The Greek name for the indictment was Graphê Paranomôn which may be translated literally Indictment for Illegality[167].
Can there be any more damning indictment of such a system?
They have proved the indictment up to the hilt, but that does not dower any of us Christians with their inherent qualifications as rulers in Islam.
He has also left on record an indictment of proselytisers that will endure for all time.
The worst indictment of Jeddah (and Mecca too, for that matter) is made by the pilgrims themselves, though some of it may be exaggerated by men smarting under the extortions of pilgrim-brokers.
This indictment is not only unjust, but it recoils on Western civilisation.
We hear of him again very shortly afterwards, for on 31 July, at Derby assizes, came on an indictment charging the Marquis of Waterford, Sir F.
To this indictment by Leslie Stephen we reply that it has cogency only so long as we ignore the fact of human sin.
Atlee has drawn a long indictment against me, and the fellow has done me good service in giving me something to plead to.
He affirmed that, since his arrest, there had been a session of the grand jury in his district and that it had adjourned without finding an indictment against him.
What anindictment of Germany from her own confession!
Let us dismiss the general indictment that has all too long hung over business enterprise.
But Tertullian's strength is in attack, not in defence; and his apology passes almost at once into a fierce indictment of paganism, painted in all the gaudiest colours of African rhetoric.
In the morning he would give all his proofs of her guilt to the French authorities, and let the law take its course--but to-night he would make her come there to his apartment and hear from him an indictment of her crimes.
Sir Everard Digby was the only conspirator who pleaded "guilty," and he was arraigned by a different Indictment from that which charged the rest of the surviving conspirators.
Into this controversy Ferrier plunged by writing a formidable indictment of Coleridge's position in Blackwood's Magazine for March of 1840.
When it comes it will be a far graver indictment than that which precipitated the 'Besant v.
The indictment was opened by Sir Edward Philips, one of the king's sergeants-at-law.
In the indictment the various names of the prisoners were specified; from which document we gather that he was known under different designations according to circumstances.
The indictment charged the prisoner, with concurring with Catesby, and the other conspirators, in the plot against the king and the state.
In 1767 a working silversmith was prosecuted by indictment upon Stat.
An indictmentof the road lies at common law, if it becomes unfit for traffic, even at the instance of any party using the road, though he does not pay any part of the rate.
Yet lest their mildness should perchance Be craftily abused, To show him the indictment they Most sturdily refused.
That if in his indictment there Appeared to be a flaw-- The court assigned him counsellors, To argue on the doubt, Provided he himself had first Contrived to point it out.
On that day we moved to quash the indictmentand for a new trial, partly on a technical ground and partly on the ground that the verdict, having acquitted us of wrong motive, was in our favour, not against us.
On this the Court did not agree with us, holding that the part of the indictment alleging corrupt motive was superfluous.
Miss Stisted's indictment of Lady Burton on this point falls under three heads: First, that Sir Richard was dead before the priest arrived.
This, in brief, is the sum and substance of Stisted's indictment of Lady Burton on this point.
While I was in Newgate, waiting for my trial, I was greatly alarmed lest the old gentleman, whom I had robbed at the auction mart, should prefer an indictment against me; but my fears in this respect were unfounded.
No jury was impanelled, no indictment was read, no evidence was heard, but the prisoners were reviled by the bench as Anabaptists, and when they repudiated the name were asked if they did not deny infant baptism.
A species of indictment was then prepared in which they were charged with publishing seditious libels against the Church of Christ and the civil government.
A committee having recommended the indictment of Collot d'Herbois and three other Terrorists, there ensued the rising of the 12th Germinal (April 1).
A committee of twenty-one was chosen to frame the indictment against Louis, and on the 11th of December he was brought to the bar for the first time to hear the charges read.
It will be observed that the first count in the indictment against William White and others, doc.
It was probably manslaughter, but the jury sustained the indictment for murder.
Lady Glencore's beauty and her vast fortune were now counts in the indictment against her, and many a jealous rival was not sorry at this hour of humiliation.
Every one framed the indictment to his own taste; nor was the wrong the less grievous that none could give it a name.
Whether we plead guilty or not guilty to this ingeniousindictment depends altogether on the meaning assigned to the term "consistency.
Smith, writing in opposition to vegetarianism, allows that the indictment of the slaughter-house "hits a grievous blot on our much-vaunted civilization.
To this indictment he has pleaded that he is not guilty, and your charge is to inquire whether he be guilty or not and to hearken to the evidence.
Now, however, the American indictment bears testimony to the accuracy of my forebodings.