Indoor and outdoor games, tricks and puzzles, the making of various articles, and the care of home pets, are some of the subjects treated in this volume of old and new pastimes.
This book of suggestions for children's games and employments will be a help to the busy mother when her own supply of indoor and outdoor amusements is exhausted.
This, you will notice, often happens when you decide to play indoor games on a wet afternoon.
For a Wet Afternoon Let us consider something seasonable; let us consider indoor games for a moment.
Yes; now that I have thought it out, I can see that I was wrong in calling the indoor goldfish a symbol of mid-Victorian futility.
And by indoor games I do not mean anything so serious as bridge and billiards, nor anything so commercial as vingt-et-un with fish counters, nor anything so strenuous as "bumps.
It has an indoor track, swimming pool, and auditorium with seating capacity of 3,600.
This indoor drill made it easy also to revive a trick popular at Yale in the 'Eighties--the giving of one signal to prepare for a series of plays.
The Latin School, in other words, opened its heart and its gymnasium, and warmly invited the Kingston athletes to come over and be eaten up in a grand indoor carnival.
Indoor work in the gymnasium was also too slow for Quiz, and he was asking every one what pastime there was to interest a young man who required speed in anything that was to hold his attention.
She suspected something amiss, for the maid who carried up the news had added that the widow was "in a pretty pore," and wore not so much as a shawl over her indoor garments.
For years all the indoor servants, chosen by Mrs. a Cleeve, had been Roman Catholics.
Almost immediately a man, pale-faced, with full dark eyes and olive complexion, dressed in the sombre garb of an indoor servant, stood at his elbow.
You are very good," he said, "but I was never much good at indoor games.
It was years later that we learned about indoor plumbing having automatic cutoffs on the water supply to the bowls.
However, I remember one garage that had indoor plumbing.
The purpose of My Book of Indoor Games is to furnish amusement, entertainment and to be the means of sociability.
Slaves were commonly employed as indoor servants, and hence the term Kahar came to be almost synonymous with a slave.
From being a palanquin-bearer the Kahar became the regular indoorservant of Hindu households.
As the Kahar was the common indoor servant in Hindu houses so apparently he came to be employed in the same capacity by the English.
But he could not bear the indoor life; to be chained all day long to a desk would have been intolerable to him; it would have killed him; he needed such a life as would give him a great deal of time in the open air.
The agricultural women either go out to field-work or become indoor servants.
Dramatic suspense" was probably first used as a term in connection with this indoor sport.
Ivies, grown in zinc boxes and trained on trellises for indoor screens, are here out of doors in the shade.
A pleasant feature of Trentham is the Bowling Alley—formerly the Orangery Arcade—which affords an almost unique and very pleasingindoor pastime for the family and friends.
A solitary life, immured within four walls, with its indoor twilight and heavy smell of decaying furniture, disposes people to sentimentality.
He was wearing a short reefer jacket and indoor slippers; he walked like a man with the gout, rolling slightly from side to side and rubbing his hands.
In Europe, particularly in Belgium and Holland, and outdoor festival and fair; in the United States, generally an indoor entertainment and fair combined.
But while the outdoor air is pure, the indoor may be foul.
It does equally well for indoor gymnasium or for campfire in the woods.
The Chicago studio of this concern is one of the wonders of cinematography, for not only has it a great building in which indoor plays are filmed, but a great land reserve for outdoor productions.
Although concrete has been used for many years in making garden furniture, Edison's plan for making finished indoor pieces with it is entirely new.
It had been her custom to hire musicians from the city to give a little recital, and then serve light refreshments, and allow the latter part of the evening to be spent in indoor games, or dancing.
Illustration] This book is the product of years of study and the practical trying-out of every conceivable form of indoor entertainment.
I looked at her with surprise as I fetched her little indoor slippers.
With your money," I told her, "you could provide that hospital with any number of indoor maids to do the work!
The light in the living-room made her blink, after all that outdoor twilight and the indoor darkness of her room upstairs.
The former practice is known as outdoor relief, the latter as indoor relief.
The corpulent person finds it difficult to get about with ease, the cripple finds himself debarred from certain occupations, the person with weak lungs must shun certain climates and as far as possible must avoid indoor pursuits.
Authority and instruction are as necessary as in school; indeed, playgrounds are a supplement to the indoor education of American children.
The peasant woman of Europe still works in the fields, but American women long ago confined themselves to indoor tasks, except in the gathering of special crops like cotton and cranberries.
As it is mainly the need for exercise that forces people out into the air, indoor life comes to be the main portion of existence.
The weather being so moderate in Australia, parks so attractive, and bathing beaches so convenient to the coast cities, indoor life loses its charm.
Some of the officers gathered in the little saloon every evening, when the hours were whiled away until bedtime by indoor amusements.
He painted Biblical subjects in a familiar manner, indoor scenes of humble life, village fairs, and, later, river and sea views.
Afterwards Dou devoted himself to scenes of indoor genre, and herein "he spent as much time in imitating an indentation on a copper stewpan as he devoted to a dimple in the refulgent cheek of beauty.
It is difficult to get an indoor range large enough for practice at moving objects.
Things which would not be done in an indoor range seem to come natural to some men when in an out-of-doors range.
The old man who was his indoorfactotum came at the same moment to the foot of the stairs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indoor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.