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Example sentences for "harde"

Lexicographically close words:
harbourage; harboured; harbouring; harbours; hard; hardely; harden; hardened; hardeneth; hardening
  1. But betwene feare and ignoraunce of that which happened, complaining him self of his harde fortune, without touching of any thing, he determined to go from thence, and wandred he could not tell whether.

  2. The same Stagge vpon a time, when newes came that the enemye had made incursion into his campe, amased with the haste and turmoile, ranne awaye and hid him selfe in a marishe harde adioyning.

  3. This Bathe was harde by the doore whereunto poore Rinaldo was approched.

  4. In distresse and harde aduentures hee practised for pollicie, to make lies to his souldiours, to proue if they coulde preuaile.

  5. Which sayinge truly is harde and sharpe / but most true / and teachith all men that they shuld not extenuate synne.

  6. Otherwise when all thinges are quiet it is not so harde a thing to confes the name of Godde.

  7. Where he harde swearinge, pratinge, and wagers laying, and the pot apase walkinge, and xl.

  8. A, good master, I fell downe on the backesyde here in the fowle lane harde by the watersyde; and there I laye all most all night, and haue bled all most all the bloude owte in my bodye.

  9. I suppose at his comming home he sente suche wayes as he suspected or thought meete to searche for this Prigger, but hetherto he neuer harde any tydinges agayne of his palfreys.

  10. Then he sadly shewed her of his myshap, with all the circumstaunce that you haue harde before, and howe hys pursse was taken awaye, and xv.

  11. A Kynchen Co is a young boye, traden vp to suche peuishe purposes as you haue harde of other young ympes before, that when he groweth vnto yeres, he is better to hang then to drawe forth.

  12. And then me thought I harde you saye euen nowe that you had a watche word, at which word we wyll all stepforth, being fiue of vs besydes you, for you shalbe none because it is your husbande, but gette you to bed at your accustomed houre.

  13. Then saide he, thow harde me never seye but that I wolde have my covenaunte kept.

  14. When the damisell harde this she turnid to the marchaunt and saide, Der frende, what profite is it to the that this kniᵹte that stondithe her redy to the dome be slayne?

  15. And when the marchaunt harde this he said, Yef me my monye, and I foryeve my accion.

  16. When he harde tell of the grete name of maister Virgile, he yede to him, and seide, Gode sir, I have previ counseill to speke a twene us too, and I beseche yow of your wise counseill in this cas.

  17. Dumbertayne, A castell stronge and harde for to obteine.

  18. For al is grete poer yet he wes ylaht, Falsnesse and swykedom al hit g’eth to nacht, Tho he wes in Scotlond lutel wes ys thoht, Of the harde iugement that him wes bysocht In stounde.

  19. Bot erst he hadde sorwe ynowh, 3700 For that Serpent made him travaile So harde and sore of his bataile, That nou he stod and nou he fell: For longe time it so befell, That with his swerd ne with his spere He mihte noght that Serpent dere.

  20. This Geant wot he mai noght longe Endure under so harde bondes, And thoghte he wolde out of hise hondes Be sleyhte in som manere ascape.

  21. Bot if this Fievere a womman take, Sche schal be wel mor harde schake; 570 For thogh sche bothe se and hiere, And finde that ther is matiere, Sche dar bot to hirselve pleine, And thus sche suffreth double peine.

  22. Of this point such was the juise, Bot of the Duck was other wise: For he with love was bestad, His dom was noght so harde lad; 1050 For Love put reson aweie And can noght se the rihte weie.

  23. For men sein that the harde bon, Althogh himselven have non, A tunge brekth it al to pieces.

  24. Seeing thou wilt not buy counsel at the first hande good cheape, thou shalt buye repentaunce at second-hande at such an vnreasonable rate that thou wilt cursse thy hard penyworth, and ban thy harde heart.

  25. Edward, a grosser, is to be deposed that he harde Paget say, I will teache my dogg to speake frenche, and was talking with his dogg in frenche.

  26. One William Poyser, yeoman, sayeth, that he harde Paget saye that he wold make his dogg speake as good frenche as any of them.

  27. William Poyser sayeth, he harde Paget say, Within this week or two, there will come a great many frenche dogges.

  28. On the sixth day, Ner drinke that thay mygħt gete, Bute loked vppon the harde stone.

  29. That they seten̄, it was grete wonder; They draw their So harde it was, þat thay gan threste.

  30. The gaoler threatened She sued him as faste as she myghte go, to complain to her For to gif him harde grace.

  31. Towarde the brigge so longe; 2916 The Geaunte faught with hem̄ alone, He was so harde and stronge.

  32. And tolde hem̄ witħ angry mode Of his harde myschaunce.

  33. Iune wee hoysed our ankers, and went close to the towne of Bantam, and ankered harde by 4.

  34. Say vnto them (quod the prince), whan thou comest home, that all the longe tyme that thou didest dispende in tellynge thy tale, I sate styll and harde the paciently.

  35. Than one, that harde his crakynge before, asked hym, why he rode no nere[r] to fyghte with their enmyes.

  36. Among the whyche audyence there was a wyfe at that tyme lytell disposed to contemplacyon, [who] talked wyth a gossype of hers of other femenyne tales so loude that the frere harde and somwhat was perturbed therwith.

  37. To whome this yeman of the garde sware by Goddes body, if he mette with hym it should go harde but he wolde bete him well.

  38. Than quod the frere: bete him; and whan the boye harde his mayster say so, he gaue the man xl pens.

  39. A marchaunt that thought to deride a mylner seyd vnto the mylner syttynge amonge company: sir, I haue harde say that euery trew mylner that tollyth trewlye hathe a gylden thombe.

  40. Whanne they harde hym thus speke by his voyce, [they] knewe him well, and opened the gate and lette hym come in.

  41. By this ye may se it is harde to fynde a woman wythout an excuse.

  42. By whiche tale appereth, that it is holsome to take leyser inough aboute a thynge that is harde to do, specially whanne a man can nat chose to take hit on hande.

  43. But whan he harde the hydous noyse, and sawe a myle frome hym howe fyerslye they of the citie and theyr enmyes assayled eche other, he stode euen stylle.

  44. Harde vnto his stirryp hee had a page that went with him, and carried a great tira sol, made of silke, that did shadowe him all over.

  45. And wha[=n]e it swellyth thenne spryngeth out harde leuys and sharpe.

  46. This herbe groweth at douer harde by the Sea-syde.

  47. And springeth out of a thorne that is harde and rough: netheles the Rose folowyth not the kynde of the thorne: But she arayeth her thorn wyth fayr colour and good smell.

  48. The Letter was written with verie small Letters, and sumwhat harde to reade.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.