This may very well be explained: as each member of the community is individually isolated and extremely powerless, no one of the whole body can either defend himself or present a rallying point to others.
Citizens who are individually powerless, do not very clearly anticipate the strength which they may acquire by uniting together; it must be shown to them in order to be understood.
I know not, upon the whole, whether society loses by the change, but I am inclined to believe that man individually is a gainer by it.
The average angle on the right differs in the Eskimo but very slightly from that on the left, though individually there are frequent unequalities.
These Tory leaders are better peopleindividually than the average; why cast them for the villains of the piece?
What the pilot is, what the sails are, what the wheel and the propelling power are, individually and collectively to the ship--so is the librarian to the library.
It might emanate from different sources: from the state and national library associations and departments working on the public generally; and from the libraries themselves, individually working on their own communities.
These chiefs certainly ran the same risk we did; but I verily believe many of these persons would individually sacrifice themselves to rid their country of us.
As far as we are individually concerned, Khojeh Meer has been very civil to us: he sells us grain whenever we can manage to send an Affghan servant on a yaboo to purchase it.
As a general rule, the inferior organizations are individually more short-lived than the superior.
All the supposed modifications, therefore, have taken place within the limits of an actual descent of one kind of animal from another, each successive pair belonging to the species from which they were individually generated.
You are not to take upon yourself individually to determine, by any standard of utility applied to a particular case, that you can rightfully kill a human being.
We thus have a sure scientific basis for the moral intuitions which we do not individually stay to analyze when we are called upon to determine the morality or the immorality of certain actions.
These may be termed concrete political issues, as opposed to basic truths generally accepted and theories individually entertained.
Individually speaking, I was evidently intended for an Englishman.
A much larger part of the profit than in England is devoted to propaganda and common purposes, though a part is also paid to the consumers individually in the form of checks exchangeable for bread or other goods.
Also the great American nation, which individually never shuts a door behind its noble self, very seldom attempts to put back anything that it has taken from Nature's shelves.
There is a class of tourists, and a strangely large one, whoindividually never get farther than the "much pleased" state under any circumstances.
Those who believe that there is any power to stop all the harmful manifestations of man's instincts, either individually or en masse, do not understand the fundamental nature of man.
Can the conclusion be evaded that individuallyand collectively we constantly teeter on the brink of a precipice?
They were socially ostracized and individually boycotted.
The people went to the temple not only en masse for festivals, but individually for help.
Several of the Kaffirs leapt forward and pulled at the ring individually without success.
She embraces all humanity as her children, without shackling them with conditions, either individually or tribal.
Scott's romances in prose and verse are still so universally known as to make any review of them here individually an impertinence.
The despot or the bureaucracy will beindividually corrupt, especially in the lower branches of the system, and hatefully unfeeling.
The oligarchy will be luxurious and corporately corrupt, and individually somewhat despicable, with a sort of softness about it in morals and in military affairs.
I know some of the percipients who have seen him individually and collectively.
But after we had stood stock still for a few moments, their alarm went off, and they began to settle each individuallyin his own place.
McLeod, that McLeod could be proceeded against individually on an indictment for arson and murder, though his acts had been subsequently averred by the British Government.
The first relief principle is that relief should be given individually and privately in the home, and that the head of the family should be conferred with on all questions of relief.
If I do not name also my friends and fellow-workers here in Baltimore, it is not because I fail to bear them individually most gratefully in mind.
The immanent Christ is ever urging man individually and collectively toward such decision.
The form in which we each should live was not as yet individually created and distributed to us, but there already existed the seminal nature from which we were propagated.
The character of actions as virtuous or vicious would by no means be determined alone by the personal advantage or disadvantage of each moral agent individually considered.
So far as thought is concerned, the same will take place with regard to use, individually considered, after death, as had place before our birth.
The grappling of states individually with large industrial problems is now, he says, at an end.
Even in politics it is not so much by the desire to participate in government that we have shown our democratic spirit as by the desire not to be individually governed.
To defend the honor and the integrity of this person, one is willing to sacrifice everything that is individually possessed, in causes that can affect one materially in no important way.
It is true they are rich in landed property, but their riches do not enable them to live individually in luxury.
The monks individuallyare as poor as the proverbial church mouse.
In ten other cases he was successfully sued and judgments were obtained against him individually or jointly with others.
Resolved, That we pledge ourselves, individually and collectively, to prevent a recurrence of a similar tragedy and to ferret out and hand over to the criminal authorities the perpetrators for punishment.