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Example sentences for "arterial"

Lexicographically close words:
artels; artem; artemisium; arter; arteria; arteries; arterioles; arteriosclerosis; arteriosclerotic; arteriosus
  1. A or' ta#, a large artery arising at the heart and forming the trunk of the arterial system.

  2. Arterial trunk, the single large blood vessel, usually empty of blood, and white.

  3. Conus arteriosus, or "arterial trunk," a large artery passing obliquely forward from the ventricle, and dividing into three branches on each side.

  4. It may be noted that arterial anomalies are extremely frequent.

  5. It consists of a kind of osseous chamber; which, however, is only a swelling in the arterial trachea at the point where it bifurcates and enters the breast to form the bronchial tube.

  6. This is probably the effect of undue pressure on the fœtus diminishing the arterial supply to the central part of the muscle, with the result that the muscle fibres undergo degeneration with subsequent sclerosis and contraction.

  7. The vagus and vaso-motor centres are irritated, and this causes slowing of the pulse, contraction of the small arteries, and increase of the arterial tension which tends to maintain an adequate circulation in the vital centres in the medulla.

  8. They are destined to have arterial degeneration that will predispose to arterial rupture sometime before they are sixty.

  9. If his radial arteries on careful observation show no signs {515} of degeneration, then it is extremely doubtful if there is sufficient arterial change in the brain to justify a fear of arterial rupture.

  10. Even were I to find that signs of arterial calcification were present, I should still be satisfied that your vertigo is not due to this cause, but that it is a vertigo of recollection and of fear.

  11. Where there are no signs of arterial degeneration and no significant murmurs in the heart, it should be made clear to these patients that they are not suffering from a fatal disease, but only from a bothersome nervous manifestation.

  12. Whenever there is thickening of the arterial wall the artery is lengthened as well as thickened.

  13. When this cannot be found, patients may be completely reassured that their suggestive symptoms have no significance as regards any possibility of cerebral hemorrhage from the ordinary causes of advancing years and arterial degeneration.

  14. People with such an unfortunate heritage should be made to understand reasonably early in life that they must save themselves from as much arterial wear and tear as possible.

  15. When pruritus develops in the old in connection with phases of arterial degeneration--its most intractable form--it is important to remember that diversion of mind is the most important therapeutic agent that we have.

  16. There are three causes that weaken arterial walls.

  17. Her urine was normal, her liver not enlarged, her ordinary organic functions were not disturbed and there was no sign of arterial degeneration.

  18. The definite sign of differentiation is that in practically all cases of true angina, there are signs of arterial degeneration in various parts of the body.

  19. At our service were all the arterial railroads of central France, and all the locomotives and cars that the French could spare, and all the broken-down French rolling stock which our mechanics could repair.

  20. It was linked up with the railways spreading northward into Belgium and southward toward Amiens and Paris in the arterial system which gave its life blood to the German occupation.

  21. The arterial road facilities over the old trench system were as yet unequal to caring for the number of our troops.

  22. They forget the lack of road repairs; the lack of shields to continue the advance; and the interdictory shell-fire which the enemy laid down on the ruins of the town and on the arterial roads which center there.

  23. It is an emulsifier, breaking fats down into small separate particles, keeping blood cholesterol emulsified to prevent arterial deposits.

  24. By the decomposition of atmospheric air, caloric is evolved, and this caloric is taken up by the arterial blood, without its temperature being at all raised by the addition.

  25. The last contraction of the heart normally would drive all the blood out of the arteries and arterial capillaries into the venous capillaries and veins, but this is not accomplished in the cases of sudden death.

  26. With these arterial and drainage tubes the arms can be folded and placed in position, with the hands over the abdomen and the tubes will extend out over the upper border of the arm.

  27. There are two methods of removing this arterial or venous blood from the body.

  28. It not quite as large as the common carotid, but as a rule large enough to admit the large size arterial tube.

  29. There are three great arterial collateral circulations in the body.

  30. Insert the vein drainage tube and the arterial tube, the point of both tubes being directed toward the heart.

  31. A flexible arterial tube should be used in the artery, which will measure eight to ten inches in length and constructed with a shut-off valve.

  32. Moadinger suggests that a weak solution of some acid be injected into the arterial system before the injection of embalming fluid.

