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Example sentences for "breeders"

Lexicographically close words:
breechloaders; breechloading; breed; breede; breeder; breedes; breedeth; breeding; breeds; breefe
  1. Incidentally, Tibetans fundamentally were sheep-breeders and not horse-breeders and, therefore, they always showed inclination to incorporate infantry into their armies.

  2. This opinion is not in accord with that of the majority of breeders and the more progressive experiment station workers.

  3. Meanwhile the clever stock breeders have combined inbreeding with selection and have won the show prizes and sold the people "new blood" at fancy prices.

  4. Of the former, breeders have generally been afraid; of the latter they have lacked opportunity.

  5. Such a scheme does not seem feasible on a large scale, but for breeders wishing to keep the records of a small number of hens, it is all right.

  6. Many breeders have attempted to pick out the good layers by the appearance of the hens.

  7. The Wisconsin Swine Breeders will hold a meeting at the capitol, for the transaction of such business as may come before them and the discussion of subjects appertaining to successful breeding and feeding of swine.

  8. The following list embraces the names of responsible and reliable Breeders in their line, and parties wishing to purchase or obtain information can feel assured that they will be honorably dealt with: SWINE.

  9. It takes years of steady, judicious breeding after a certain type to establish what may truthfully be called a strain, and it can only be done by breeders of rare skill and long experience in mating fowls for breeding.

  10. In the selection of poultry, the housewife should realize that poultry breeders have so developed certain breeds, even of the same species, that they are better for table use than others.

  11. Poultry breeders and dealers divide the domestic fowls into three classes.

  12. The flesh of any breed of poultry may be improved by feeding the birds good food and giving them proper care; and it is by applying these principles that the breeders are enabled to better the quality of this food.

  13. Breeders generally prefer to fertilize hybrids with the pollen of their parents.

  14. Hence, likewise the inference that breeders generally prefer vegetative multiplication of improved forms, and apply it in all possible cases.

  15. In order to control this experiment some breeders have made the operation on the fruits when ripe, instead of on the young pods, and have saved the seeds from the upper parts separately.

  16. It was a happy idea to choose the experience of the breeders in the production of new varieties, as a basis on which to build an explanation of the processes of nature.

  17. There would be no great difficulty in the introduction of the word election, as breeders are already in the habit of calling their choice individuals "elite," at least in the case of beets and of cereals.

  18. The experience of Van Mons and other breeders of apples shows that the limit of size and lusciousness may be soon attained.

  19. The work of the breeders previous to Darwin's time had not been very critically performed.

  20. All breeders agree on this point, and in scientific experiments it has often been confirmed.

  21. It is well appreciated by breeders and farmers, because it is always liable to counteract their endeavors and to claim their utmost efforts to keep their races pure.

  22. Both of them have started from the experience of breeders of domestic animals.

  23. But the experience of the breeders does not support this view, since the results of practice prove that selection according to a constant standard soon reaches a limit which it is not capable of transgressing.

  24. He only asserts that it was seen to be better, and afterwards proved so by the appreciation of other breeders and its success in trade.

  25. It is very interesting to observe how completely my experience agrees with the results of the observations of breeders at large.

  26. With a horse, cow, and one or two breeders of swine, he strikes into the woods with his family, and becomes the founder of a new county, or perhaps state.

  27. Thousands of hogs are raised without any expense, except a few breeders to start with, and a little attention in hunting them on the range, and keeping them tame.

  28. Because of the thinness of the hog's coat and the danger from irritating the skin when strong solutions of a disinfectant are used, most swine breeders prefer crude oil as a remedy for lousiness in hogs.

  29. Breeders do not recognize the importance of keeping their herds clean or free from disease.

  30. Another bad loss to Sir Arthur and to Shire breeders generally was the death of Redlynch Forest King, seeing that he promised to rival his renowned sire, Lockinge Forest King, for begetting show animals.

  31. For many years Hertfordshire has provided a string of winners, yet no judge has hailed from that county, or from Surrey, which contains quite a number of breeders of Shire horses.

  32. The adaptability of the Shire horse to climate and country is well known, and it is satisfactory for home breeders to hear that Mr. Martinez de Hoz has recently sold ten Shires, bred in Argentina, at an average of £223 2s.

  33. The name of Muntz is familiar to all Shire breeders owing to the fame achieved by the late Sir P.

  34. If properly cared for and used they appreciate in value from the time they are put to work until they are six or seven years old, and by that age most farmers have sold their non-breeders to make room for younger animals.

  35. And now breeders sell fine stock to other breeders who are entering the industry, sometimes getting three to four hundred dollars per pair.

  36. That's what a pool of breeders offered me for him last year after he'd cleaned up the Coast with his get as well as himself.

  37. City born and reared, he had gone back to the land and made such a success as to put his name on the lips of breeders wherever breeders met and talked.

  38. Of course, started with imported stock, but I've made a California strain that will make the French breeders sit up.

  39. Both peas and barley have a high value for fattening purposes, and some of the successful breeders maintain that the addition of wheat contributes largely towards rapid development.

