effect of rendering the bone harder and more brittle, and though it is stronger, the reparative process is slower when injury does occur.
In young animals the former predominates; with increasing years the relative proportions of the two change, so that when advanced age is reached the proportion of inorganic far exceeds the organic.
For convenience of study, bones may be said to be composed of a form of dense connective tissue impregnated with lime salts and to contain two elementary constituents--the organic or animal and the inorganic or earthy.
The blood may be considered as a fluid holding in solution certain inorganic elements and having certain bodies suspended in it.
Another inorganic substance at times found in urinary calculi is silica (SiO{2}).
This bit of vitalised inorganic has no sex, and because of that it cannot love.
Natural phenomena, the forces of the organic and inorganic worlds.
In 1828 Wohler produced urea from inorganic substances, which was the first example of the synthetic production of organic compounds, and it was for many years the only product so formed.
Inorganic Environment At the beginning of their known history the country occupied by the Chinese was the comparatively small region above mentioned.
Of course there is a possibility that there were several distinct origins from inorganic matter, but that is very improbable, because in that case we should expect to find some difference in the earliest forms of the germs of life.
The Darwin-Wallace theory is, as you say, "the continuous adjustment of the organic to the inorganic world.
I was much pleased with your point of the adaptations supposed to be produced by the inorganic environment when they are related to the organic.
It was the function of the constituent Assembly to recast the laws in conformity with the Rights of Man, to abolish every survival of absolutism, every heirloom of inorganic tradition, that was inconsistent with them.
In the violent contradiction between the new order of things in France and the inorganic world around it, conflict was irrepressible.
Mimicry, or the imitation of animal forms, while it is a form of indirect protection, differs in no essential respect from the imitation of vegetable and inorganic things.
Sponges with very rigid inorganic skeletons may be divided into two classes--calcareous and silicious--according to whether the skeleton is chiefly composed of lime or silica.
The inorganic skeleton is formed by larger and smaller crystals and crystalline threads.
There is always more than enough to generate sufficient heat to fuse the earthy or inorganic portion, which is mainly composed of sand, clay, and the alkalies from the coal and vegetable ashes, etc.
With an inorganicpoison we may destroy all organic materials mixed with it, trusting to find the poison still recognisable after this process.
These, therefore, must be treated differently from the more stable inorganic compounds.
The secret of dissolving organic forms as well as inorganic ones!
They're underneath the debris, Kay, a mile deep, buried, beneath the impalpable powder that represented the inorganic salts and minerals of the earth.
I told them it would disintegrate every inorganic substance to powder, and they laughed at me.
Experiments indicate that the organism thrives on and supplies its phosphorus needs quite as well frominorganic phosphorus compounds as from organically bound phosphorus.
Meillière as saying that “the organism is incapable of assimilating inorganic forms of phosphorus.
The report presented evidence to show that the glycerophosphates are not absorbed as such, but that they are split into inorganic phosphates before absorption.
In various tissues of the animal body, enzymes have been found which hydrolyze complex organic phosphorus compounds so as to liberate the phosphorus in the form of inorganic phosphates.
It is presumably absorbed, but quite probably after chemical change; it is changed into iodid and, like organic iodids, is excreted somewhat more slowly than when inorganic iodids are administered, but the difference does not appear important.
The belief that inorganic phosphates cannot supply the body’s need of phosphorus is implied or expressed in most of the “literature” devoted to proprietary phosphorus preparations.
Metabolism studies of the phosphorus balance with diets containinginorganic phosphorus compounds, as compared with diets containing organically bound phosphorus, are somewhat conflicting in their results.
The Council showed that there was convincing evidence that the animal organism synthesizes its complex organic phosphorus constituents from inorganic phosphates, and that organic phosphorus is of no more value as a food than inorganic.
Tests, however, showed that the iron was not in organic combination, though even had it been, late investigations fail to demonstrate the superiority of the organic over inorganic iron compounds.
