Before entering upon the history of the Sabbath, as it is derived from uninspired records, it is proper to inquire how it was regarded by Jesus Christ and his Apostles.
They are the work of uninspired men, and are to be treated accordingly.
Even when aware of her flaming objective, she had dallied weakly and wastefully in easy and uninspired areas of life.
She picked it up abstractedly and broke it open, wondering why the red-haired man was moved to send out so many meaningless, uninspired messages.
It need not surprise us that all the uninspired literary compositions of that period have perished.
The excellence of the New Testament is displayed to singular advantage when contrasted with those uninspired productions of nearly the same date which emanated from the companions of the apostles.
At an early period two or three tracts [449:1] written by uninspired men were received as Scripture by a number of Churches.
The Epistles attributed to Ignatius have attracted greater notice, and have created more discussion, than any other uninspired writings of the same extent in existence.
There are inspired writings and uninspired writings.
Montague had a vague idea that he had seen that well-groomed uninspired face in some bank.
It was the ex-bank clerk, the young subaltern with the uninspired face.
Stoddard, more stable and unexcited than Taylor or than Stedman, was occupied in a succession of uninspired literary ventures.
Hence it was that Poe was a poet in the limited sense of one who is highly and consciously skilled in the achievement of poetic effects, but by his own definition of poetry wholly uninspired toward the presentation of poetic truth.
One is a theological treatise which was as uninspired as the quoted paragraph from Mather's "Magnalia," and on much the same theme.
In these respects they were precisely like the uninspired savages by whom they were surrounded.
But the one doctrine which more than any other distinguished His teachings from those of uninspired instructors, is forgiveness.
On the contrary, it had marked vicissitudes, now displaying great freshness and vigor, now uninspired and monotonous, now seemingly dead, and now reviving to new activity.
So masterly is the workmanship here, so utterly removed from the mechanical, uninspired manner of Roman copyists, that this head has been claimed as an original from the hand of Scopas, and so it may well be.
Nothing in music requires more minute expert knowledge than the sifting of the real peculiarities of Handel's style from the mass of contemporary formulae which in his inspired pages he absorbed, and which in his uninspired pages absorbed him.
No other great composer has ever so overcrowded his life with occasional and mechanical work as Handel, and in no other artist are the qualities that make the difference between inspired and uninspired pages more difficult to analyse.
An inspired lie is not better than anuninspired one.
If purest of wifely devotion, With its love that is all of woman, If the absence of wrong intention In the innocent glow of nature, Uninspired by the shadow of evil, Made her wife, she was wife of Cortez.
It is to this wonderful unity with our common nature that the greatest of all uninspired writers, Shakspeare, owes his universal acknowledgment, his unequalled power.
For, as scientists and dreamers have proved that gold cannot be made until we know as much as the earth, so uninspired artists have proved that religious art can only grow under conditions known solely to the heart that is Catholic.
My readings of Mrs. Eddy's uninspired miscellaneous literary efforts have convinced me of several things: 1.
We must return again and again to the old uninspiredstate wherein we struggle conscientiously with perverse details.
Next to uncertainty, anuninspired certainty is wrecking to the best of human prospects.
Or take the Talmud and study it, and then judge from what uninspired source Jesus drew much of His highest teaching.
Confucius uninspired when, in answer to the question, "What one word would serve as a rule to one's whole life?
If Jesus and the prophets were inspired when they placed mercy above sacrifice, was Manu uninspired in saying that a man "will fall very low if he performs ceremonial acts only, and fails to discharge his moral duties"?
The story is inconsistent with all known facts, and every star shining in the heavens testifies that its author was an uninspired barbarian.
There are just as wonderful things in the uninspired as in the inspired books, and the prophecies of the heathen have been fulfilled equally with those of the Judean prophets.
Surely there is nothing in any of these books that could not have been produced by uninspired men.
Prosperity of Nations nor Virtue of Individuals Dependent on Religions or Gods--Uninspired Books Superior--Part II.
There is certainly nothing in the Old or the New Testament that could not have been written by uninspired human beings.
For instance, if it were contended that certain statues had been chiselled by inspired men, such statues should be superior to any that uninspired man has made.
I do not see how it is possible for an intelligent human being to conclude that the Song of Solomon is the work of God, and that the tragedy of Lear was the work of an uninspired man.
Yes, and these are our views, founded upon new revelation; not the views of uninspired men, but founded upon direct revelation from God.
This is a man-made doctrine, the creation ofuninspired men.
Well, it is a crime to reject an inspired book, no matter how unsatisfactory the evidence is for its inspiration, but it is not a crime to receive an uninspired book.
Suppose we all admitted the Bible to be an uninspired book, it could still be kept on the centre-table.
From a belief in the Bible, Mr. Talmage is not to be driven by uninspired evidence.
Is it as great a sin to admit into the Bible books that are uninspired as to reject those that are inspired?