In this sorrow hee sate downe on pennilesse bench; where, when Opus and Vsus told him by the chimes in his stomacke it was time to fall vnto meate, he was faine with the Camelion to feed vpon the aire, & make patience his best repast.
Duke T'is deepely sworne, sweete leaue me here a while, My spirites growe dull, and faine I would beguile the tedi- ous time with sleepe.
Lord, I would very faineknow That thing that I haue saide t'is so, positiuely, And it hath fallen out otherwise.
Wedlock indeed hath oft compared bin To publike Feasts where meete a publike rout; Where they that are without would faine go in, And they that are within would faine go out.
Faine would I find it where it doth remaine, but would not haue it though I might againe.
I perceiue sir by your Generals lookes, wee shall be faine to hang you Par.
I am not worthie of the wealth I owe, Nor dare I say 'tis mine: and yet it is, But like a timorous theefe, most faine would steale What law does vouch mine owne Ber.
The Kingly Prophet had learned the safety of these by his owne experience, when he also was faine to make a mountaine his refuge from the fury of his Master Saul, who persecuted him in the wildernesse.
For I would faine know whether there were never any that thought the Heavens to be solid bodies, and that there were such kindes of motion as is by those feined Orbes supplyed; if so, then Cæsar la Galla was much mistaken.
So much are wee above the ancients, that whereas they were faine by their magical charms to represent the Moones approach, wee cannot onely bring her lower with a greater innocence, but may also with a more familiar view behold her condition.
There groweth little wood thereabouts, which maketh building chargeable there: as also want of lime (as they reported) which they are faine to fetch from farre, when they haue neede thereof.
For two or three dayes wee had a faire winde, but afterwards it scanted so, that (as I said before) we were faine to keepe a cold Christmas with The Bishop and his clearkes.
Faine would we please the best, if not the many; And sooner will the best be pleas'd then any.
I shall grow lazy if I fight not; I would faine play with halfe a dozen Fencers, but it should be at sharpe.
My maister is neither damnde nor dead, and yet is in the case of both your maisters, like a woodden shepheard and a sheepish woodman; for he is lost in seeking of a lost sheepe and spent in hunting a Doe that hee would faine strike.
This youth, when once he came to perfect age, The Duke would faine have linckt in marriage With diuers dames of honourable blood But stil his fathers purpose he withstood.
Thou sall be faine to fetch agane the ledder, or I loup.
Faine wou'd I have said, what cannot be express't But in the sentiments of a wellpleas'd Breast.
Soe hath he done his Children three, More dearer unto him then either the silver or the gold that men soe faine wold win.
Keeper, I prythee sit by me a-while, My Soule is heauy, and I faine would sleepe Keep.
A bloody deed, and desperately dispatcht: How faine (like Pilate) would I wash my hands Of this most greeuous murther.
The times turning, he was faine to disgorge all he had gott, and was ruined, but Sir Paul Neile got for him the keeper of the King's stores at Harwich, worth about Cli.
The generall and dreadfull conflagration burn't all that he had, that he was faine to begin the world again, being then at best worth 5 li.
He would fainehave been thought (I have heard Mr. Hobbes say) to have been as great a scholar as Joseph Scaliger.
Young struggled and strived, insomuch that at last he was quite spent and dispirited, and faine to goe to bed to rest himselfe.
By this Heauenly ground I tread on, I must be faineto pawne both my Plate, and the Tapistry of my dyning Chambers Fal.
Why then couer, and set them downe: and see if thou canst finde out Sneakes Noyse; Mistris Teare-sheet would fainehaue some Musique 2.
Faine would I goe to meet the Arch-bishop, But many thousand Reasons hold me backe.
Tis deepely sworne: Sweet, leaue me heere a while, My spirits grow dull, and faine I would beguile The tedious day with sleepe Qu.
Northwest Sunne the mist came downe so thicke, that we were faine to come to an ancre within lesse then a mile of the point that turneth to Doms haff, where we had 33.
Wednesday (30) we came to Kegor, where we met with the winde at East Southeast, so that we werefaine to go in to a bay to the Westwards of the point Kegor, where a man may moare 2.
And we did lade the Emperours suger, with part of all sorts of wares to haue had to the Mosco with vs, but the way was so deepe, that we were faine to turne back, and leaue is stil at Vologda till the frost.
A little after at a West Sunne, the winde began to blow stormie at West southwest, so that we were faine to wey and forsake our fishing ground, and went close by the winde Southwest, and Southwest and by West, making our way South southwest.
They tolde me that they should befaine to goe to Wardhouse with one lading, and lay it on land there, and so come againe and fetch another.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.