On referring to the analytical table it will be found that the amount of inorganic material in meat juices Nos.
It contains much added inorganic matter, is low in coagulable proteins, and considering the degree of concentration, relatively deficient in nutritive value.
In view of the fact that Campho-Phenique Powder contains very little phenol, but instead consists chiefly of an inorganic talcum-like substance, its name is misleading and deceptive.
As colour is added to colour, and mixture to mixture, acid meets alkali, metal animal, mineral vegetable, inorganic organic.
It was once the general opinion that the action of animal charcoal was limited to bodies of organic origin, but it has since been found that inorganic matters are likewise influenced.
It is a question whether even with inorganic pigments the adoption of the former in admixture would not be advisable.
Nor did the early alchemists, although working chiefly with mineral or inorganic substances, draw any strict division between the two branches of chemistry.
The ancients drew no such distinction between portions of their chemical knowledge, limited as it was, as is implied by the modern terms "organic" and "inorganic chemistry.
With the definite conception of element introduced by the new chemistry, came an attempt to prove that organic compounds were built up of elements which were rarely found together in any one compound of inorganic origin.
But neither in their nomenclature nor in their practice did they sharply distinguish inorganic from organic compounds.
Efforts were continued to develop an inorganic field of chemistry, with discouraging results, but in one hundred and fifty-nine the orange corn was successfully adapted to the elevation and climate of the caves.
There then remains to be discovered which of the aforesaid substances plays the leading role in brewing, and also whether the presence of chlorophyl and inorganic salts in the hop extract influences or alters the results.
There is every reason to suppose that the chlorophyl and inorganic constituents do not differ materially in the most widely different sorts of hops.
In what manner, then, does this matter, possessing the phenomena of life, differ from inorganic matter, or in what manner does living matter differ from matter not living?
Let us now compare the inorganic world with the organic--the inanimate with the animate--and see if there does exist an inseparable boundary between them.
Let us examine for a moment this substance Protoplasm, and see in what way it differs from inorganic matter, or in what way the animate differs from the inanimate--the living from the dead.
No new elements appear in the vegetable or animal world which are not to be found in the inorganic world.
While organic nature aims only to establish the species, inorganic nature regards only the individual, and offers no reproduction of the species through the individual.
To this province belongs inorganic nature, its forms and reciprocal references.
Inorganic nature, which was the object of physics, destroys itself in the chemical process.
While the powers of organic nature are productive, those of inorganic nature are not productive.
The Reciprocal Determination of the Organic andInorganic World 321 2.
There must be a third, which can unite again organic and inorganic nature; which can be a medium, holding the continuity between the two.
The material of this art is also stone, but it advances from the inorganic to the organic.
The result to which every genuine philosophy of nature must come, is that the distinction between organic and inorganic nature is only in nature as object, and that nature, as originally productive, waves over both.
That it is one and the same organization which unites in one the organic and inorganic world, would appear from what has already been said of the parallel gradations of the two worlds.
In a word, inorganic nature is simply a mass held together by some external cause as gravity.
Wherein lies the ground that the atoms should enter into these manifold combinations, and bring forth such a wealth of inorganic and organic forms?
The existence and essence of inorganic nature are conditioned through the existence and essence of organic nature.
This can only be explained on the ground that inorganic nature presupposes in order to its existence a higher dynamical order of things, to which it is subject.
The proportion of the organic to the inorganic matter varies considerably in different bones.
By steeping a piece of bone in a dilute acid solution, the inorganic portion of the bone is dissolved out, and the organic portion, which forms the framework of the bone, is alone left.
The inorganic portion, which forms about 70 per cent, is made up chiefly of phosphate of lime.
The thigh-bone, of all the bones, contains most inorganic matter.
In short, bones which have to bear the greatest strain are richest in inorganic matter.
Bones are made up of an organic and an inorganic part.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inorganic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.