  33. Arterial injection together with special attention to the pleural sacs will suffice for the cases.

  34. Massage the face to stimulate capillary circulation while the arterial injection is being made.

  35. Into this bulb we find the small arterial capillary circulating and at its termination the beginning of the venous capillary.

  36. The first is the artery called adorti, the second is the vena chilis, the third is the arterial vein, and the fourth the venal artery.

  37. The numbers do not differ in arterial and venous blood.

  38. Nor can we ascribe any value to the researches which endeavour to obtain a result by comparative enumerations of the arterial and venous blood of a bone-marrow area.

  39. And then, in the aneurism proceeding from a wounded or eroded artery, the pulsation is precisely the same as in the other arteries, and yet it has no proper arterial covering.

  40. It is as if to the two trunks already mentioned a third were superadded, a kind of arterial canal, carried obliquely from the pulmonary artery, to perforate and terminate in the great artery or aorta.

  41. With each contraction of the left heart, the impulse causes a wave-like motion to traverse the entire arterial system.

  42. Secondly, having completed the circuit of the lungs, the pure and bright arterial blood enters the left auricle.

  43. The arterial system springs from the heart by a single trunk, like a minute and hollow tree, with numberless branches.

  44. Again, if the animal be made to breathe an atmosphere containing more oxygen than atmospheric air, the color changes from scarlet to vermilion, and becomes even brighter than arterial blood.

  45. By means of the spectroscope, we learn that the change of color in the blood has its seat in the corpuscles; and that, according as they retain oxygen, or release it, they present the spectrum of arterial or venous blood.

  46. The arterial blood flows away from the heart with considerable force, in jets; its color being bright scarlet.

  47. State what you can of the arteries and the arterial system.

  48. The temperature of the blood varies considerably; but the arterial stream is generally warmer than the venous.

  49. Thus, the right heart always carries the dark or venous blood, and the left always circulates the bright or arterial blood.

  50. We love and understand the trees because we have ourselves passed through their evolution, and they survive in us still, for the arterial and nervous systems are trees, the roots of one in the heart, of the other in the brain.

  51. That tide is nowhere stronger than in the railroad, which is the arterial system of our civilization.

  52. According to Crouzon, arterial hypotension is an objective sign tending to assure the organic nature of a psychasthenia.

  53. Case 177 deals with a point in the diagnosis of psychasthenia, which, according to Crouzon, shows arterial hypotension, a condition important to distinguish from that of pulmonary tuberculosis and of Addison’s disease.

  54. Importance of arterial hypotension in the diagnosis of psychasthenia.

  55. Throughout the entire of the arterial flow, the blood is losing the arterialising minus-pressure matter to the different organs, as the means by which the functional action of each is promoted.

  56. He realized that the progress of these arterial changes is due to a large extent to blood pressure within the arteries.

  57. This overdistention gradually led to degenerations in the arterial walls.

  58. Secondly, that the arterial blood may be thrust into the lungs by arteria venalis [the left auricle].

  59. It is called an artery because it carrieth arterial blood, but a vein because it hath a single coat as a vein.

  60. In the next place, the consistency of the coats of which the arterial vein and the great artery are composed, sufficiently shows that the blood is impelled against them with more force than against the veins.

  61. I found also, "aching in the temples with violent arterial pulsation.

  62. Those first opened in England were, no doubt, profitable to their shareholders, because they were great arterial lines that connected the leading places of the Kingdom together.

  63. Of course, since the first conception of these seven arterial lines, modifications in the exact direction of several of them have taken place, but in the main they follow the courses originally proposed and afterwards decided upon.

  64. The sixth was the great and important arterial line from Paris through Dijon, Chalons, Macon, Lyons, and Avignon, to Marseilles.

  65. An illustration of the value of eligible docks constructed for the accommodation of important lines of ocean communication connected with arterial railways, is afforded by what has occurred at Southampton since 1840.

  66. By this law France was to possess seven main arterial lines of railway, all of which were to start from Paris as the concentric point.

  67. The third arterial line was to run towards the ports on the Bay of Biscay, from the Loire to the Gironde.

  68. Make a complete sketch of the arterial system.

  69. And why, in the birds of paradise themselves, does it require four years ere these nervous and arterial influences take effect upon the plumage?

  70. Considered merely as colouring, there is nothing in the world more magnificent than arterial blood; yet here the colouring is of purely utilitarian significance.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arterial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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