Here it was that the Home was ruined under the very shadow of the Church, white and black; here habits of shiftlessness took root, and sullen hopelessness replaced hopeful strife.
And, indeed, the merchants tell many a true tale of shiftlessness and cheating; of cotton picked at night, mules disappearing, and tenants absconding.
They were often lazy and shiftless, but they never deified laziness and shiftlessness or made them into a cult.
That's just the lazy shiftlessness of your folks," responded Ezekiel with prompt ungallantry.
Here was no poverty, but the shiftlessnessof a sot, trampling good things into the mire!
Yet, under this surface elegance and display, one could scarcely choose but note how everywhere an amazing shiftlessness reigned in the patroon's house.
It not only runs the continual risk of encouraging shiftlessness and dependence, but it does not go to the root of the matter.
Wells remarks, "We do but emerge now from a period of deliberate happy- go-lucky and the influence of Herbert Spencer, who came near raising public shiftlessness to the dignity of a natural philosophy.
A person who has too great physical shiftlessness gets a bed-sore.
Not shiftlessness in the sense of a general moral accusation, but as a failure of adjustment--maladjustment, due to shiftlessness in the sense of an inability to shift when there is a need for it.
A third kind of shiftlessness one might call domestic shiftlessness.
Dirk was a great broad-shouldered, slouching fellow, with a general air of shiftlessnessabout him.
True, it would be much lonelier, but that was far more endurable than the sight of such shiftlessness and ignorance.
But you've got to remember that it was the easy shiftlessness of the South that made such conditions possible.
If it could be believed that this shiftlessness is due to the late state of slavery, the explanation would not do away with the existing conditions.
It cannot be accounted for by color prejudice at the North; it is related to the known shiftlessness and irresponsibility of a great portion of the negro population.
Nothing will end the moral shiftlessness of this country but the death of the freebooter.
The eating-house, the rooms and hallways, were all of that desolate shabbiness which comes from shiftlessness joined with poverty.
The colonel had never thought of young Dudley as being at all energetic, but so ill-kept a place argued shiftlessness in a marked degree.
A general air ofshiftlessness and squalor pervaded the settlement.
To some people Yankee thrift is disagreeable; to others, Southern shiftlessness is intolerable.
The incident shows, as well as anything, the barrenness and shiftlessness of the region.
Shiftlessness and laziness are frequently found in the lists of causes of dependence used by charity organization societies, from 10 to 15 per cent of the cases of distress being attributed more or less to these causes.
Hence the contagion of crime and shiftlessness spreads to decent families and tends to undermine them.
Commonly it is a symbol ofshiftlessness and unconcern.
Right here is the basis for much of what strangers call shiftlessnessamong the mountaineers.
This begetting of shiftlessness in men, who are buoyed up to the point of self-supporting labor only by the dependence of their families upon them, is an incidental but a significant result of factory life upon women.
At the set time for the disbursement of alms, the mendicants thronged the institution, and, by the liberality of the donors, were encouraged to continue in a life of shiftlessness and beggary.
Of all theshiftlessness I ever heard of, Peter Lane," she said angrily, "you beat all!
He could imagine her tone as she put her hands on her hips and looked him over and said, "Well, of all the shiftlessness I ever heard tell of!