  40. In the first place breeders will be assured of markets for all the pigs produced, and, secondly, the differences in values of prime baconers will direct more attention to the greater profits for this class of produce.

  41. A herd of dairy cows, of some of the best Ayrshire strains in Australia, was collected, as well as a fine number of Berkshire pigs, purchased from the most successful breeders and importers.

  42. This no doubt will always exist, owing to predilection of breeders towards particular types, and to the relative merits resulting from the various crosses.

  43. Unless Verden and the state repudiated him and his gang of trouble breeders the poison of their opinions would infect the healthy fabric of the community.

  44. The due adjustment of inbreeding and outbreeding is always a difficult problem of policy for breeders of animals.

  45. It is not possible for some persons to dispose of the life determination of others, as breeders control the union of beasts.

  46. Always use as breeders turkey hens over one year old.

  47. It is in answer to such letters as the foregoing that I am placing my methods in book form on the market, in order to enlighten the breeders of turkeys and to inform them how I first succeeded where others have failed.

  48. For the rearing, killing and marketing of all these, the Bayne law provides the simplest processes of state supervision that the best game protectors and game breeders of New York could devise.

  49. All breeders of deer are cautioned that during the fall and early winter months, all adult white-tailed bucks are dangerous to man, and should be treated accordingly.

  50. The desirability of controlling sex has naturally appealed strongly to breeders of domesticated animals.

  51. Breeders and trainers very commonly believe that the offspring of trained animals inherit in some measure the effects of the training.

  52. For example, many dog-breeders assert that if a thoroughbred bitch has ever had pups by a mongrel father, her later offspring, although sired by a thoroughbred, will show taints of the former mongrel mating.

  53. It is on this account that I feel it fit to make a strong protest against the system our breeders pursue.

  54. The breeders of pigeons from remote antiquity to the present day appear to have had no definite purpose in all their pains.

  55. This, at all events, is the account I have received of them from goat-breeders in Switzerland.

  56. Singarmati Devi, Indian goddess, worshipped by breeders of silkworms in Mirzapur, iii.

  57. The following description of a perfect Mastiff, taken from the Old English Mastiff Club's Points of a Mastiff, is admirable as a standard to which future breeders should aim to attain.

  58. The original points for the guidance of breeders and judges were drawn up by Lady Samuelson, Mrs. Douglas Murray, and Lady Algernon Gordon-Lennox, who fixed the maximum size at 10 lb.

  59. Among breeders within recent years Mr. Edwin Brough, of Scarborough, is to be regarded as the most experienced and successful.

  60. There has been a great deal of lamentation lately among old breeders and exhibitors about the decadence of the breed and the loss of the true old type possessed by these dogs.

  61. The formation of the Toy Spaniel Club in 1885, and the impetus given to breeders and exhibitors by the numerous shows with good classification, have caused this beautiful breed to become more popular year by year.

  62. In France the rough and the smooth Bassets are not regarded as of the same race, but here some breeders have crossed the two varieties, with indifferent consequences.

  63. Many breeders have obtained a goat with the sole object of rearing a litter of puppies on her milk, and have eventually discarded cow's milk altogether, using goat's milk for household purposes instead.

  64. All that breeders have done to better it, is by selections and rejections from within itself; and so, much improvement has been effected without any adulteration.

  65. The example of various opulent breeders and farmers in all parts of the country has tended to spread this improvement, by which the North Devon cattle have become more general and fashionable.

  66. On the other hand it is very certain that contrast in character, as well as in breed, has occasioned much of the disappointment of which breeders have had occasion to complain.

  67. Surely breeders cannot watch too closely any accidental peculiarity of conformation or characteristic in their flocks or herds.

  68. This plan is adopted by many breeders of Leicester sheep, who thus employ South Down rams to improve the quality of the mutton.

  69. But certain of the more intelligent breeders owning valuable cattle proceeded to take steps to protect them.

  70. Before the annexation of Upper Burma in 1885 the lower province was dependent upon the breeders of the Shan Hills and on the breeders in independent Burma for its ponies, as the export of stallions and mares was forbidden.

  71. According to a writer in Baily's Magazine, immense droves of ponies run on the plains three or four hundred miles from Pekin, and the breeders bring them down every year for sale in the more populous districts.

  72. Breeders of every class of horse, saving only those who breed the Shetland pony and the few who aim at getting ponies for polo, have for generations made it their object to obtain increased height.

  73. While we have been breeding the Thoroughbred for speed and speed only, Arab breeders have continued to breed for stoutness, endurance and good looks.

  74. We have a conspiracy among unscrupulous breeders to obtain this valuable cat, and hence, sir, we have a gang--a gang.

  75. I shall now go to town, look up the chief breeders and set members of my trained staff to track them.

  76. We have dissatisfaction among breeders at home because you will not employ this cat as, in their opinion, for the good of the breed, she should be employed.

  77. We have a valuable cat--a cat, sir, upon which the eyes of cat-breeders are enviously fixed.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breeders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.